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Well the problem in the topic has been going on for a couple of months now. It is inconsistent. A file that opens fast will all of a sudden take 20-30 seconds to fully load. Then some files that open slow open fast. Very puzzling. We are running windows 10 and currently Acad 2025, but it does the same thing on other versions of cad as well. The files size has no impact on the problem as very small files or large files have the intermittent problem. Has anyone else experienced this?

Any thoughts out there?



Is this a company problem, a few people, just you?


What exactly is AutoCAD doing when the drawing is loading? Does it slowly start showing objects or does it hang and suddenly load?


Are the files on a local drive, network or in the cloud?


Computer specifications?


Has IT looked into this?


Without knowing more details, sounds like an Anti-virus and/or firewall issue. There used to be issues with AutoCAD after the computer goes to sleep and needing a password to reopen, but I don't remember all the details.




Scroll to Issues not related to a specific drawing, though you should read it all anyway.



Network and operating system troubleshooting.

Uninstall and reinstall the .NET Framework. See How to remove and reinstall the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Uninstall and reinstall Visual C++. See How to remove and reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libraries.

Delay for drawings on OneDrive.

Open File Explorer and switch to the specific OneDrive folder. 

Choose from the context menu "Always keep on this device".

If the file is stored in a non-Microsoft network environment, move the file and externally referenced files to the local drive and work on the files from there. See Autodesk support for non-Microsoft networks.



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Good morning SLW210,

Thank you for chiming in. To get into your questions... it is a multiple user problem. Myself and another coworker are experiencing the problem daily. Some days are worse than others.


When it is taking place, the file will delay for a few seconds, then the drawing will become visible, but not fully loaded. At that point it just sits for a solid 20+ seconds (not allowing any activity) until the tab on the delaying file becomes active and the command line then is available. Sometimes it will happen with the very first drawing opened and other times it's the second, third or fourth file. It has been happening in the early parts of the day and in the afternoon hours. Size has not made a difference either. It has happened with a large file with a lot of elements and even a simple keyplan file with no blocks, text, hatches or anything. Oddly, myself or my coworker experience the delay on a particular file and minutes later the other of us does not have the issue on the very same file. It's very odd. Also, whatever file it is does not do it every single time.


Regarding the location of the file... We are working from a server 99% of the time, but it has happened locally as well. That was something I checked early on with the issue.

As for pc specs. My machine is essentially the same as the other:

  • Dell XPS 8930 (2019 build)
  • Windows 10 Pro.
  • CPU is an Intel i9-9900 @ 3.1 GHz, 64 bit
  • Graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce - 32GB (something we are upgrading soon - new pc coming up, but for other reasons)

We have had our (new) IT look into this problem and they do not have a solution. It was thought that the new security software they installed on our new server was to blame, but the file exclusions they have in place has autocad files listed as trusted file types (e.g. dwg, dwl, dwl2) The antivirus thought has also been considered, but it is not on every file so that does not seem to be the culprit. My computer rarely goes into sleep mode so I know that is not the issue.



I just opened some files (one at a time) and it was the 6th file that had that delay. I closed that 6th file and re-opened it with no issue. I continued to open some files with no issue and then it happened again. The delay happens on both model space files as well as paperspace files. Files with and without active viewports. Another thing to note is that some of the files that have had the problem we re-created with a fresh dwg, saved over the initial file, and it doesn't happen again. 


Once again, thank you for taking the time to read and consider the thought of a solution. At this time we are obviously just dealing with it. I personally thought it it had to do with the new server, but since it happened on a local file that thought has gone away. 


Have a great day ~


  On 1/8/2025 at 10:44 AM, SLW210 said:

Is this a company problem, a few people, just you?


What exactly is AutoCAD doing when the drawing is loading? Does it slowly start showing objects or does it hang and suddenly load?


Are the files on a local drive, network or in the cloud?


Computer specifications?


Has IT looked into this?


Without knowing more details, sounds like an Anti-virus and/or firewall issue. There used to be issues with AutoCAD after the computer goes to sleep and needing a password to reopen, but I don't remember all the details.




