This tutorial gives a brief explanation of the MAX interface items commonly used and introduces you to the important areas of the interface. Explanations of how to use certain tools and how they fit into the workflow is the subject of subsequent Key Fundamentals (16kb)
The menu bar is a good place to start exploring the functionality of MAX / VIZ. Other commands are accessed elsewhere, either on the toolbars, command panel, quad menus or via keyboard shortcuts. Key Fundamentals covers the following menus as an introduction to the MAX / VIZ interface (shaded items)
Explore the following commonly used items on the Menu Bar:
These tools are further explained in Working with Objects
Select and Move
Select and Rotate
Select and Scale
This 'floater' is used to accurately move objects by typing values for X,Y,Z
Transform tools are further explained in 'KV02 Working with Objects'
3D Snap Toggle
Angle Snap Toggle
Percentage Snap Toggle
Spinner Snap Toggle
Snap tools are further explained in 'Working with Objects'
This is where you can name 'Selection Sets' for selecting multiple objects using the list. They are further explained in 'KV02 Working with Objects'
The Layer Manager organises and manages layers imported directrly from AutoCAD and can be used in conjunction with other object management tools. It is not covered in depth in Key Fundamentals but should be studied later
Material Editor - opens the Material Editor dialog
Render Scene - opens the Render Scene dialog
Render type - options for rendering. 'View' and 'Region' are the most used
Quick Render - renders the active viewport with the current render settings
These features are further explained in 'KV04 Lighting, Materials and Production'
The viewports enable you to view any part of the scene or any part of an object and are highly configurable for many modelling purposes. The configuration of viewports and how to navigate in 3D space is explained later in the tutorials
The Command Panel contains commands for creating and modifying objects, for assigning controllers for animation, display functions and extra utilities. Although many commands can be accessed elsewhere on the Menu Bar, toolbars and quad menus, Key Fundamentals uses the Command Panel to lead you through the modelling process
The navigation tools are an important element to master when learning to use MAX / VIZ. To easiliy navigate around objects and the scene in 3D space is the first step to being efficient and feeling comfortable with the programme. These tools are explained later in this tutorial
Time slider - shows the available frames and using the slider you can move animated objects in the scene
Auto Key
Time Configuration dialog
Playback controls - the animation can be played in the viewports using these buttons
Animating cameras and objects is covered in 'KV04 Lighting, Materials and Production'
The Status bar gives information regarding the position of the selected object and a prompt for available commands
Selection Lock Toggle - a useful button to keep the selection of objects locked whilst navigating around the scene
The MAXScript Listener enables repetative tasks to be recorded and macros to be quickly setup on toolbars. This is not covered in Key Fundamentals
MAX / VIZ enables the user to access commands in a number of ways. As well as using the commands from the Menu Bar, Main Toolbar and Command Panel, right click menus and quad menus offer other ways of implementing your favourite commands
Right click menus and Quad Menus are well used feature of MAX / VIZ. Practice right clicking over parts of the interface, even icons, to access a variety right click menus
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24th March 2025