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hello fellow forum users, I have a compound lisp routine of 2, and it works fine. I have made several adjustments, but I need help with 1 adjustment. This involves having to select a block in the drawing yourself. I would like this to happen automatically because the block is placed in the drawing according to the first part of the lisp routine.

Lisp routine operation: Select via list boxes Hight(lb0), Lenght(lb1) and name(lb2). (for radiator) insert block radiator with x value Lenght. Then rename block radiator in the drawing to name from list lb2. This does not happen automatically and I think it should be possible. But I have a problem with AT:GetSel. I was able to remove AT:GetString. Who can help me with a solution?


CBLL.lspFetching info...

Posted (edited)

Not sure but it seems to me at this point 


					(command "layer" "s" "WB5611----_RADIATOR" "" )	 
					(command "insert" "radiator" pt4 lengte 100 (/ (* ang 180.0) pi))


You could use Bedit calling radiator then do a Bsaveas with the new name, then insert the new block with correct scale based on length. This will also keep radiator for further use. Will have a play.


Try this.

;; DCL List-Tile Dependency  -  V1.1 (2019-04-27)  -  Lee Mac
;; Configures action_tile statements for the list of keys to enabled dependency between the DCL tiles.
;; key     - [lst] List of DCL tile keys in order of dependency
;; lst-sym - [sym] Quoted variable containing list data
;; rtn-sym - [sym] Quoted variable containing initial selection indexes
(defun LM:dcld:action ( key lst-sym rtn-sym )
    (defun LM:dcld:addlist ( key lst )
        (start_list key)
        (foreach itm lst (add_list itm))
    (defun LM:dcld:getlists ( idx lst )
        (if (cdr idx)
            (cons (mapcar 'car lst) (LM:dcld:getlists (cdr idx) (cdr (nth (car idx) lst))))
    (defun LM:substnth ( itm idx lst )
        (if lst
            (if (zerop idx)
                (cons itm (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) 0) (cdr lst)))
                (cons (car lst) (LM:substnth itm (1- idx) (cdr lst)))
    (defun LM:dcld:actions ( key lst-sym rtn-sym lvl / fun )
        (setq fun
            (if (cdr key)
                (list 'lambda '( val lst )
                    (list 'setq rtn-sym (list 'LM:substnth '(atoi val) lvl rtn-sym))
                    (list 'LM:dcld:addlist (cadr key) (list 'nth (1+ lvl) (list 'LM:dcld:getlists rtn-sym 'lst)))
                        (LM:dcld:actions (cdr key) lst-sym rtn-sym (1+ lvl))
                        (list 'set_tile (cadr key) "0") 'lst
                (list 'lambda '( val lst )
                    (list 'setq rtn-sym (list 'LM:substnth '(atoi val) lvl rtn-sym))
        (action_tile (car key) (vl-prin1-to-string (list fun '$value lst-sym)))
    (mapcar 'LM:dcld:addlist key (LM:dcld:getlists (eval rtn-sym) (eval lst-sym)))
    (   (eval (LM:dcld:actions key lst-sym rtn-sym 0))
        (set_tile (car key) (itoa (car (eval rtn-sym))))
        (eval lst-sym)

;; DCL List-Tile Dependency  -  Get Items  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns a list of the items selected from each dependent list tile.
;; idx - [lst] List of selection indexes
;; lst - [lst] List data

(defun LM:dcld:getitems ( idx lst / tmp )
    (if (cdr idx)
        (cons (car (setq tmp (nth (car idx) lst))) (LM:dcld:getitems (cdr idx) (cdr tmp)))
        (list (nth (car idx) (car lst)))


;; Two List Tile Dependency Example  -  Lee Mac
;; Requires ListTileDependency.lsp to be loaded.
;------------------------------------------------------START MAIN FUNCTION------------------------------------
(defun c:CBLL ( / *error* dch dcl des lst rtn)

    (defun *error* ( msg )
        (if (= 'file (type des))
            (close des)
        (if (< 0 dch)
            (unload_dialog dch)
        (if (and (= 'str (type dcl)) (findfile dcl))
            (vl-file-delete dcl)
        (if (and msg (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*")))
            (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))

