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Create circle and place it bottom

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Posted (edited)

Hi brothers/Sisters,


I create this code to create nominal diameter of a reinforcement, but while place the created circle it only center, 


I want it to place with bottom of the circle.


Thanks in advance 😆

;; Define a global variable for the last entered bar diameter
(setq lastBarDiameter nil)

(defun c:DG ()
  ;; Initialize lastBarDiameter if it is nil
  (if (= nil lastBarDiameter)
    (setq lastBarDiameter 0.0))  ; Default value if no previous diameter is stored

  ;; Prompt for diameter input and allow pressing Enter to use last value
  (setq dia (getreal (strcat "\nEnter bar diameter (last entered: " (rtos lastBarDiameter 2 0) "): ")))

  ;; Check if the user pressed Enter (dia will be nil)
  (if (= dia nil)
    (setq dia lastBarDiameter)  ; Use the last entered diameter if Enter is pressed

  ;; Validate and set the corresponding value
  (setq diameters '((3 . 0.375) (4 . 0.5) (5 . 0.625) (6 . 0.75)
                    (7 . 0.875) (8 . 1.0) (9 . 1.270) (10 . 1.310))) ; List of diameters and values
  (setq n 0) ; Initialize n

  ;; Check for valid diameter and print corresponding message
  (foreach d diameters
    (if (= dia (car d))
        (setq n (cdr d))
        (princ (strcat "\nYou entered a diameter of " (rtos (car d) 2 0) ", which corresponds to a value of " (rtos n 2 3) ".")))))

  ;; Only proceed if a valid diameter was entered
  (if (> n 0)
      (setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify the center point for the circle:")) ; Prompt for center point
      (setq radius (/ n 2))  ; Calculate the radius
      ;; Set the layer based on the bar diameter
        ((= dia 3) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B3")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B3" "C" "10" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 4) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B4")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B4" "C" "14" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 5) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B5")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B5" "C" "30" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 6) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B6")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B6" "C" "40" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 7) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B7")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B7" "C" "50" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 8) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B8")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B8" "C" "70" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 9) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B9")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B9" "C" "99" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 10) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B10")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B10" "C" "110" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
      ;; Draw the circle at the specified center point
      (command "circle" pt radius) 

      ;; Store the last entered bar diameter
      (setq lastBarDiameter dia)  ; Store the last diameter value
      ;; Print the stored value
      (princ (strcat "\nLast entered bar diameter: " (rtos lastBarDiameter 2 0))) ; Use rtos for real display
    (princ "\nInvalid diameter. Please enter a value between 3 and 10.")
  ;; Set the current layer to 0-35 (or any default layer you want)
  (setvar "clayer" "0-35")
  ;; Clean exit


Edited by SLW210
Added Code Tags!!

I moved your thread to the AutoLISP, Visual LISP & DCL Forum, please post in the most appropriate forum.


Please use code tags for your code. (the <> in the editor tool bar)

Posted (edited)

This is my attempt at your task. Remembers last dia used. Adds circle matching bottom Quadrant point.


(defun c:DG ( / diameters ans radius pt )
  (setq diameters (list "Choose diameter" "3/8" "1/2" "5/8" "3/4" "7/8" "1" "1 1/4" "1 3/8" )) ; List of diameters
  (if (not AH:Butts)(load "Multi radio buttons.lsp")) 			; loads the program if not loaded already
  (if (= lastBarDiameter nil)(setq lastBarDiameter 1)) 			; this is needed to set default button
  (setq ans (ah:butts lastBarDiameter "V" diameters))
  (setq lastBarDiameter but) ;; Store the last entered bar diameter

