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Code for mathematical calculations of two numbers

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Help me fix the errors.
The division operation is not highlighted
When selecting MTEXT, the code returns an error: invalid argument type: stringp nil.


(defun getNumericValue (ent / edata val str1 str3)
  (setq edata (entget ent))
    ;; TEXT
    ((equal (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "TEXT")
     (setq val (cdr (assoc 1 edata))))  
    ;; MTEXT
    ((equal (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "MTEXT")

     (setq str1 (cdr (assoc 1 edata)))
     (setq str3 (cdr (assoc 3 edata)))  
     (setq val (strcat str1 str3))      
     (setq val "0") 
  (atof val)

(defun c:CalcTwoTxt ( / lastOp prompt op ent1 ent2 v1 v2 result inspt validOps)
  (setq validOps '("*" "+" "-" "/")) 

  (setq lastOp (getenv "CALC_TXT_LAST_OP"))

  (setq prompt (strcat "\nSelect an operation [*/+/-//] <" (if lastOp lastOp "") ">: "))

  (setq op (getstring "\nSelect an operation [*/+/-//]: "))

  (if (= op "") (setq op lastOp))

  (if (not (member op validOps))
(alert "An invalid operation. The operation is used \"+\".")
           (setq op "+")

  (setenv "CALC_TXT_LAST_OP" op)

  (setq ent1 (car (entsel "\nSelect the first text or MTEXT: ")))
  (if (null ent1) (exit)) 

  (setq ent2 (car (entsel "\nSelect the second text or MTEXT: ")))
  (if (null ent2) (exit)) 

  (setq v1 (getNumericValue ent1))
  (setq v2 (getNumericValue ent2))

    ((= op "*") (setq result (* v1 v2)))
    ((= op "+") (setq result (+ v1 v2)))
    ((= op "-") (setq result (- v1 v2)))
    ((= op "/")
      (if (zerop v2)
        (setq result 0.0)
        (setq result (/ v1 v2))
    (T (setq result 0.0)) 

  (setq inspt (getpoint "\nSpecify the insertion point of the result: "))
  (if (null inspt) (exit))

  (command "_.TEXT" inspt "2.5" "0" (rtos result 2 2) "")



Hi Nikon

Probably: '(cdr (assoc 3 edata))' is nil


Since it's not a text string and you want to concatenate it with '(cdr (assoc 1 edata))', it gets 'indigestible' and 'erupts': stringp nil'


  • Thanks 1
  On 3/21/2025 at 12:19 PM, GLAVCVS said:

Since it's not a text string and you want to concatenate it with '(cdr (assoc 1 edata))', it gets 'indigestible' and 'erupts': stringp nil'


And how to write it correctly in the code?


Whereever in the code occurs v1 or v2, change them to (atof v1) and (atof v2)...

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I see Marko probably already knows the problem and the solution.

But if not, what do you hope to achieve with '(cdr (assoc 3 edata))'?

  On 3/21/2025 at 12:30 PM, GLAVCVS said:

But if not, what do you hope to achieve with '(cdr (assoc 3 edata))'?


Most of the texts are stored in code group 1,
     but if they are longer than 250 characters, the additional text goes to code group 3.
     (setq str1 (cdr (assoc 1 edata)))
     (setq str3 (cdr (assoc 3 edata)))  ; it can be nil if there are no additional lines. 

But I'm not sure if this is correct.


I think the quickest way to clarify this is to attach a drawing.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/21/2025 at 12:23 PM, marko_ribar said:

Whereever in the code occurs v1 or v2, change them to (

atof v1) and (atof v2)...


error: syntax error

(defun getNumericValue (ent / edata val str1 str3)
 (setq edata (entget ent))
 ;; TEXT
 ((equal (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "TEXT")
 (setq val (cdr (assoc 1 edata)))) 
 ((equal (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "MTEXT")

 (setq str1 (cdr (assoc 1 edata)))
 (setq str3 (cdr (assoc 3 edata))) 
 (setq val (strcat str1 str3)) 
 (setq val "0") 
 (atof val)

(defun c:CalcTwoTxt ( / lastOp prompt op ent1 ent2 atof v1 atof v2 result inspt validOps)
 (setq validOps '("*" "+" "-" "/")) 

