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Thanks to the lisp that outputs coordinates in clusters

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Posted (edited)

Ok found the X&Y problem just change this in line 101 (trans cen 1 0) the trans was the other way around need 1 0.


(setq lst3 (cons (list (strcat pre (rtos box 2 0)) (strcat str) (trans cen 1 0)  rad ) lst3))


Edited by BIGAL
  • Thanks 1
  On 12/18/2024 at 3:37 AM, BIGAL said:

Ok found the X&Y problem just change this in line 101 (trans cen 1 0) the trans was the other way around need 1 0.


(setq lst3 (cons (list (strcat pre (rtos box 2 0)) (strcat str) (trans cen 1 0)  rad ) lst3))



thanks bro. It worked for the numbers in the coordinates. However the numbers are not correct for the decimal point position.





Posted (edited)

I have checked the code, reposted above please copy the code and save again.



Center point:  X=   -884.6503  Y=   62.3510  Z=   0.0000

Center point:  X=   -885.7833  Y=   64.2701  Z=   0.0000


Latest version

; By Alan H DEc 2024
; Gets co-ords of circles in a rectangs

(defun lotsofholes ( / box cnum co-ord co-ords ent entn lst lst2 lst3 oldsnap pi45 pre pt rad ss vla xlsetcelltext)

(defun find-max-point (points / max-point)
(setq max-point (car points))
(foreach pt (cdr points)
(setq max-point (list (max (car max-point) (car pt))
(max (cadr max-point) (cadr pt))
) max-point

;;	Thanks to fixo			;;
;;   = Set Excel cell text =    ;;
;;				;;
(defun xlsetcelltext ( row column text)
(setq cells (vlax-get-property  (vlax-get-property myxl "ActiveSheet") "Cells"))
    (list cells 'Item row column
	(vlax-make-variant (vl-princ-to-string text) vlax-vbstring)))

(setq pi45 (* pi 0.25))
(setvar 'textstyle "Standard")
(setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode))
(setvar 'osmode 512)
(setq box 0)
(setq lst3 '())

(setq pre (getstring "\nEnter prefix B etc "))

(setq pt (getpoint "\nPick bottom left corner "))

(command "UCS" "OB" pt)
(command "PLan" "")
(command "zoom""C" (trans pt 0 1) 6.0)
(prompt "select all rectangs use window enter to stop ")

(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))

(if (= ss nil)(progn (Alert "no rectangs found \nwill now exit ")(exit)))

(setq cnum (vlax-ldata-get "Circles" "NUM"))
(if (= cnum nil) (setq cnum 0))
(setq co-ords '())

; sort rectangs re order here so remake ss
(repeat (setq x (sslength ss))
  (setq entn (ssname ss (setq x (1- x))))
  (setq co-ord (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (a) (= (car a) 10)) (entget entn))))
  (setq co-ords (cons  (list (car (car co-ord)) (cadr (car co-ord)) entn) co-ords))
(setq co-ords (vl-sort co-ords
	 '(lambda (a b)
	      ((< (car a) (car b)))
	      ((= (car a) (car b)) 
		  (< (cadr a) (cadr b)))

(foreach val co-ords
  (setq lst2 '())
  (setq co-ord (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (a) (= (car a) 10)) (entget (caddr val)))))
  (setq co-ord (cons (last co-ord) co-ord))
  (setvar 'osmode 0)
  (foreach pt co-ord
   (setq lst2 (cons (trans pt 0 1) lst2))
  (setq maxpt (find-max-point lst2))
  (command "text" maxpt rad (* 0.25 pi) (strcat pre (rtos (setq box (1+ box)) 2 0)))
  (setq ss2 (ssget "_CP" lst2 (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE"))))
  (setq lst '())
  (repeat (setq K (sslength ss2))
   (setq ent (entget (ssname ss2 (setq k (1- k)))))
   (setq rad (cdr (assoc 40 ent)))
   (setq cen (cdr (assoc 10 ent)))
   (setq cenucs (trans (cdr (assoc 10 ent)) 0 1))
   (setq cx (atof (rtos (car cenucs) 2 4)) cy (atof (rtos (cadr cenucs) 2 4)))
   (setq lst (cons (list cx cy rad) lst))
  (setq lst (vl-sort lst
	 '(lambda (a b)
	      ((< (car a) (car b)))
	      ((= (car a) (car b)) 
		  (< (cadr a) (cadr b)))
(foreach val lst
   (setq cen (list (car val)(cadr val)))
   (setq rad (caddr val))
   (setq str (rtos (setq cnum (1+ cnum)) 2 0))
   (command "text" (polar cen pi45 (+ rad (* rad 0.2))) rad 0.0 str)
   (setq lst3 (cons (list (strcat pre (rtos box 2 0)) (strcat str) (trans cen 1 0)  rad ) lst3))
(vlax-ldata-put "Circles" "NUM" cnum)
(setvar 'osmode 512)
(command "ucs" "w")
(command "plan" "")