 ;; Set the layer based on the bar diameter
   ((= but 1) (setq radius 0.375)(if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B3")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B3" "C" "10" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
   ((= but 2) (setq radius 0.5)(if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B4")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B4" "C" "14" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
   ((= but 3) (setq radius 0.625)(if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B5")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B5" "C" "30" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
   ((= but 4) (setq radius 0.75)(if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B6")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B6" "C" "40" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
   ((= but 5) (setq radius 0.875)(if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B7")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B7" "C" "50" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
   ((= but 6) (setq radius 1.0)(if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B8")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B8" "C" "70" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
   ((= but 7) (setq radius 1.25)(if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B9")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B9" "C" "99" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
   ((= but 8) (setq radius 1.375)(if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B10")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B10" "C" "110" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
 (setq radius (/ radius 2.0))
 ;; Draw the circle at the specified point
 (setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify the bottom point for the circle:")) ; Prompt for bottom point
 (setq pt (mapcar '+ pt (list 0.0 radius 0.0)))
 (command "circle" "_non" pt radius)

  ;; Set the current layer to 0-35 (or any default layer you want)
  ;(setvar "clayer" "0-35")
  ;; Clean exit


Make sure you save Multi radio buttons in a support path or add the full path to the (load "Multi...

image.png.dc77a29b20afe251e6701e96351c14d2.pngMulti radio buttons.lsp



Edited by BIGAL
  • Like 1


I did a little update in your code and put a comments ("THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", .......). I hope is that what you want.


;; Define a global variable for the last entered bar diameter
(setq lastBarDiameter nil)

(defun c:DG () ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", you need to localized a variables
  (setq osm (getvar "osmode")) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", get the values of "object snap"
  (setvar "osmode" 0) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", set the value to be 0 or turned off
  (setq old_layer (getvar "clayer")) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", get a previous name of layer
  ;; Initialize lastBarDiameter if it is nil
  (if (= nil lastBarDiameter)
    (setq lastBarDiameter 0.0))  ; Default value if no previous diameter is stored

  ;; Prompt for diameter input and allow pressing Enter to use last value
  (setq dia (getreal (strcat "\nEnter bar diameter (last entered: " (rtos lastBarDiameter 2 0) "): ")))

  ;; Check if the user pressed Enter (dia will be nil)
  (if (= dia nil)
    (setq dia lastBarDiameter)  ; Use the last entered diameter if Enter is pressed

  ;; Validate and set the corresponding value
  (setq diameters '((3 . 0.375) (4 . 0.5) (5 . 0.625) (6 . 0.75)
                    (7 . 0.875) (8 . 1.0) (9 . 1.270) (10 . 1.310))) ; List of diameters and values
  (setq n 0) ; Initialize n

  ;; Check for valid diameter and print corresponding message
  (foreach d diameters
    (if (= dia (car d))
        (setq n (cdr d))
        (princ (strcat "\nYou entered a diameter of " (rtos (car d) 2 0) ", which corresponds to a value of " (rtos n 2 3) ".")))))

  ;; Only proceed if a valid diameter was entered
  (if (> n 0)
      (setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify the center point for the circle:")) ; Prompt for center point
      (setq radius (/ n 2))  ; Calculate the radius
      ;; Set the layer based on the bar diameter
        ((= dia 3) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B3")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B3" "C" "10" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 4) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B4")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B4" "C" "14" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 5) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B5")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B5" "C" "30" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 6) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B6")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B6" "C" "40" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 7) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B7")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B7" "C" "50" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 8) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B8")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B8" "C" "70" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 9) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B9")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B9" "C" "99" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 10) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B10")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B10" "C" "110" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
      ;; Draw the circle at the specified center point
      (command "circle" pt radius)
      (setq ang_270 4.71) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", define a default angle of 270 degrees, whic are in radians 4.71
      (setq npt (polar pt ang_270 radius)) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", get a new point (npt) from the center point of the circle to the bottom of the circle
      (command "._move" (entlast) "" npt pt) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", displacement a circle from a bottom to the center of the circle
      (setvar "osmode" osm) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", restore the "object snap"

      ;; Store the last entered bar diameter
      (setq lastBarDiameter dia)  ; Store the last diameter value
      ;; Print the stored value
      (princ (strcat "\nLast entered bar diameter: " (rtos lastBarDiameter 2 0))) ; Use rtos for real display
    (princ "\nInvalid diameter. Please enter a value between 3 and 10.")
  ;; Set the current layer to 0-35 (or any default layer you want)
  ;; (setvar "clayer" "0-35")
  (setvar "clayer" old_layer) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", restore the old layer after creating a circle
  ;; Clean exit


6 hours ago, Saxlle said:


I did a little update in your code and put a comments ("THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", .......). I hope is that what you want.


