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Hello man and woman,

I have a problem with the alert function at the end of a cond. RLX helep me with a bolt library  The filters and alerts are ok exept  the last alert. The lisp routine doesn"t stop.

        ((setq S ($p str "*DIN931-*"))(setq S1 ($p1 str "*A#M##x###@*"))
         (setq bn (strcat S S1)))
        (t (setq bn nil) (alert ": Geen DIN931 bout Geselecteerd"))

The lisp file and dcl are enclosed. Can someone tell me what is wrong on the last alert function?

DIN931MODE.LSPFetching info... DIN931MODIFY.dclFetching info...


Just a guess. The first clause [starts with setq S ($p...] will not evaluate to nil if S is assigned any value, which means that that clause finishes and the cond command finishes. The way $p is defined, S will always have a value. There's no way to make it fail and proceed to the final alert.


It would help to have some idea of what this function is supposed to do.


I allways use (alert (strcat "whatever " (vl-princ-to-string whoever))) , even if whoever is nil , alert function still alerts.


sorry I have no time to respond more because my agency asked me to help one of its clients with a problem while my dayjob is also quite intense at this moment (end of year stress) so I work from 6am till 5pm for dayjob and 6pm to 0.00am for the other job (and this 24/7 , a couple of weeks in a row so far)  😵‍💫


I wrote (of course) an app for the second job but it took me 2 whole weekends , starting friday from 6pm and 'finished' on sunday 10pm , only left my cave for food and sanitary stops. Hope to finish the second job this week / weekend so next week I only have day job left 🥱 , no pressure haha.


Don't think I'll ever gonna take on two jobs at the same time any time soon.

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