; now do excel lst3
(or (setq myxl (vlax-get-object "Excel.Application"))
    (setq myxl (vlax-get-or-create-object "excel.Application"))
(vla-put-visible myXL :vlax-true)
(vlax-put-property myxl 'ScreenUpdating :vlax-true)
(vlax-put-property myXL 'DisplayAlerts :vlax-true)
(vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property myXL 'WorkBooks) 'Add) ; opens a new xl

(setq row 1)
(setq lst3 (reverse lst3))
(foreach val lst3
(xlsetcelltext row 1 (nth 0 val))
(xlsetcelltext row 2 (nth 1 val))
(xlsetcelltext row 3 (car (nth 2 val)))
(xlsetcelltext row 4 (cadr (nth 2 val)))
(setq row (1+ row))



Edited by BIGAL
  On 12/19/2024 at 10:52 PM, BIGAL said:

I have checked the code, reposted above please copy the code and save again.



Center point:  X=   -884.6503  Y=   62.3510  Z=   0.0000

Center point:  X=   -885.7833  Y=   64.2701  Z=   0.0000


Latest version

; By Alan H DEc 2024
; Gets co-ords of circles in a rectangs

(defun lotsofholes ( / box cnum co-ord co-ords ent entn lst lst2 lst3 oldsnap pi45 pre pt rad ss vla xlsetcelltext)

(defun find-max-point (points / max-point)
(setq max-point (car points))
(foreach pt (cdr points)
(setq max-point (list (max (car max-point) (car pt))
(max (cadr max-point) (cadr pt))
) max-point

;;	Thanks to fixo			;;
;;   = Set Excel cell text =    ;;
;;				;;
(defun xlsetcelltext ( row column text)
(setq cells (vlax-get-property  (vlax-get-property myxl "ActiveSheet") "Cells"))
    (list cells 'Item row column
	(vlax-make-variant (vl-princ-to-string text) vlax-vbstring)))

(setq pi45 (* pi 0.25))
(setvar 'textstyle "Standard")
(setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode))
(setvar 'osmode 512)
(setq box 0)
(setq lst3 '())

(setq pre (getstring "\nEnter prefix B etc "))

(setq pt (getpoint "\nPick bottom left corner "))

(command "UCS" "OB" pt)
(command "PLan" "")
(command "zoom""C" (trans pt 0 1) 6.0)
(prompt "select all rectangs use window enter to stop ")

(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))

(if (= ss nil)(progn (Alert "no rectangs found \nwill now exit ")(exit)))

(setq cnum (vlax-ldata-get "Circles" "NUM"))
(if (= cnum nil) (setq cnum 0))
(setq co-ords '())

; sort rectangs re order here so remake ss
(repeat (setq x (sslength ss))
  (setq entn (ssname ss (setq x (1- x))))
  (setq co-ord (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (a) (= (car a) 10)) (entget entn))))
  (setq co-ords (cons  (list (car (car co-ord)) (cadr (car co-ord)) entn) co-ords))
(setq co-ords (vl-sort co-ords
	 '(lambda (a b)
	      ((< (car a) (car b)))
	      ((= (car a) (car b)) 
		  (< (cadr a) (cadr b)))

