Nikon Posted Saturday at 04:32 PM Posted Saturday at 04:32 PM (edited) This code sets the dimensions of the polygons. Please tell me in which line of the code it is possible to increase the indentation of the dimension line from the object. ;;; Programm for the dimensioning of all the polygon/polyline segments ;;; Polyline must be closed or opened oupping list ======;; (defun group-by-num (lst num / ls ret) (if (= (rem (length lst) num ) 0) (progn (setq ls nil) (repeat (/ (length lst) num) (repeat num (setq ls (cons (car lst) ls) lst (cdr lst))) (setq ret (append ret (list (reverse ls))) ls nil))) ) ret ) ;;======= get coordinates =======;; (defun get-vexs (pline_obj / verts) (setq verts (vlax-get pline_obj 'Coordinates) verts (cond ((wcmatch (vlax-get pline_obj 'Objectname ) "AcDb2dPolyline,AcDb3dPolyline") (group-by-num verts 3) ) ((eq (vlax-get pline_obj 'Objectname ) "AcDbPolyline") (group-by-num verts 2) ) (T nil) ) ) ) ;;======= get included angle =======;; (defun dif-angle (ang1 ang2 / def) (set 'ang1 (if (> ang2 (+ pi ang1)) (+ (* pi 2) ang1) ang1 ) ) (set 'ang2 (if (> ang1 (+ pi ang2)) (+ (* pi 2) ang2) ang2 ) ) (setq def (- ang2 ang1)) ) ;;======= CW-CCW test =======;; ;; (angdir=0) (defun ccw-test (pt_list / angle_list) (setq angle_list (mapcar (function (lambda (x y) (angle x y) ) ) pt_list (cdr pt_list) ) ) (if (> (apply '+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x y) (dif-angle x y))) angle_list (cdr angle_list) ) ) 0 ) t nil ) ) ;; *** main programm *** (defun C:dmp (/ *Error* *Debug* acsp adoc blg cen chord coors dm dop ent gap hgt mid param_list pl rad ss txp) ;Fatty () 2005 ;thanks to Robert R.Bell for the credit of error handler function (vl-load-com) (defun *Error* (msg) (cond ((not msg)) ((member msg '("Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))) ((princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)) (cond (*Debug* (vl-bt))) ) ) (vla-endundomark (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) ) (if (< (atof (getvar "ACADVER")) 15.06) (alert "Impossible to use this lisp \nin version less than A2000") (progn (vl-load-com) (or adoc (setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (or acsp (setq acsp (if (or (= (getvar "TILEMODE") 1) (> (getvar "CVPORT") 1)) (vla-get-modelspace adoc) (vla-get-paperspace adoc) ) ) ) (vla-startundomark adoc ) (if (setq ss (ssget "_:S:E:L" '((0 . "*POLYLINE")))) (progn (setq pl (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss 0) ) ) (setq coors (get-vexs pl)) (if (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-closed pl)) (setq coors (append coors (list (car coors))))) (if (ccw-test coors)(setq dop pi)(setq dop 0)) (setq param_list (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (fix (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint pl x)))) (mapcar (function (lambda (y)(trans y 0 1))) coors))) (setq gap (getvar "dimtxt")) (mapcar (function (lambda (x y z) (cond ((not (zerop (setq blg (vla-getbulge pl x)))) (progn (setq hgt (* 4 (atan (abs blg))) chord (distance y z) rad (abs (/ chord 2 (sin (/ hgt 2)))) mid (trans (vlax-curve-getpointatparam pl (+ (fix x) 0.5)) 0 1) cen (trans (polar y (if (minusp blg)(-(angle y z)(-(/ pi 2)(/ hgt 2))) (+(angle y z)(-(/ pi 2)(/ hgt 2)))) rad) 0 1) txp (trans (polar mid (if (minusp blg)(angle cen mid) (angle mid cen)) gap) 0 1) ) (setq dm (vla-adddim3pointangular acsp (vlax-3d-point cen) (vlax-3d-point y) (vlax-3d-point z) (vlax-3d-point txp))) (vla-put-textoverride dm (rtos (abs (- (vlax-curve-getdistatpoint pl y) (vlax-curve-getdistatpoint pl z))) 2 2))) ) (T (progn (setq mid (trans (vlax-curve-getpointatparam pl (+ (fix x) 0.5)) 0 1)) (setq txp (trans (polar mid (+ dop (angle y z) (/ pi 2)) gap) 0 1)) (vla-adddimaligned acsp (vlax-3d-point y) (vlax-3d-point z) (vlax-3d-point txp)) ) )))) param_list coors (cdr coors))) ) ) ) (vla-endundomark adoc ) (*Error* nil) (princ) ) (prompt "\n\t***\tProgramm loaded\t***\n") (prompt "\nStart command with DMP\n") (princ) Edited Saturday at 04:34 PM by Nikon Quote
marko_ribar Posted Saturday at 05:50 PM Posted Saturday at 05:50 PM Try changing this line : (setq gap (getvar "dimtxt")) To this line : (setq gap (* 2.0 (getvar "dimtxt"))) 2 Quote
Nikon Posted Saturday at 06:33 PM Author Posted Saturday at 06:33 PM (edited) On 2/1/2025 at 5:50 PM, marko_ribar said: Try changing this line : (setq gap (getvar "dimtxt")) To this line : (setq gap (* 2.0 (getvar "dimtxt"))) Thanks, it helped! Edited Saturday at 06:33 PM by Nikon Quote
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