(setq lst
	("300"	("500" 		("300x500_T21S_378W"  "300x500_T22_471W"))
			("600"		("300x600_T21S_453W"  "300x600_T22_565W"))
			("800"		("300x800_T21S_604W"  "300x800_T22_754W"    "300x800_T33_1067W"))
			("1000"		("300x1000_T22_945W"  "300x1000_T33_1334W"))
			("1200"		("300x1200_T22_1130W" "300x1200_T33_1601W"))
			("1300"		("300x1300_T22_1225W" "300x1300_T33_1734W"))
			("1400"		("300x1400_T22_1319W" "300x1400_T33_1868W"))
			("1600"		("300x1600_T22_1507W" "300x1600_T33_2134W"))
			("1800"		("300x1800_T22_1696W" "300x1800_T33_2401W"))
			("2000"		("300x2000_T22_1884W" "300x2000_T33_2668W"))
	("400"	("400"		("400x400_T11_266W"))
			("500"		("400x500_T11_333W"   "400x500_T21S_477W"   "400x500_T22_601W"))
			("600"		("400x600_T11_400W"   "400x600_T21S_572W"   "400x600_T22_721W"   "400x600_T33_1020W"))
			("700"		("400x700_T11_466W"))
			("800"		("400x800_T11_533W"   "400x800_T21S_762W"   "400x800_T22_962W"   "400x800_T33_1360W"))
			("900"		("400x900_T11_599W"))
			("1000"		("400x1000_T11_667W"  "400x1000_T21S_953W"  "400x1000_T22_1202W" "400x1000_T33_1700W"))
			("1100"		("400x1100_T11_733W"))
			("1200"		("400x1200_T11_799W"  "400x1200_T21S_1144W" "400x1200_T22_1442W" "400x1200_T33_2040W"))
			("1300"		("400x1300_T11_866W"  "400x1300_T21S_1239W" "400x1300_T22_1563W" "400x1300_T33_2210W"))
			("1400"		("400x1400_T11_932W"  "400x1400_T21S_1334W" "400x1400_T22_1683W" "400x1400_T33_2380W"))
			("1600"		("400x1600_T11_1066W" "400x1600_T21S_1525W" "400x1600_T22_1923W" "400x1600_T33_2720W"))
			("1800"		("400x1800_T11_1199W" "400x1800_T21S_1715W" "400x1800_T22_2164W" "400x1800_T33_3060W"))
			("2000"		("400x2000_T11_1332W" "400x2000_T21S_1906W" "400x2000_T22_2404W" "400x2000_T33_3400W"))
	("500"	("400"		("500x400_T11_321W"   "500x400_T21S_456W"   "500x400_T22_580W"))
			("500"		("500x500_T11_401W"   "500x500_T21S_571W"   "500x500_T22_725W"   "500x500_T33_1024W"))
			("600"		("500x600_T11_481W"   "500x600_T21S_685W"   "500x600_T22_869W"   "500x600_T33_1229W"))
			("700"		("500x700_T11_561W"   "500x700_T21S_799W"   "500x700_T22_1014W"  "500x700_T33_1434W"))
			("800"		("500x800_T11_642W"   "500x800_T21S_913W"   "500x800_T22_1159W"  "500x800_T33_1638W"))
			("900"		("500x900_T11_722W"   "500x900_T21S_1027W"  "500x900_T22_1304W"  "500x900_T33_1843W"))
			("1000"		("500x1000_T11_802W"  "500x1000_T21S_1141W" "500x1000_T22_1449W" "500x1000_T33_2048W"))
			("1100"		("500x1100_T11_882W"  "500x1100_T21S_1255W" "500x1100_T22_1594W" "500x1100_T33_2253W"))
			("1200"		("500x1200_T11_962W"  "500x1200_T21S_1369W" "500x1200_T22_1739W" "500x1200_T33_2458W"))
			("1300"		("500x1300_T11_1043W" 						"500x1300_T22_1884W" "500x1300_T33_2662W"))
			("1400"		("500x1400_T11_1123W" "500x1400_T21S_1597W" "500x1400_T22_2029W" "500x1400_T33_2867W"))
			("1600"		("500x1600_T11_1283W" "500x1600_T21S_1826W" "500x1600_T22_2318W" "500x1600_T33_3277W"))
			("1800"		("500x1800_T11_1444W" "500x1800_T21S_2054W" "500x1800_T22_2608W" "500x1800_T33_3686W"))
			("2000"		("500x2000_T11_1604W" "500x2000_T21S_2282W" "500x2000_T22_2898W" "500x2000_T33_4096W"))
	("600"	("400"		("600x400_T11_374W"   "600x400_T21S_529W"   "600x400_T22_673W"))
			("500"		("600x500_T11_467W"   "600x500_T21S_661W"   "600x500_T22_842W"   "600x500_T33_1190W"))
			("600"		("600x600_T11_560W"   "600x600_T21S_793W"   "600x600_T22_1010W"  "600x600_T33_1427W"))