(foreach val co-ords
  (setq lst2 '())
  (setq co-ord (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (a) (= (car a) 10)) (entget (caddr val)))))
  (setq co-ord (cons (last co-ord) co-ord))
  (setvar 'osmode 0)
  (foreach pt co-ord
   (setq lst2 (cons (trans pt 0 1) lst2))
  (setq maxpt (find-max-point lst2))
  (command "text" maxpt rad (* 0.25 pi) (strcat pre (rtos (setq box (1+ box)) 2 0)))
  (setq ss2 (ssget "_CP" lst2 (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE"))))
  (setq lst '())
  (repeat (setq K (sslength ss2))
   (setq ent (entget (ssname ss2 (setq k (1- k)))))
   (setq rad (cdr (assoc 40 ent)))
   (setq cen (cdr (assoc 10 ent)))
   (setq cenucs (trans (cdr (assoc 10 ent)) 0 1))
   (setq cx (atof (rtos (car cenucs) 2 4)) cy (atof (rtos (cadr cenucs) 2 4)))
   (setq lst (cons (list cx cy rad) lst))
  (setq lst (vl-sort lst
	 '(lambda (a b)
	      ((< (car a) (car b)))
	      ((= (car a) (car b)) 
		  (< (cadr a) (cadr b)))
(foreach val lst
   (setq cen (list (car val)(cadr val)))
   (setq rad (caddr val))
   (setq str (rtos (setq cnum (1+ cnum)) 2 0))
   (command "text" (polar cen pi45 (+ rad (* rad 0.2))) rad 0.0 str)
   (setq lst3 (cons (list (strcat pre (rtos box 2 0)) (strcat str) (trans cen 1 0)  rad ) lst3))
(vlax-ldata-put "Circles" "NUM" cnum)
(setvar 'osmode 512)
(command "ucs" "w")
(command "plan" "")

; now do excel lst3
(or (setq myxl (vlax-get-object "Excel.Application"))
    (setq myxl (vlax-get-or-create-object "excel.Application"))
(vla-put-visible myXL :vlax-true)
(vlax-put-property myxl 'ScreenUpdating :vlax-true)
(vlax-put-property myXL 'DisplayAlerts :vlax-true)
(vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property myXL 'WorkBooks) 'Add) ; opens a new xl

(setq row 1)
(setq lst3 (reverse lst3))
(foreach val lst3
(xlsetcelltext row 1 (nth 0 val))
(xlsetcelltext row 2 (nth 1 val))
(xlsetcelltext row 3 (car (nth 2 val)))
(xlsetcelltext row 4 (cadr (nth 2 val)))
(setq row (1+ row))





anchor bolt plan.dwgUnavailable HOLE2.xlsxUnavailable

Posted (edited)
  On 12/20/2024 at 2:37 AM, BIGAL said:

I don't understand this is what I got. It appears to be correct. It matches the co-ordinates you have.

anchor bolt plan (1).dwg 2.46 MB · 0 downloads Anchor bolts copy.xlsx 43.19 kB · 0 downloads


Thanks brother. I found the error: The error is because the Windows operating system installed on the computer is using a comma ( , ) as a decimal point, while CAD uses a dot ( . ). Therefore, when converting coordinates between the current UCS coordinate system and 0,0, an error occurred.
Do you have a way to fix this error, because by default I have to use a comma ( , ) as a decimal point.

There is one problem that when used multiple times, the circle order number does not reset to 1. I want to be able to set the starting order number of the rectangle and circle by entering from the keyboard.

Thank you very much brother.

Edited by Thang.VD.HD
  On 12/20/2024 at 12:35 PM, SLW210 said:

There is a SysVars for changing decimal separator for Dimensions. DIMDSEP and  DIMLUNIT = 2 (Decimal) or it is disabled. But, I believe it's just an override, not sure though.


AutoCAD 2022 Help | DIMDSEP (System Variable) | Autodesk


Maybe read this...


Identify decimal separator via autolisp - AutoLISP, Visual LISP & DCL - AutoCAD Forums




Thanks @SLW210 . I tried the DIMDSEP command but the result is the same.


Like stated, for dimensions only.


Did you read the thread I linked?

  • Thanks 1

What happens if you format the X&Y columns as numbers will that auto change to comma ? I understand Excel uses comma in some versions.


In these 2 lines are the send to Excel could change to strings so the period would be replaced with a comma.

(xlsetcelltext row 3 (car (nth 2 val)))
(xlsetcelltext row 4 (cadr (nth 2 val)))

Please try the format 1st.

  • Thanks 1
  On 12/20/2024 at 3:44 PM, SLW210 said:

Like stated, for dimensions only.


Did you read the thread I linked?


I have read but don't know much about coding. so I don't understand much.

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