Scroll to Issues not related to a specific drawing, though you should read it all anyway.






It may be a network problem when writing back to the server. If so copy file to local drive and open see if improves, if that solves problem then contact IT to increase your write priority, I do not suggest copy files off server not good for back up and security. Another is set your temp directory to a local drive. Options, Files, Temporary prefix.


We had a problem with some dwg's and found it was a linetype. it was made up of dots, so a dwg could have thousands of them changed the linetype and fixed the problem.


Sounds like AutoCAD is hunting for something, (Xref, plotters, etc.) and most likely getting interference from the servers and/or the firewall.


Are these 100% AutoCAD drawings or have they had work done in an AutoCAD vertical or another CAD program? I see you have MEP 2025 shown as your CAD software.

  • Like 1

This is something that wasn't previously considered. I am going to look into this. You are certainly onto something. Even when opening a local file the support paths to the server are still being utilized. Still doesn't make sense that for 20+ years this hasn't been a problem. I am back to thinking the new server has something to do with it. I'll post un update after I try a few things. Setting up my 2023 cad to not point to the server in anyway will be my next adventure. Thanks for that thought.


And to answer your question - all dwgs are autocad based. No other CAD software is being used by us.



  On 1/9/2025 at 11:23 AM, SLW210 said:

Sounds like AutoCAD is hunting for something, (Xref, plotters, etc.) and most likely getting interference from the servers and/or the firewall.


Are these 100% AutoCAD drawings or have they had work done in an AutoCAD vertical or another CAD program? I see you have MEP 2025 shown as your CAD software.




Every time you open a drawing all the most recently used blocks displayed in the Recent tab of the Blocks palette have to regen which can take a while depending on how complex they are and how many of the most recently used blocks are set to display.


Try setting BLOCKMRULIST (System Variable) to 0 to eliminate all the extra time spent regening every time you open a drawing. It doesn't delete those blocks or saved locations, they just will not regen until you access them in the Blocks palette again. 


Try other options like ADCENTER (Command) instead to avoid Blocks palette issues.


Thanks Tombu, but that doesn't exactly apply to this situation.

I did check that system variable and it is off in all drawings I looked at (and in my template) - as for the palette, I do not use them. They are slow compared to my method of having a keyboard command for every block I need on a regular basis. Outside of some LIPS commands for my blocks, DDINSERT is my friend (or simply drag and drop) but those (2) options are not used all that often.

The other note regarding the delay we are experiencing is that it has taken place in files with many blocks as well as very simple files with zero blocks. It opens big files (and small ones) like normal 90% of the time. The slow file opens are obviously not as frequent, but that happens on simple keyplans with no blocks, text, etc and it happens with files that are full of blocks, text, some hatches, etc. Still a puzzle, but I am still in the process of trying some support file adjustments. I'll make sure to finish that up as soon as I am done with some project work.

Thanks for the thought though - I can't say I was familiar with that system variable, but I will add it to my LISP. I have a series of system variable that get addressed every time I open a file.

Thanks again!



  On 1/10/2025 at 2:21 PM, tombu said:


Every time you open a drawing all the most recently used blocks displayed in the Recent tab of the Blocks palette have to regen which can take a while depending on how complex they are and how many of the most recently used blocks are set to display.


Try setting BLOCKMRULIST (System Variable) to 0 to eliminate all the extra time spent regening every time you open a drawing. It doesn't delete those blocks or saved locations, they just will not regen until you access them in the Blocks palette again. 


Try other options like ADCENTER (Command) instead to avoid Blocks palette issues.




Have you checked the task manager for any processes they may have high usage during these slow loads?

  • Like 1

Quick update here. Nothing has been fully addressed, but it is very likely the EDR software (Sentinel One) that is causing the intermittent delays. We are currently working on a solution, but our new IT company is pretty adamant about keeping it. Hopefully it stops being a hinder to AutoCAD like it has been. The delays have slowed in frequency so the file exclusion we made them do might be the solution. Time will tell.


Thanks for everyone's input. All approaches are being worked in as they make sense.

BOL if you come across this as well.

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