			("700"		("600x700_T11_654W"   "600x700_T21S_925W"   "600x700_T22_1178W"  "600x700_T33_1665W"))
			("800"		("600x800_T11_747W"   "600x800_T21S_1058W"  "600x800_T22_1346W"  "600x800_T33_1903W"))
			("900"		("600x900_T11_841W"   "600x900_T21S_1190W"  "600x900_T22_1515W"  "600x900_T33_2141W"))
			("1000"		("600x1000_T11_934W"  "600x1000_T21S_1322W" "600x1000_T22_1683W" "600x1000_T33_2379W"))
			("1100"		("600x1100_T11_1027W" "600x1100_T21S_1454W" "600x1100_T22_1851W" "600x1100_T33_2617W"))
			("1200"		("600x1200_T11_1121W" "600x1200_T21S_1586W" "600x1200_T22_2020W" "600x1200_T33_2855W"))
			("1300"		("600x1300_T11_1214W" "600x1300_T21S_1719W" "600x1300_T22_2188W" "600x1300_T33_3093W"))
			("1400"		("600x1400_T11_1308W" "600x1400_T21S_1851W" "600x1400_T22_2356W" "600x1400_T33_3331W"))
			("1600"		("600x1600_T11_1494W" "600x1600_T21S_2115W" "600x1600_T22_2693W" "600x1600_T33_3806W"))
			("1800"		("600x1800_T11_1681W" "600x1800_T21S_2380W" "600x1800_T22_3029W" "600x1800_T33_4282W"))
			("2000"		("600x2000_T11_1868W" "600x2000_T21S_2644W" "600x2000_T22_3366W" "600x2000_T33_4758W"))
	("700"	("400"		( "700x400_T21S_600W"   "700x400_T22_763W"))
			("500"		( "700x500_T21S_750W"   "700x500_T22_954W"   "700x500_T33_1348w"))
			("600"		( "700x600_T21S_899W"   "700x600_T22_1144W"  "700x600_T33_1618W"))
			("700"		( "700x700_T21S_1049W"  "700x700_T22_1335W"  "700x700_T33_1887W"))
			("800"		( "700x800_T21S_1199W"  "700x800_T22_1526W"  "700x800_T33_2157W"))
			("900"		( "700x900_T21S_1349W"  "700x900_T22_1716W"  "700x900_T33_2426W"))
			("1000"		( "700x1000_T21S_1499W" "700x1000_T22_1907W" "700x1000_T33_2696W"))
			("1100"		( "700x1100_T21S_1649W" "700x1100_T22_2098W"))
			("1200"		( "700x1200_T21S_1799W" "700x1200_T22_2288W"))
			("1300"		( "700x1300_T21S_1949W" "700x1300_T22_2479W" "700x1300_T33_3503W"))
			("1400"		( "700x1400_T21S_2099W" "700x1400_T22_2670W"))
			("1600"		( "700x1600_T21S_2398W" "700x1600_T22_3051W"))
	("900"	("400"		("900x400_T11_525W"   "900x400_T21S_736W"   "900x400_T22_930W"))
			("500"		("900x500_T11_656W"   "900x500_T21S_921W"   "900x500_T22_1163W"  "900x500_T33_1649W"))
			("600"		("900x600_T11_787W"   "900x600_T21S_1105W"  "900x600_T22_1396W"  "900x600_T33_1978W"))
			("700"		("900x700_T11_918W"   "900x700_T21S_1289W"  "900x700_T22_1628W"  "900x700_T33_2308W"))
			("800"		("900x800_T11_1050W"  "900x800_T21S_1473W"  "900x800_T22_1861W"  "900x800_T33_2638W"))
			("900"		("900x900_T11_1181W"  "900x900_T21S_1657W"  "900x900_T22_2093W"  "900x900_T33_2967W"))
			("1000"		("900x1000_T11_1312W" "900x1000_T21S_1841W" "900x1000_T22_2326W" "900x1000_T33_3297W"))
			("1100"		("900x1100_T11_1443W" 						"900x1100_T22_2559W" "900x1100_T33_3627W"))
			("1200"		("900x1200_T11_1574W" "900x1200_T21S_2209W" "900x1200_T22_2791W" "900x1200_T33_3956W"))
			("1300"		("900x1300_T11_1706W" "900x1300_T21S_2393W" "900x1300_T22_3024W" "900x1300_T33_4286W"))
			("1400"		("900x1400_T11_1837W" "900x1400_T21S_2577W" "900x1400_T22_3256W" "900x1400_T33_4616W"))
			("1600"		("900x1600_T11_2099W" "900x1600_T21S_2946W" "900x1600_T22_3722W" "900x1600_T33_5275W"))
			("1800"		("900x1800_T11_2362W" "900x1800_T21S_3314W" "900x1800_T22_4187W" "900x1800_T33_5935W"))
			("2000"		("900x2000_T11_2624W" "900x2000_T21S_3682W" "900x2000_T22_4652W" "900x2000_T33_6594W"))

