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Hello all, I am using inventor 2024 and I'm having trouble creating some geometry features.

I have a Geometry which is a ring but instead of 2 concentric circle as the rails (2D version), the rails are two ellipses or different proportions.

I want to cover it in ridges that run the length of the ring section and repeat all the way around the body of the shape.

I have managed to sweep one ridge along the correct path. Does anyone know how I can make this ridge a pattern and have it repeating circular all the way around the ring body?

I have tried using the circular pattern function with the ridge as a feature and the central elipse (half way bwteen the two rails) as the axis but inventor doesnt want to use a curve as an axis in this function.




I have moved your thread to the Autodesk Inventor Forum. Please post in the appropriate Forum.


You also show AutoCAD 2024 as your CAD software.

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