Haleem Posted Tuesday at 06:47 AM Posted Tuesday at 06:47 AM (edited) Hi All, I have utilized Lee Mac Tools to create a Lisp routine that runs over multiple files. The script cleans the files and extracts NWC along with a copy of the drawings into a user-defined folder. The batch processor retrieves the files from the user for export and generates a script for these files. However, while this technique works well for other Lisp scripts, the process often stops on the second file and sometimes on the third one with this particular Lisp. Here is the Lisp code: (defun c:bc3dmodelexport ( / userpath coord path scpa FileList File#1 Index FileName ) (vl-load-com) (setq FileList (LM:getfiles "Select Drawings" "" "dwg")) (setq userpath (LM:DirectoryDialog "Select Directory" nil 0)) (LM:MakeDirectory "C:\\Haleem") (setq scpa "C:\\Haleem\\C3DModelExport.scr") ;; Open/make a script file to write to (setq File#1 (open scpa "w")) (setq Index 0) ;; Loop through every DWG in FileList (while (setq FileName (nth Index FileList)) (princ (strcat "_.open \"" FileName "\" " "c3dmodelx\n" userpath "\n") File#1) (setq Index (1+ Index)) ;; Prepare for next file to loop ) (write-line " " File#1) (close File#1) (startapp "NOTEPAD" scpa) ; (command "_.script" scpa) (princ) ) (vl-load-com) (defun c:c3dmodelx ( / pa NWPA MPA NWPA2 MPA2) (setq pa (getstring T "Please Enter the output folder Path: ")) (setq xxx (getstring T "Please say Hi: ")) (setq NWPA (strcat pa "\\NWC\\")) (setq MPA (strcat pa "\\MODEL\\")) (LM:MakeDirectory NWPA) (LM:MakeDirectory MPA) (command "-xref" "detach" "*") (command "TILEMODE" "1") (command "ucs" "w") (setvar "DYNMODE" 0) (command "DWG-PURGE") (command "-purge" "all" "*" "n") (command "audit" "yes") (command "filedia" "0") (setq NWPA2 (strcat NWPA (vl-filename-base (getvar 'dwgname)))) (setq MPA2 (strcat MPA (vl-filename-base (getvar 'dwgname)))) (command "zoom" "Extents") (command "nwcout" NWPA2) (command "saveas" "LT2018" MPA2 "_y") (command "filedia" "1") (command "qsave") (command "_close") ) ;_ end of defun (princ) ;;------------------------=={ Get Files Dialog }==----------------------;; ;; ;; ;; An analog of the 'getfiled' function for multiple file selection. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2012 - www.lee-mac.com ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Arguments: ;; ;; msg - [str/nil] Dialog box label; 'Select Files' if nil or "". ;; ;; def - [str/nil] Default directory; dwgprefix if nil or "". ;; ;; ext - [str/nil] File extension filter (e.g. "dwg;lsp"); "*" if nil ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Returns: List of selected files, else nil ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Version 1.6 - 2016-03-21 ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; (defun LM:getfiles ( msg def ext / *error* dch dcl des dir dirdata lst rtn ) (defun *error* ( msg ) (if (= 'file (type des)) (close des) ) (if (and (= 'int (type dch)) (< 0 dch)) (unload_dialog dch) ) (if (and (= 'str (type dcl)) (findfile dcl)) (vl-file-delete dcl) ) (if (and msg (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*"))) (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)) ) (princ) ) (if (and (setq dcl (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl")) (setq des (open dcl "w")) (progn (foreach x '( "lst : list_box" "{" " width = 40.0;" " height = 20.0;" " fixed_width = true;" " fixed_height = true;" " alignment = centered;" " multiple_select = true;" "}" "but : button" "{" " width = 20.0;" " height = 1.8;" " fixed_width = true;" " fixed_height = true;" " alignment = centered;" "}" "getfiles : dialog" "{" " key = \"title\"; spacer;" " : row" " {" " alignment = centered;" " : edit_box { key = \"dir\"; label = \"Folder:\"; }" " : button" " {" " key = \"brw\";" " label = \"Browse\";" " fixed_width = true;" " }" " }" " spacer;" " : row" " {" " : column" " {" " : lst { key = \"box1\"; }" " : but { key = \"add\" ; label = \"Add Files\"; }" " }" " : column {" " : lst { key = \"box2\"; }" " : but { key = \"del\" ; label = \"Remove Files\"; }" " }" " }" " spacer; ok_cancel;" "}" ) (write-line x des) ) (setq des (close des)) (< 0 (setq dch (load_dialog dcl))) ) (new_dialog "getfiles" dch) ) (progn (setq ext (if (= 'str (type ext)) (LM:getfiles:str->lst (strcase ext) ";") '("*"))) (set_tile "title" (if (member msg '(nil "")) "Select Files" msg)) (set_tile "dir" (setq dir (LM:getfiles:fixdir (if (or (member def '(nil "")) (not (vl-file-directory-p (LM:getfiles:fixdir def)))) (getvar 'dwgprefix) def ) ) ) ) (setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext nil)) (mode_tile "add" 1) (mode_tile "del" 1) (action_tile "brw" (vl-prin1-to-string '(if (setq tmp (LM:getfiles:browseforfolder "" nil 512)) (setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist (set_tile "dir" (setq dir tmp)) ext rtn) rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn) ) ) ) ) (action_tile "dir" (vl-prin1-to-string '(if (= 1 $reason) (setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist (set_tile "dir" (setq dir (LM:getfiles:fixdir $value))) ext rtn) rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn) ) ) ) ) (action_tile "box1" (vl-prin1-to-string '( (lambda ( / itm tmp ) (if (setq itm (mapcar '(lambda ( n ) (nth n lst)) (read (strcat "(" $value ")")))) (if (= 4 $reason) (cond ( (equal '("..") itm) (setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist (set_tile "dir" (setq dir (LM:getfiles:updir dir))) ext rtn) rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn) ) ) ( (vl-file-directory-p (setq tmp (LM:getfiles:checkredirect (strcat dir "\\" (car itm))))) (setq lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist (set_tile "dir" (setq dir tmp)) ext rtn) rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn) ) ) ( (setq rtn (LM:getfiles:sort (append rtn (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (strcat dir "\\" x)) itm))) rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn) lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext rtn) ) ) ) (if (vl-every '(lambda ( x ) (vl-file-directory-p (strcat dir "\\" x))) itm) (mode_tile "add" 1) (mode_tile "add" 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (action_tile "box2" (vl-prin1-to-string '( (lambda ( / itm ) (if (setq itm (mapcar '(lambda ( n ) (nth n rtn)) (read (strcat "(" $value ")")))) (if (= 4 $reason) (setq rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir (vl-remove (car itm) rtn)) lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext rtn) ) (mode_tile "del" 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) (action_tile "add" (vl-prin1-to-string '( (lambda ( / itm ) (if (setq itm (vl-remove-if 'vl-file-directory-p (mapcar '(lambda ( n ) (nth n lst)) (read (strcat "(" (get_tile "box1") ")"))) ) ) (setq rtn (LM:getfiles:sort (append rtn (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (strcat dir "\\" x)) itm))) rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir rtn) lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext rtn) ) ) (mode_tile "add" 1) (mode_tile "del" 1) ) ) ) ) (action_tile "del" (vl-prin1-to-string '( (lambda ( / itm ) (if (setq itm (read (strcat "(" (get_tile "box2") ")"))) (setq rtn (LM:getfiles:updateselected dir (LM:getfiles:removeitems itm rtn)) lst (LM:getfiles:updatefilelist dir ext rtn) ) ) (mode_tile "add" 1) (mode_tile "del" 1) ) ) ) ) (if (zerop (start_dialog)) (setq rtn nil) ) ) ) (*error* nil) rtn ) (defun LM:getfiles:listbox ( key lst ) (start_list key) (foreach x lst (add_list x)) (end_list) lst ) (defun LM:getfiles:listfiles ( dir ext lst ) (vl-remove-if '(lambda ( x ) (member (strcat dir "\\" x) lst)) (cond ( (cdr (assoc dir dirdata))) ( (cdar (setq dirdata (cons (cons dir (append (LM:getfiles:sortlist (vl-remove "." (vl-directory-files dir nil -1))) (LM:getfiles:sort (if (member ext '(("") ("*"))) (vl-directory-files dir nil 1) (vl-remove-if-not (function (lambda ( x / e ) (and (setq e (vl-filename-extension x)) (setq e (strcase (substr e 2))) (vl-some '(lambda ( w ) (wcmatch e w)) ext) ) ) ) (vl-directory-files dir nil 1) ) ) ) ) ) dirdata ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (defun LM:getfiles:checkredirect ( dir / itm pos ) (cond ( (vl-directory-files dir) dir) ( (and (= (strcase (getenv "UserProfile")) (strcase (substr dir 1 (setq pos (vl-string-position 92 dir nil t)))) ) (setq itm (cdr (assoc (substr (strcase dir t) (+ pos 2)) '( ("my documents" . "Documents") ("my pictures" . "Pictures") ("my videos" . "Videos") ("my music" . "Music") ) ) ) ) (vl-file-directory-p (setq itm (strcat (substr dir 1 pos) "\\" itm))) ) itm ) ( dir ) ) ) (defun LM:getfiles:sort ( lst ) (apply 'append (mapcar 'LM:getfiles:sortlist (vl-sort (LM:getfiles:groupbyfunction lst (lambda ( a b / x y ) (and (setq x (vl-filename-extension a)) (setq y (vl-filename-extension b)) (= (strcase x) (strcase y)) ) ) ) (function (lambda ( a b / x y ) (and (setq x (vl-filename-extension (car a))) (setq y (vl-filename-extension (car b))) (< (strcase x) (strcase y)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (defun LM:getfiles:sortlist ( lst ) (mapcar (function (lambda ( n ) (nth n lst))) (vl-sort-i (mapcar 'LM:getfiles:splitstring lst) (function (lambda ( a b / x y ) (while (and (setq x (car a)) (setq y (car b)) (= x y) ) (setq a (cdr a) b (cdr b) ) ) (cond ( (null x) b) ( (null y) nil) ( (and (numberp x) (numberp y)) (< x y)) ( (numberp x)) ( (numberp y) nil) ( (< x y)) ) ) ) ) ) ) (defun LM:getfiles:groupbyfunction ( lst fun / tmp1 tmp2 x1 ) (if (setq x1 (car lst)) (progn (foreach x2 (cdr lst) (if (fun x1 x2) (setq tmp1 (cons x2 tmp1)) (setq tmp2 (cons x2 tmp2)) ) ) (cons (cons x1 (reverse tmp1)) (LM:getfiles:groupbyfunction (reverse tmp2) fun)) ) ) ) (defun LM:getfiles:splitstring ( str ) ( (lambda ( l ) (read (strcat "(" (vl-list->string (apply 'append (mapcar (function (lambda ( a b c ) (cond ( (member b '(45 46 92)) (list 32) ) ( (< 47 b 58) (list b) ) ( (list 32 34 b 34 32)) ) ) ) (cons nil l) l (append (cdr l) '(( ))) ) ) ) ")" ) ) ) (vl-string->list (strcase str)) ) ) (defun LM:getfiles:browseforfolder ( msg dir flg / err fld pth shl slf ) (setq err (vl-catch-all-apply (function (lambda ( / app hwd ) (if (setq app (vlax-get-acad-object) shl (vla-getinterfaceobject app "shell.application") hwd (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-get-hwnd (list app)) fld (vlax-invoke-method shl 'browseforfolder (if (vl-catch-all-error-p hwd) 0 hwd) msg flg dir) ) (setq slf (vlax-get-property fld 'self) pth (LM:getfiles:fixdir (vlax-get-property slf 'path)) ) ) ) ) ) ) (if slf (vlax-release-object slf)) (if fld (vlax-release-object fld)) (if shl (vlax-release-object shl)) (if (vl-catch-all-error-p err) (prompt (vl-catch-all-error-message err)) pth ) ) (defun LM:getfiles:full->relative ( dir path / p q ) (setq dir (vl-string-right-trim "\\" dir)) (cond ( (and (setq p (vl-string-position 58 dir)) (setq q (vl-string-position 58 path)) (/= (strcase (substr dir 1 p)) (strcase (substr path 1 q))) ) path ) ( (and (setq p (vl-string-position 92 dir)) (setq q (vl-string-position 92 path)) (= (strcase (substr dir 1 p)) (strcase (substr path 1 q))) ) (LM:getfiles:full->relative (substr dir (+ 2 p)) (substr path (+ 2 q))) ) ( (and (setq q (vl-string-position 92 path)) (= (strcase dir) (strcase (substr path 1 q))) ) (strcat ".\\" (substr path (+ 2 q))) ) ( (= "" dir) path ) ( (setq p (vl-string-position 92 dir)) (LM:getfiles:full->relative (substr dir (+ 2 p)) (strcat "..\\" path)) ) ( (LM:getfiles:full->relative "" (strcat "..\\" path))) ) ) (defun LM:getfiles:str->lst ( str del / pos ) (if (setq pos (vl-string-search del str)) (cons (substr str 1 pos) (LM:getfiles:str->lst (substr str (+ pos 1 (strlen del))) del)) (list str) ) ) (defun LM:getfiles:updatefilelist ( dir ext lst ) (LM:getfiles:listbox "box1" (LM:getfiles:listfiles dir ext lst)) ) (defun LM:getfiles:updateselected ( dir lst ) (LM:getfiles:listbox "box2" (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (LM:getfiles:full->relative dir x)) lst)) lst ) (defun LM:getfiles:updir ( dir ) (substr dir 1 (vl-string-position 92 dir nil t)) ) (defun LM:getfiles:fixdir ( dir ) (vl-string-right-trim "\\" (vl-string-translate "/" "\\" dir)) ) (defun LM:getfiles:removeitems ( itm lst / idx ) (setq idx -1) (vl-remove-if '(lambda ( x ) (member (setq idx (1+ idx)) itm)) lst) ) (vl-load-com) (princ) (defun LM:MakeDirectory ( dir / MakeDirectory folders ) ;; © Lee Mac 2010 ;; (LM:MakeDirectory "C:\\Folder\\Subfolder") (vl-load-com) (defun MakeDirectory ( root folders ) (if folders ( (lambda ( dir ) (vl-mkdir dir) (MakeDirectory dir (cdr folders)) ) (strcat root "\\" (car folders)) ) ) ) (if (setq folders (LM:str->lst (vl-string-translate "/" "\\" dir) "\\")) (MakeDirectory (car folders) (cdr folders)) ) (vl-file-directory-p dir) ) (defun LM:DirectoryDialog ( msg dir flag / Shell HWND Fold Self Path ac ) ;; © Lee Mac 2010 (setq Shell (vla-getInterfaceObject (setq ac (vlax-get-acad-object)) "Shell.Application") HWND (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-get-HWND (list ac)) Fold (vlax-invoke-method Shell 'BrowseForFolder (if (vl-catch-all-error-p HWND) 0 HWND) msg flag dir)) (vlax-release-object Shell) (if Fold (progn (setq Self (vlax-get-property Fold 'Self) Path (vlax-get-property Self 'Path)) (vlax-release-object Self) (vlax-release-object Fold) (and (= "\\" (substr Path (strlen Path))) (setq Path (substr Path 1 (1- (strlen Path))))) ) ) Path ) It would be greatly appreciated if I can receive assistance to make it work. Edited Tuesday at 06:49 AM by Haleem Quote
BIGAL Posted Tuesday at 11:02 PM Posted Tuesday at 11:02 PM You may need to split your lisp into 2 lisps, make the script and last line calls the script. "c3dmodelx" becomes a seperate lisp program, you can (load a lisp file using a script. The "c3dmodelx.lsp" needs a last line ( c3dmodelx) so it runs when loaded. "c3dmodelx\n" change to (load "c3dmodelx") Quote
Steven P Posted yesterday at 10:43 AM Posted yesterday at 10:43 AM Not sure if this helps but a batch LISP I have needs for example file 1 to remain open, file 2 open, file 3 open then file 2 close, file 4 open, file 3 close order - I can't remember that problem that solved but it works fairly well Quote
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