(setq dcl (vl-filename-mktemp "tmp.dcl"))
(setq des (open dcl "w"))
(foreach str
"lbx : list_box"
"    alignment = centered;"
"    fixed_width = true;"
"    fixed_height = true;"
"    width = 35;"
"    height = 15;"
"test : dialog"
"    label = \"Brugman Compact 4 Bibliotheek\";"
"    spacer;"
"    : row"
"    {"
"        : lbx { key = \"lb0\"; label = \"Hoogte\"; }"
"        : lbx { key = \"lb1\"; label = \"Breedte\"; }"
"        : lbx { key = \"lb2\"; label = \"Type\"; }"
"    }"
"    spacer;"
"    ok_cancel;"
(write-line str des)

(not (setq des (close des)))
(< 0 (setq dch (load_dialog dcl)))
(new_dialog "test" dch)
(setq rtn '(0 0 0))
(LM:dcld:action '("lb0" "lb1" "lb2") 'lst 'rtn)
(if (= 1 (start_dialog))
		(setq lb1list (LM:dcld:getitems rtn lst)
			  newname  (nth 2 lb1list)

			  old-lay (getvar "clayer")
			  LAY (if  (not (tblsearch "layer" "WB5611----_RADIATOR"))
			    (command "layer" "M" "WB5611----_RADIATOR" "C" "2" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "")
		(setq dist (getreal "\nEnter length "))
		(setq pt (getpoint "\nPick point for new block "))
		(command "layer" "s" "WB5611----_RADIATOR" "" )	 
		(command "-bedit" "Radiator" "bsaveas" newname "No" "Bclose" "")
        (command "-insert" newname pt dist 100 0.0)
		(command "zoom" "E")



Edited by BIGAL
  • Like 1
  On 12/9/2024 at 2:37 AM, BIGAL said:

Not sure but it seems to me at this point 


					(command "layer" "s" "WB5611----_RADIATOR" "" )	 
					(command "insert" "radiator" pt4 lengte 100 (/ (* ang 180.0) pi))


You could use Bedit calling radiator then do a Bsaveas with the new name, then insert the new block with correct scale based on length. This will also keep radiator for further use. Will have a play.