 (setq lastOp (getenv "CALC_TXT_LAST_OP"))

 (setq prompt (strcat "\nSelect an operation [*/+/-//] <" (if lastOp lastOp "") ">: "))

 (setq op (getstring "\nSelect an operation [*/+/-//]: "))

 (if (= op "") (setq op lastOp))

 (if (not (member op validOps))
(alert "An invalid operation. The operation is used \"+\".")
 (setq op "+")

 (setenv "CALC_TXT_LAST_OP" op)

 (setq ent1 (car (entsel "\nSelect the first text or MTEXT: ")))
 (if (null ent1) (exit)) 

 (setq ent2 (car (entsel "\nSelect the second text or MTEXT: ")))
 (if (null ent2) (exit)) 

 (setq (atof v1) (getNumericValue ent1))
 (setq (atof v2) (getNumericValue ent2))

 ((= op "*") (setq result (* (atof v1) (atof v2))))
 ((= op "+") (setq result (+ (atof v1) (atof v2))))
 ((= op "-") (setq result (- (atof v1) (atof v2))))
 ((= op "/")
 (if (zerop (atof v2))
 (setq result 0.0)
 (setq result (/ (atof v1) (atof v2)))
 (T (setq result 0.0)) 

 (setq inspt (getpoint "\nSpecify the insertion point of the result: "))
 (if (null inspt) (exit))

 (command "_.TEXT" inspt "2.5" "0" (rtos result 2 2) "")


Edited by Nikon
(atof v1) (atof v2)
  On 3/21/2025 at 12:46 PM, GLAVCVS said:

I think the quickest way to clarify this is to attach a drawing.


I have simple operations with numbers, the drawing will not clarify anything.😉

  On 3/21/2025 at 12:54 PM, Nikon said:

Tengo operaciones sencillas con números, el dibujo no me aclara nada.😉




Nikon, you forgot to add open and closing brackets for v1 and v2... Like I said it should be : (atof v1) and (atof v2)...

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Posted (edited)
  On 3/21/2025 at 3:59 PM, marko_ribar said:

Nikon, you forgot to add open and closing brackets for v1 and v2... Like I said it should be : (atof v1) and (atof v2)...


Unfortunately, error: syntax error

Edited by Nikon

In numerical functions, 


    ;; TEXT
    ((equal (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "TEXT")
     (setq val (cdr (assoc 1 edata))))  
    ;; MTEXT
    ((equal (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "MTEXT")

     (setq str1 (cdr (assoc 1 edata)))
     (setq str3 (cdr (assoc 3 edata)))  
     (setq val (strcat str1 str3))      


could probably be just


    ;; TEXT
    ((equal (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "*TEXT")
     (setq val (cdr (assoc 1 edata)))


reason being in text. assoc 3 comes into things if the text string is over 256 characters long... which is a very very big number.

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

Cold try this as a modification, keeping your method:


Putting getNumericValue as a subroutine (I find that better for these forum LISPs, copy and paste 1 routine rather than several), getNumericValue altered. I didn't test for mtexts numbers over 256 characters - it should work if you really really want to.


Changed the order in the main routine a bit, calculates and reports the value of the 'v's just after selection - handy to have a confirmation of the selected value just after selection


Works in my quick tests



(defun c:CalcTwoTxt ( / lastOp prompt op ent1 ent2 v1 v2 result inspt validOps)
  (defun getNumericValue (ent / edata val str1 str3)
    (setq edata (entget ent))
    (setq val 0)
    (if (or (equal (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "TEXT")(equal (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "MTEXT"))
        (setq val (cdr (assoc 1 edata)))
        (if (assoc 3 edata) (setq val (strcat str1 str3)))
      ) ; end progn
    (princ val)
    (atof val)

  (setq validOps '("*" "+" "-" "/")) 
  (setq lastOp (getenv "CALC_TXT_LAST_OP"))
  (setq prompt (strcat "\nSelect an operation [*/+/-/\/] <" (if lastOp lastOp "") ">: "))
  (setq op (getstring "\nSelect an operation [*/+/-/]: "))
  (if (= op "") (setq op lastOp))
  (if (not (member op validOps))
      (alert "An invalid operation. The operation is used \"+\".")
      (setq op "+")

