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Michael BeallFrom: AutoCAD Productivity Articles #88
Originally published: April 2010

Object Selection Cycling in A2011

by Michael Beall

Selection previewNote: This is one of many circumstances when the ‘Selection Preview’ feature is quite useful. I highly recommend you keep the default settings for this feature, per the checks shown in this box found on the Selections tab of the Options dialog box [Application menuOptions].

AutoCAD 2011

AutoCAD 2011 improved upon the Selection Cycling feature that can now be toggled on from the Status bar. If you're using the icons, it's the last one in line. If you have disabled the icons, you will see SC.

Status Bar

How to Cycle Through Stacked Objects with AutoCAD 2011

  1. Overlapping objectsOpen a drawing that you know has an overlapping line condition, then launch the desired edit command (this only works with editing commands - such as Move, Erase, etc. - where a pickbox will appear).

  2. Launch any editing command - Move, Copy, Erase, etc. - then click Selection Cycling on the Status bar.

  3. When prompted to ‘Select Objects’, position your cursor over a location where you know the lines overlap. A double-box icon will be displayed above your cursor which, essentially, confirms that more than one line lies below the cursor position.

  4. Selection dialog boxWhen you click that location, the Selection dialog box appears, listing the object types that share that location, along with their color.

  5. Position your cursor over an item in the list and the associated object highlights in the drawing.

  6. To select the highlighted object, click the item in the list and the Selection dialog box closes.

This is the most elegant idea for this process they have had to date.

See all the articles published in April 2010

See this article in the April 2010 Corner

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