Try this.

;; DCL List-Tile Dependency  -  V1.1 (2019-04-27)  -  Lee Mac
;; Configures action_tile statements for the list of keys to enabled dependency between the DCL tiles.
;; key     - [lst] List of DCL tile keys in order of dependency
;; lst-sym - [sym] Quoted variable containing list data
;; rtn-sym - [sym] Quoted variable containing initial selection indexes
(defun LM:dcld:action ( key lst-sym rtn-sym )
    (defun LM:dcld:addlist ( key lst )
        (start_list key)
        (foreach itm lst (add_list itm))
    (defun LM:dcld:getlists ( idx lst )
        (if (cdr idx)
            (cons (mapcar 'car lst) (LM:dcld:getlists (cdr idx) (cdr (nth (car idx) lst))))
    (defun LM:substnth ( itm idx lst )
        (if lst
            (if (zerop idx)
                (cons itm (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) 0) (cdr lst)))
                (cons (car lst) (LM:substnth itm (1- idx) (cdr lst)))
    (defun LM:dcld:actions ( key lst-sym rtn-sym lvl / fun )
        (setq fun
            (if (cdr key)
                (list 'lambda '( val lst )
                    (list 'setq rtn-sym (list 'LM:substnth '(atoi val) lvl rtn-sym))
                    (list 'LM:dcld:addlist (cadr key) (list 'nth (1+ lvl) (list 'LM:dcld:getlists rtn-sym 'lst)))
                        (LM:dcld:actions (cdr key) lst-sym rtn-sym (1+ lvl))
                        (list 'set_tile (cadr key) "0") 'lst
                (list 'lambda '( val lst )
                    (list 'setq rtn-sym (list 'LM:substnth '(atoi val) lvl rtn-sym))
        (action_tile (car key) (vl-prin1-to-string (list fun '$value lst-sym)))
    (mapcar 'LM:dcld:addlist key (LM:dcld:getlists (eval rtn-sym) (eval lst-sym)))
    (   (eval (LM:dcld:actions key lst-sym rtn-sym 0))
        (set_tile (car key) (itoa (car (eval rtn-sym))))
        (eval lst-sym)

;; DCL List-Tile Dependency  -  Get Items  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns a list of the items selected from each dependent list tile.
;; idx - [lst] List of selection indexes
;; lst - [lst] List data

(defun LM:dcld:getitems ( idx lst / tmp )
    (if (cdr idx)
        (cons (car (setq tmp (nth (car idx) lst))) (LM:dcld:getitems (cdr idx) (cdr tmp)))
        (list (nth (car idx) (car lst)))


;; Two List Tile Dependency Example  -  Lee Mac
;; Requires ListTileDependency.lsp to be loaded.
;------------------------------------------------------START MAIN FUNCTION------------------------------------
(defun c:CBLL ( / *error* dch dcl des lst rtn)

    (defun *error* ( msg )
        (if (= 'file (type des))
            (close des)
        (if (< 0 dch)
            (unload_dialog dch)
        (if (and (= 'str (type dcl)) (findfile dcl))
            (vl-file-delete dcl)
        (if (and msg (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*")))
            (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))

