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Michael Beall

Michael Beall

Michael E. Beall is the owner of AutoCAD Trainer Guy, LLC in Shelbyville, KY near Louisville. Mr. Beall provides professional, onsite, customized, hands-on, application-specific training on all versions of the core AutoCAD product, including AutoCAD LT.

For New Riders Publishing, he served as the Development Editor for Inside AutoCAD 2000 , co-authored AutoCAD 14 Fundamentals, and contributed to five other AutoCAD titles published by NRP. Most recently Mr. Beall authored AutoCAD 2006: Transitioning from AutoCAD 2002 to AutoCAD 2006 (Autodesk Official Training Courseware) published by Autodesk, Inc.

Michael has been presenting CAD training seminars to the A&D community, corporate facility departments and the contract furniture industry since 1982. He has been training systems furniture dealers on CAP (2020 Technologies) since 1987 and AutoCAD since 1990. He has presented a Technology Track AutoCAD Toolbelt session at the NeoCon World's Trade Fair ( since 2003 and presented a similar session at the 2005 Autodesk University ( In 2005 Michael also gave the Keynote Address at the National Collegiate FM Technology Conference ( held at Iowa State University.

He is an Autodesk Certified Instructor (ACI) at the University of Louisville AutoCAD Training Center where he has received Autodesk's Instructional Quality Award' in 1997 and 2000 and the Instructional Quality Award in Industry Training' in 2000. These awards are presented to the top dozen trainers within Autodesk's worldwide Authorized Training Center network. From 1998-2001 Michael was a presenter for the nationally recognized Mastering Today's AutoCAD' conference series developed by Hugh Bathurst.

Mr. Beall received his Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Cincinnati (UC/DAA, 1978). Visit his website at for additional information on available training, AutoCAD tips, downloads, and references. Additional AutoCAD insights can be found at where he writes the monthly column, "Michael's Corner".

"The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9

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4th February 2025

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