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Copy an object above a series of selected objects


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Hi, very often I have to do some searches with Find, at the end and exit from the command I get a selection of objects Found.
I ask if there is a method (or a lisp) to copy above each selected object, an object already present in the drawing.

For example, I would like to:
- copy a speech bubble (revision speech bubble) over the objects, or
- copy a block specially prepared for tagging over the objects, or
- copy a text to communicate information over the objects, or
- copy a polyline with counting symbols, or
- etc....
Of course, there is no need for perfect overlapping, it is fine to obtain the "insertion point above insertion point" copy and then manually refine the position.
The object to be copied obviously would be previously prepared and ready to be selected in the file itself.



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That should not cause much headache.

(defun c:pp() 
  (setq el (entget (car (entsel "What to copy? ")))
	el (subst (assoc 10 (entget (car (entsel " And where to copy that?")))) (assoc 10 el) el))
  (entmake el)

it will copy blocks, texts and lot more kind of objects over the geometry you select. It will superpose their insertion points.

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In the Lisp above you pick one by one the objects to get something copied on top. Reading again I just realize that you wish to insert something over the objects already selected. Sorry, here is an other Lisp I think better suits your needs.

(defun c:pp()
  (setq what (entget (car (entsel "\t what to copy? "))) a10 (assoc 10 what))
  (setq p (cadr (ssgetfirst)))
  (repeat (setq i (sslength p))   
    (entmake (subst (assoc 10 (entget (ssname p (setq i (1- i))))) a10 what))
  (setq p nil)


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Good morning fuccaro and in the meantime thanks for the help.
It doesn't seem to me that lisp works, to the question
what to copy? whatever type of object I select I get an error
error: wrong argument type: lselsetp nil


Secondly, as explained to me, I need to solve it in another way.
1) I conclude a search or a multiple selection of objects that are therefore already selected
2) At this point I would like to call your command that should only ask me what to copy, letting me select the type of object (cloud, text, line, block...)
3) ...at that point the copy of the selected object should occur over the preselected objects... "pickfirst" type of operation therefore...


thanks again

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Please try this one:

(defun c:pp( / a10 what p i ss)
  (setq what (entget (car (entsel "\t what to copy? "))) a10 (assoc 10 what))
  (setq p (cadr (setq ss(ssgetfirst))))
  (repeat (setq i (sslength p))   
    (entmake (subst (assoc 10 (entget (ssname p (setq i (1- i))))) a10 what))


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