(setq lst
	("300"	("500" 		("300x500_T21S_378W"  "300x500_T22_471W"))
			("600"		("300x600_T21S_453W"  "300x600_T22_565W"))
			("800"		("300x800_T21S_604W"  "300x800_T22_754W"    "300x800_T33_1067W"))
			("1000"		("300x1000_T22_945W"  "300x1000_T33_1334W"))
			("1200"		("300x1200_T22_1130W" "300x1200_T33_1601W"))
			("1300"		("300x1300_T22_1225W" "300x1300_T33_1734W"))
			("1400"		("300x1400_T22_1319W" "300x1400_T33_1868W"))
			("1600"		("300x1600_T22_1507W" "300x1600_T33_2134W"))
			("1800"		("300x1800_T22_1696W" "300x1800_T33_2401W"))
			("2000"		("300x2000_T22_1884W" "300x2000_T33_2668W"))
	("400"	("400"		("400x400_T11_266W"))
			("500"		("400x500_T11_333W"   "400x500_T21S_477W"   "400x500_T22_601W"))
			("600"		("400x600_T11_400W"   "400x600_T21S_572W"   "400x600_T22_721W"   "400x600_T33_1020W"))
			("700"		("400x700_T11_466W"))
			("800"		("400x800_T11_533W"   "400x800_T21S_762W"   "400x800_T22_962W"   "400x800_T33_1360W"))
			("900"		("400x900_T11_599W"))
			("1000"		("400x1000_T11_667W"  "400x1000_T21S_953W"  "400x1000_T22_1202W" "400x1000_T33_1700W"))
			("1100"		("400x1100_T11_733W"))
			("1200"		("400x1200_T11_799W"  "400x1200_T21S_1144W" "400x1200_T22_1442W" "400x1200_T33_2040W"))
			("1300"		("400x1300_T11_866W"  "400x1300_T21S_1239W" "400x1300_T22_1563W" "400x1300_T33_2210W"))
			("1400"		("400x1400_T11_932W"  "400x1400_T21S_1334W" "400x1400_T22_1683W" "400x1400_T33_2380W"))
			("1600"		("400x1600_T11_1066W" "400x1600_T21S_1525W" "400x1600_T22_1923W" "400x1600_T33_2720W"))
			("1800"		("400x1800_T11_1199W" "400x1800_T21S_1715W" "400x1800_T22_2164W" "400x1800_T33_3060W"))
			("2000"		("400x2000_T11_1332W" "400x2000_T21S_1906W" "400x2000_T22_2404W" "400x2000_T33_3400W"))
	("500"	("400"		("500x400_T11_321W"   "500x400_T21S_456W"   "500x400_T22_580W"))
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			("600"		("500x600_T11_481W"   "500x600_T21S_685W"   "500x600_T22_869W"   "500x600_T33_1229W"))
			("700"		("500x700_T11_561W"   "500x700_T21S_799W"   "500x700_T22_1014W"  "500x700_T33_1434W"))
			("800"		("500x800_T11_642W"   "500x800_T21S_913W"   "500x800_T22_1159W"  "500x800_T33_1638W"))
			("900"		("500x900_T11_722W"   "500x900_T21S_1027W"  "500x900_T22_1304W"  "500x900_T33_1843W"))
			("1000"		("500x1000_T11_802W"  "500x1000_T21S_1141W" "500x1000_T22_1449W" "500x1000_T33_2048W"))
			("1100"		("500x1100_T11_882W"  "500x1100_T21S_1255W" "500x1100_T22_1594W" "500x1100_T33_2253W"))
			("1200"		("500x1200_T11_962W"  "500x1200_T21S_1369W" "500x1200_T22_1739W" "500x1200_T33_2458W"))
			("1300"		("500x1300_T11_1043W" 						"500x1300_T22_1884W" "500x1300_T33_2662W"))
			("1400"		("500x1400_T11_1123W" "500x1400_T21S_1597W" "500x1400_T22_2029W" "500x1400_T33_2867W"))
			("1600"		("500x1600_T11_1283W" "500x1600_T21S_1826W" "500x1600_T22_2318W" "500x1600_T33_3277W"))
			("1800"		("500x1800_T11_1444W" "500x1800_T21S_2054W" "500x1800_T22_2608W" "500x1800_T33_3686W"))
			("2000"		("500x2000_T11_1604W" "500x2000_T21S_2282W" "500x2000_T22_2898W" "500x2000_T33_4096W"))
	("600"	("400"		("600x400_T11_374W"   "600x400_T21S_529W"   "600x400_T22_673W"))
			("500"		("600x500_T11_467W"   "600x500_T21S_661W"   "600x500_T22_842W"   "600x500_T33_1190W"))
			("600"		("600x600_T11_560W"   "600x600_T21S_793W"   "600x600_T22_1010W"  "600x600_T33_1427W"))
