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CADTutor provides the best free tutorials and articles for AutoCAD, 3ds Max and associated applications along with a friendly community forum. If you need to learn AutoCAD, or you want to be more productive, you're in the right place. See our tip of the day to start learning right now!
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The Tutorials section provides over 100 original tutorials for AutoCAD, 3ds Max and other design applications. Michael’s Corner is an archive of productivity articles that brings you the best AutoCAD tips and tricks. Our Forum is a lively community where AutoCAD users can ask questions and get answers. The Downloads area provides free AutoCAD blocks, free AutoLISP routines and free images.
Tutorials of the Moment
Recently viewed tutorials
The first and perhaps most crucial stage in creating a 3D landscape scene is the creation of accurate and seamless surfaces. This tutorial explores a number (not all) of techniques for creating quick and accurate surfaces from 2D lines and should give the user a feel for the range of tools available. Format: Text/Image
Last visited: less than one minute ago
Creating a Walkthrough
This tutorial shows how to create an animated walkthrough of your AutoCAD 3D model using 3DS MAX 5. All you need to start is an AutoCAD drawing with some 3D content. The end result will be a .AVI file which can be viewed on any Windows PC. Format: Text/Image
Last visited: 2 minutes ago
Stage 7: Setup Views
Quickscape uses ONE camera for still views. This is tied into Image Object functionality where images of people and trees and shrubs are mapped onto planes and "look at" the camera. This tutorial explains how to setup views using Quickscape View Manager. Format: Text/Image
Last visited: 3 minutes ago
3D Tree Exercise
The object behind this exercise is twofold. Firstly it is to give you practice with some of the 3D techniques which you have discovered in the tutorials or to introduce you to them if you haven't seen them before. Secondly it is to demonstrate a reasonably simple method for constructing a convincing 3D tree. Format: Text/Image
Last visited: 4 minutes ago
AutoCAD 2010: The User Interface - Part 3
This video tutorial completes your guided tour of the AutoCAD 2010 user interface. Running time: 4min 04sec Format: Video
Last visited: 5 minutes ago
AutoCAD 2010: 3D Scale & 3D Align
This tutorial introduces the 3D Scale and 3D Align tools. Although 3D Scale is a bit of a damp squib, 3D Align is very powerful and can get you out of all sorts of scrapes if you know how to use it correctly. Running time: 3min 42sec Format: Video
Last visited: 5 minutes ago
CADTutor Tutorials
Our tutorials are comprehensive but straightforward introductions to AutoCAD and related software. They are designed to help beginners get to grips with design workflows as quickly as possible. There are over 100 to choose from, some text/image based and others in video format. Whatever stage you are at in your learning, you should find a tutorial to help.
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Help with DCL insert block lisp
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Printing one file with multiple drawings seperately
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Ceiling Height
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Need Advice on Diagnosing and Repairing a Laptop That Won’t Power On
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subfix in dimension...
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This Week's Hot Topics
Undoing variable incremental
by Fidelojo
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while loop not stopping
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Extract variables assigned using `setq` into notepad
by Nikon
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Viewed: 453 times
Help with DCL insert block lisp
by mhy3sx
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Viewed: 238 times
simple Lisp to copy text ("TEXT" "MTEXT" "ATTRIB") and paste it to another attribute like TTC.lsp or CTX
by extrawurscht
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Viewed: 208 times
by maahee
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CADTutor Forums
Our forum is a vibrant community of experts and beginners. The main focus is helping beginners get to grips with AutoCAD and to help more advanced users become more productive. The AutoLISP forum is one of the busiest out there, providing expert advice for busy professionals.
AutoCAD Productivity
Tool Palette Basics
From: AutoCAD Productivity Articles #144
Originally published: February 2016
I learned something new about tool palettes last year — thanks to Nate at Wellcare in Tampa — and I wanted to pass it along. It's a trick that I should have thought of and can be used in a number of situations in AutoCAD. Specifically, the Ctrl key!
Short version: Rather than doing a right-click Copy / right-click Paste — which always put the copy at the bottom of the tab — simply hold down Ctrl, then drag & drop.
How to Copy Tools Onto and Between Tabs on a Tool Palette
Open the Tool Palette (Ctrl + 3). [For future reference, if you're new to palettes, I have a sample palette on my website, complete with a block source drawing and instructions.]
To copy a tool below itself, hold down Ctrl, select the tool, then drag it down a smidge and release. You should see a very small plus-sign at your cursor indicating that you are making a copy.
To copy a tool between tabs, hold down Ctrl, then drag your cursor onto another tab and hold it there. You will initially see a No-Can-Do sign, but then it will flip over to that tab.
Drag your tool to the desired location — you will see the same plus-sign at your cursor — then release!
See all the articles published in February 2016
Michael's Corner
Between 2003 and 2016, Michael Beall (and one or two guests) wrote almost 600 articles for CADTutor. The focus of these articles is AutoCAD productivity, and although some of them are now more than a few years old, most remain relevant to current versions of AutoCAD. The article above is just one example. Check out Michael's Corner for a full listing.
Image of the Week
3rd – 9th March 2025
This week's image is by papagyi
Software used: 3ds Max
Last Week's Image
Last week's image is by Marty Evans
Software used: AutoCAD 2008
Two Weeks Ago
This image is by papagyi
Software used: AutoCAD 2008
Three Weeks Ago
This image is by Red333
Software used: AutoCAD Architecture 2009
Gallery of Work
Over the years, our forum members have contributed hundreds of images, showcasing their amazing work. The images above are just a small selection that demonstrate the wide range of project types our community is involved with. Take a look at our gallery to see all the images published in the last 12 months.
Tip of the Day
AutoCAD Expert
Are you an expert in AutoCAD? Well according to Autodesk you aren't, well not unless you tell the program otherwise. The EXPERT system variable (default 0) can be changed so that annoying "Are you sure?" commands will go away. Here is the list and what they do:
- EXPERT = 0
- Issues all prompts normally.
- EXPERT = 1
- Suppresses "About to regen, proceed?" and "Really want to turn the current layer off?"
- EXPERT = 2
- Suppresses the preceding prompts and "Block already defined. Redefine it?" (BLOCK) and "A drawing with this name already exists. Overwrite it?" (SAVE or WBLOCK).
- EXPERT = 3
- Suppresses the preceding prompts and those issued by the LINETYPE command if you try to load a linetype that's already loaded or create a new linetype in a file that already defines that linetype.
- EXPERT = 4
- Suppresses the preceding prompts and those issued by UCS Save and VPORTS Save if the name you supply already exists.
- EXPERT = 5
- Suppresses the prompt, "That name is already in Use, redefine it?" issued by the -DIMSTYLE Save option when you supply the name of an existing dimension style.
Missed a Tip?
Did you miss yesterday's tip? Maybe you forgot to drop by or maybe you don't visit over the weekend. If so, you can now see all the tips published during the past week. Also, if you have a tip you'd like to share with us, you can post it on our forum and if we like it, we'll publish it here.