;; Define a global variable for the last entered bar diameter
(setq lastBarDiameter nil)

(defun c:DG () ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", you need to localized a variables
  (setq osm (getvar "osmode")) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", get the values of "object snap"
  (setvar "osmode" 0) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", set the value to be 0 or turned off
  (setq old_layer (getvar "clayer")) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", get a previous name of layer
  ;; Initialize lastBarDiameter if it is nil
  (if (= nil lastBarDiameter)
    (setq lastBarDiameter 0.0))  ; Default value if no previous diameter is stored

  ;; Prompt for diameter input and allow pressing Enter to use last value
  (setq dia (getreal (strcat "\nEnter bar diameter (last entered: " (rtos lastBarDiameter 2 0) "): ")))

  ;; Check if the user pressed Enter (dia will be nil)
  (if (= dia nil)
    (setq dia lastBarDiameter)  ; Use the last entered diameter if Enter is pressed

  ;; Validate and set the corresponding value
  (setq diameters '((3 . 0.375) (4 . 0.5) (5 . 0.625) (6 . 0.75)
                    (7 . 0.875) (8 . 1.0) (9 . 1.270) (10 . 1.310))) ; List of diameters and values
  (setq n 0) ; Initialize n

  ;; Check for valid diameter and print corresponding message
  (foreach d diameters
    (if (= dia (car d))
        (setq n (cdr d))
        (princ (strcat "\nYou entered a diameter of " (rtos (car d) 2 0) ", which corresponds to a value of " (rtos n 2 3) ".")))))

  ;; Only proceed if a valid diameter was entered
  (if (> n 0)
      (setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify the center point for the circle:")) ; Prompt for center point
      (setq radius (/ n 2))  ; Calculate the radius
      ;; Set the layer based on the bar diameter
        ((= dia 3) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B3")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B3" "C" "10" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 4) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B4")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B4" "C" "14" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 5) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B5")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B5" "C" "30" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 6) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B6")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B6" "C" "40" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 7) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B7")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B7" "C" "50" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 8) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B8")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B8" "C" "70" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 9) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B9")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B9" "C" "99" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
        ((= dia 10) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "B10")) (command "LAYER" "M" "B10" "C" "110" "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" "")))
      ;; Draw the circle at the specified center point
      (command "circle" pt radius)
      (setq ang_270 4.71) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", define a default angle of 270 degrees, whic are in radians 4.71
      (setq npt (polar pt ang_270 radius)) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", get a new point (npt) from the center point of the circle to the bottom of the circle
      (command "._move" (entlast) "" npt pt) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", displacement a circle from a bottom to the center of the circle
      (setvar "osmode" osm) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", restore the "object snap"

      ;; Store the last entered bar diameter
      (setq lastBarDiameter dia)  ; Store the last diameter value
      ;; Print the stored value
      (princ (strcat "\nLast entered bar diameter: " (rtos lastBarDiameter 2 0))) ; Use rtos for real display
    (princ "\nInvalid diameter. Please enter a value between 3 and 10.")
  ;; Set the current layer to 0-35 (or any default layer you want)
  ;; (setvar "clayer" "0-35")
  (setvar "clayer" old_layer) ;; "THIS LINE HAS BEEN ADDED", restore the old layer after creating a circle
  ;; Clean exit


This code works exactly what i needed sir, thanks... if i use this command a little zoom out then circle would place with center, but it can manageable when i zoom in near to the objects


Your welcome 🙂 

If i understand correctly, you have a problem with "object snap", doesn't apear a "quadrant" when you specifying center point of circle to be on "LINE, POLYLINE, ..." entitie. So, you need just to change a position of this line of code: (setvar "osmode" 0), to be somewhere after this line of code: (setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify the center point for the circle:")) and before this line of code: (command "circle" pt radius) inside of "if" statement.