			("700"		("600x700_T11_654W"   "600x700_T21S_925W"   "600x700_T22_1178W"  "600x700_T33_1665W"))
			("800"		("600x800_T11_747W"   "600x800_T21S_1058W"  "600x800_T22_1346W"  "600x800_T33_1903W"))
			("900"		("600x900_T11_841W"   "600x900_T21S_1190W"  "600x900_T22_1515W"  "600x900_T33_2141W"))
			("1000"		("600x1000_T11_934W"  "600x1000_T21S_1322W" "600x1000_T22_1683W" "600x1000_T33_2379W"))
			("1100"		("600x1100_T11_1027W" "600x1100_T21S_1454W" "600x1100_T22_1851W" "600x1100_T33_2617W"))
			("1200"		("600x1200_T11_1121W" "600x1200_T21S_1586W" "600x1200_T22_2020W" "600x1200_T33_2855W"))
			("1300"		("600x1300_T11_1214W" "600x1300_T21S_1719W" "600x1300_T22_2188W" "600x1300_T33_3093W"))
			("1400"		("600x1400_T11_1308W" "600x1400_T21S_1851W" "600x1400_T22_2356W" "600x1400_T33_3331W"))
			("1600"		("600x1600_T11_1494W" "600x1600_T21S_2115W" "600x1600_T22_2693W" "600x1600_T33_3806W"))
			("1800"		("600x1800_T11_1681W" "600x1800_T21S_2380W" "600x1800_T22_3029W" "600x1800_T33_4282W"))
			("2000"		("600x2000_T11_1868W" "600x2000_T21S_2644W" "600x2000_T22_3366W" "600x2000_T33_4758W"))
	("700"	("400"		( "700x400_T21S_600W"   "700x400_T22_763W"))
			("500"		( "700x500_T21S_750W"   "700x500_T22_954W"   "700x500_T33_1348w"))
			("600"		( "700x600_T21S_899W"   "700x600_T22_1144W"  "700x600_T33_1618W"))
			("700"		( "700x700_T21S_1049W"  "700x700_T22_1335W"  "700x700_T33_1887W"))
			("800"		( "700x800_T21S_1199W"  "700x800_T22_1526W"  "700x800_T33_2157W"))
			("900"		( "700x900_T21S_1349W"  "700x900_T22_1716W"  "700x900_T33_2426W"))
			("1000"		( "700x1000_T21S_1499W" "700x1000_T22_1907W" "700x1000_T33_2696W"))
			("1100"		( "700x1100_T21S_1649W" "700x1100_T22_2098W"))
			("1200"		( "700x1200_T21S_1799W" "700x1200_T22_2288W"))
			("1300"		( "700x1300_T21S_1949W" "700x1300_T22_2479W" "700x1300_T33_3503W"))
			("1400"		( "700x1400_T21S_2099W" "700x1400_T22_2670W"))
			("1600"		( "700x1600_T21S_2398W" "700x1600_T22_3051W"))
	("900"	("400"		("900x400_T11_525W"   "900x400_T21S_736W"   "900x400_T22_930W"))
			("500"		("900x500_T11_656W"   "900x500_T21S_921W"   "900x500_T22_1163W"  "900x500_T33_1649W"))
			("600"		("900x600_T11_787W"   "900x600_T21S_1105W"  "900x600_T22_1396W"  "900x600_T33_1978W"))
			("700"		("900x700_T11_918W"   "900x700_T21S_1289W"  "900x700_T22_1628W"  "900x700_T33_2308W"))
			("800"		("900x800_T11_1050W"  "900x800_T21S_1473W"  "900x800_T22_1861W"  "900x800_T33_2638W"))
			("900"		("900x900_T11_1181W"  "900x900_T21S_1657W"  "900x900_T22_2093W"  "900x900_T33_2967W"))
			("1000"		("900x1000_T11_1312W" "900x1000_T21S_1841W" "900x1000_T22_2326W" "900x1000_T33_3297W"))
			("1100"		("900x1100_T11_1443W" 						"900x1100_T22_2559W" "900x1100_T33_3627W"))
			("1200"		("900x1200_T11_1574W" "900x1200_T21S_2209W" "900x1200_T22_2791W" "900x1200_T33_3956W"))
			("1300"		("900x1300_T11_1706W" "900x1300_T21S_2393W" "900x1300_T22_3024W" "900x1300_T33_4286W"))
			("1400"		("900x1400_T11_1837W" "900x1400_T21S_2577W" "900x1400_T22_3256W" "900x1400_T33_4616W"))
			("1600"		("900x1600_T11_2099W" "900x1600_T21S_2946W" "900x1600_T22_3722W" "900x1600_T33_5275W"))
			("1800"		("900x1800_T11_2362W" "900x1800_T21S_3314W" "900x1800_T22_4187W" "900x1800_T33_5935W"))
			("2000"		("900x2000_T11_2624W" "900x2000_T21S_3682W" "900x2000_T22_4652W" "900x2000_T33_6594W"))