  (setenv "CALC_TXT_LAST_OP" op)
  (setq ent1 (car (entsel "\nSelect the first text or MTEXT: ")))
  (if (null ent1) (exit)) 
  (setq v1 (getNumericValue ent1))

  (setq ent2 (car (entsel "\nSelect the second text or MTEXT: ")))
  (if (null ent2) (exit)) 
  (setq v2 (getNumericValue ent2))

    ((= op "*") (setq result (* v1 v2)))
    ((= op "+") (setq result (+ v1 v2)))
    ((= op "-") (setq result (- v1 v2)))
    ((= op "/")
      (if (zerop v2)
        (setq result 0.0)
        (setq result (/ v1 v2))
    (T (setq result 0.0)) 

  (setq inspt (getpoint "\nSpecify the insertion point of the result: "))
  (if (null inspt) (exit))

  (command "_.TEXT" inspt "2.5" "0" (rtos result 2 2) "")


Edited by Steven P
  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

My way, if can be a pleasure...

(defun ExtractNumber (str / l rslt)
      '(lambda (x)
        (if (and (> x 44) (< x 58) (/= x 47)) x 32)
      (vl-string->list str)
      '(lambda (x y)
        (if (not (= x y 32)) x)
      (append (cdr l) '(32))
    l (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (eq (type x) 'INT) x) l)
    l (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (not (eq x 32)) x (list nil))) l)
  (eval (read (strcat "(setq rslt (list " (apply 'strcat (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (not (listp x)) (chr x) " ")) l)) "))")))
(defun c:CalcTwoTxt ( / ss1 ss2 val1 val2 op rslt inspt)
  (princ "\nSelect first text")
  (while (not (setq ss1 (ssget "_+.:E:S" '((0 . "*TEXT"))))))
  (princ "\nSelect second text")
  (while (not (setq ss2 (ssget "_+.:E:S" '((0 . "*TEXT"))))))
  (setq val1 (extractnumber (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (ssname ss1 0))))))
  (setq val2 (extractnumber (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (ssname ss2 0))))))
    ((and val1 val2)
      (initget "* + - /")
      (setq op (getkword "\nSelect an operation [*/+/-/\/]? <+>: "))
      (if (not op) (setq op "+"))
      (if (and (eq op "/") (member 0 val2))
        (setq rslt 0.0)
        (setq rslt (apply (read op) (append val1 val2)))
      (initget 1)
      (setq inspt (getpoint "\nSpecify the insertion point of the result: "))
      (command "_.TEXT" inspt "2.5" "0" (rtos rslt 2 2))
    (T (princ "\No value found in text"))

NB:The extractnumber function recovers all the digital values contained in a text in the form of a list

(extractnumber "area floor = 45.60m², length 12.56m heigth = 2.12m") -> (45.6 12.56 2.12)

Edited by Tsuky
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Posted (edited)
  On 3/22/2025 at 12:20 AM, Tsuky said:

My way, if can be a pleasure...


@Tsuky HUGE thank. The division operation is  active, but there is one drawback.
Dividing a smaller number by a larger one gives 0.
For example, 5/10=0 or 5/550=0... decimal division works fine 05./50.5=0.9.


Is it possible to remember the last choice of operation?

Edited by Nikon
  On 3/21/2025 at 10:15 PM, Steven P said:

Cold try this as a modification, keeping your method:


Putting getNumericValue as a subroutine (I find that better for these forum LISPs, copy and paste 1 routine rather than several), getNumericValue altered. I didn't test for mtexts numbers over 256 characters - it should work if you really really want to.


Changed the order in the main routine a bit, calculates and reports the value of the 'v's just after selection - handy to have a confirmation of the selected value just after selection


Works in my quick tests


For some reason, the code gives an error...

; error: incorrectly generated list at the entrance


think I left in something I was trying - edited now

  • Thanks 1
  On 3/22/2025 at 9:39 PM, Steven P said:

think I left in something I was trying - edited now


Unfortunately, I can't check the code,  the same error.

; error: incorrectly generated list at the entrance

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