@BIGAL Yeah i tried it, the menu bar idea is working fine, but for work follow i prefer use to keyboard only, thanks a lot i learnt a new thing.😀

  • 4 weeks later...

;; Define a global variable for the last entered bar diameter
(setq lastBarDiameter nil)

;; Diameter and offset values
(setq diameters '((3 . 0.375) (4 . 0.5) (5 . 0.625) (6 . 0.75)
                  (7 . 0.875) (8 . 1.0) (9 . 1.270) (10 . 1.310)))

;; Function to create or select a layer based on diameter
(defun ensureLayer (dia)
  (setq layerName (strcat "B" (rtos dia 2 0)))
  (setq layerColor (cond
                     ((= dia 3) 10)
                     ((= dia 4) 14)
                     ((= dia 5) 30)
                     ((= dia 6) 40)
                     ((= dia 7) 50)
                     ((= dia 8) 70)
                     ((= dia 9) 99)
                     ((= dia 10) 110)))
  (if (not (tblsearch "layer" layerName))
    (command "_.layer" "M" layerName "C" (itoa layerColor) "" "L" "CONTINUOUS" "" "p" "n" "" ""))
  (setvar "clayer" layerName)

;; Function to prompt for bar diameter
(defun getBarDiameter ()
  (setq dia (getreal (strcat "\nEnter bar diameter (last entered#: " 
                             (if lastBarDiameter (rtos lastBarDiameter 2 0) "None") "): ")))
  (if (not dia)
    (setq dia lastBarDiameter)) ; Use the last entered diameter if none entered
  (if (and dia (>= dia 3) (<= dia 10))
    (progn (setq lastBarDiameter dia) dia) ; Return valid diameter
    (progn (princ "\nInvalid diameter. Please enter a value between 3 and 10.") nil))

;; DG: Draw circle with bar diameter, placing the circle's bottom exactly at the user-specified point
(defun c:DG ()
  (if (setq dia (getBarDiameter))  ; Get bar diameter
      (setq radius (/ (cdr (assoc dia diameters)) 2))  ; Calculate the radius
      (ensureLayer dia)  ; Ensure the correct layer is set

      ;; Allow the user to specify multiple points for placing circles
      (while (setq basePt (getpoint "\nSpecify bottom point for the circle (or press Enter to finish):"))
        ;; Adjust the center point to be above the base point by the radius
        (setq centerPt (list (car basePt) (+ (cadr basePt) radius) (caddr basePt)))

        ;; Draw the circle with the calculated center point and radius
        (command "circle" centerPt radius)
      (princ (strcat "\nCircles created on layer: " layerName))
  (setvar "clayer" "0-35")  ; Reset to default layer

;; DH: Offset objects with bar diameter
(defun c:DH ()
  (if (setq dia (getBarDiameter))
      (setq offsetValue (cdr (assoc dia diameters)))
      (if (setq ss (ssget "_+.:S:L" '((0 . "*POLYLINE,*LINE,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE"))))
          (ensureLayer dia)  ; Ensure the correct layer is set
          (while (setq p (getpoint (strcat "\nSpecify point for offset (Nominal Bar Dia: " 
                                           (rtos offsetValue 2 3) "): ")))
            (command "_.offset" offsetValue ss "_non" p "")
            (setq e (entlast))
            (command "_.chprop" e "" "_layer" layerName "")  ; Assign layer to new object
            (setq ss (ssadd e ss))  ; Add the new offset object to selection set
        (princ "\nNo valid objects selected for offset.")
  (setvar "clayer" "0-35")  ; Reset to default layer
) Thanks everyone currently I made some modifications and works well 

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