(setq dcl (vl-filename-mktemp "tmp.dcl"))
(setq des (open dcl "w"))
(foreach str
"lbx : list_box"
"    alignment = centered;"
"    fixed_width = true;"
"    fixed_height = true;"
"    width = 35;"
"    height = 15;"
"test : dialog"
"    label = \"Brugman Compact 4 Bibliotheek\";"
"    spacer;"
"    : row"
"    {"
"        : lbx { key = \"lb0\"; label = \"Hoogte\"; }"
"        : lbx { key = \"lb1\"; label = \"Breedte\"; }"
"        : lbx { key = \"lb2\"; label = \"Type\"; }"
"    }"
"    spacer;"
"    ok_cancel;"
(write-line str des)

(not (setq des (close des)))
(< 0 (setq dch (load_dialog dcl)))
(new_dialog "test" dch)
(setq rtn '(0 0 0))
(LM:dcld:action '("lb0" "lb1" "lb2") 'lst 'rtn)
(if (= 1 (start_dialog))
		(setq lb1list (LM:dcld:getitems rtn lst)
			  newname  (nth 2 lb1list)

			  old-lay (getvar "clayer")
			  LAY (if  (not (tblsearch "layer" "WB5611----_RADIATOR"))
			    (command "layer" "M" "WB5611----_RADIATOR" "C" "2" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "")
		(setq dist (getreal "\nEnter length "))
		(setq pt (getpoint "\nPick point for new block "))
		(command "layer" "s" "WB5611----_RADIATOR" "" )	 
		(command "-bedit" "Radiator" "bsaveas" newname "No" "Bclose" "")
        (command "-insert" newname pt dist 100 0.0)
		(command "zoom" "E")




Hi BIGAL, thanks for your work and time. I have a problem in AutoCAD with this. (command "-bedit" "Radiator" "bsaveas" newname "No" "Bclose" "")

I made some changes: I do not use Getreal because LB1 has the lenght of the radiator. LB2 has the name for the block. Then AutoCAD has a problem wiht NO. So i put it out. Then AutoCAD has a problem with CBIL command. So there is an enter to mutch. Then I removed the enter after Bclose and the function is ok. Only not if a name already at the drawing is called. The name already exists and the blockeditor comes on. I enclosed my new version of CBIL. 

CBiL.lspFetching info...

  On 12/9/2024 at 12:01 PM, patjeacad said:

Hi BIGAL, thanks for your work and time. I have a problem in AutoCAD with this. (command "-bedit" "Radiator" "bsaveas" newname "No" "Bclose" "")

I made some changes: I do not use Getreal because LB1 has the lenght of the radiator. LB2 has the name for the block. Then AutoCAD has a problem wiht NO. So i put it out. Then AutoCAD has a problem with CBIL command. So there is an enter to mutch. Then I removed the enter after Bclose and the function is ok. Only not if a name already at the drawing is called. The name already exists and the blockeditor comes on. I enclosed my new version of CBIL. 

CBiL.lsp 10.65 kB · 0 downloads


I'm learning  the limits of rename block and bedit. I have to work with attributes than i can use the same name for blocks at the same drawing.

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