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I thought I posted here yesterday. 


Was this the old Continuous Copy from SoftDesk? Sounds like it.


When we switched to 2000i and dropped AutoCAD 14 with SoftDesk, pretty sure I never missed it, though it was handy, maybe I have something.


I found this old thread Continuous Copy - Autodesk Community - AutoCAD.


Maybe this by Kent Cooper can be of use


Claims to be a remake of the SoftDesk Continuous Copy... 


This is a good thread with some solutions...Solved: Re: Quick copy with spacing - LISP - Autodesk Community - AutoCAD


I got interested in coming back to this topic.


I have confirmed the ZZ functions are from Softdesk (LDD for a while) which was bought by Autodesk (prompting a lawsuit).


Found a few more codes to replace the Continuous Copy from Softdesk (also LDD for a while).


Both codes posted here I tested and they work...My favorite CC lisp not working (augi.com) I should have known Alan JT would have one.


Also some work by Alan JT, LeeMAC, marko_ribar here among others)...Accumulative copy lisp - AutoLISP, Visual LISP & DCL - AutoCAD Forums (cadtutor.net)




I had this, I have cleaned up, IIRC it works pretty similar if not exactly like the old Softdesk Continuous Copy.


;;; Allows you to copy objects multiple times at a typed in distance and angle.             |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;; |ContCop.lsp| similar to SoftEngine command Continuous Copy                             |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;; https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/89869-continuous-copylsp/#comment-648783           |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;; By SLW210 (Steve Wilson)                                                                |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;; August 18th, 2024                                                                       |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;;                                                                                         |
;;;                                                                                         |

(defun C:ContCop (/ ss ang dist dists temp pt1 pt2 oldOsnap)
  ;; Error handler for internal errors
  (defun ccerr (st)
    (if	(or (/= st "Function cancelled") (= st "quit / exit abort"))
      (princ (strcat "\nError: " st))

  ;; Set the error handler
  (setq *error* 'ccerr)

  ;; Store current Osnap setting
  (setq oldOsnap (getvar "OSMODE"))

  ;; Prompt user to select objects
  (prompt "\nSelect objects to copy: ")
  (command "select" "auto" pause)
  (setq ss (ssget "p"))

  ;; Prompt user to select the start and end points
  (initget 1)
  (setq pt1 (getpoint "\nSelect Start Point: "))
  (initget 1)
  (setq pt2 (getpoint pt1 "\nSelect End Point: "))

  ;; Calculate distance and angle
  (setq	dist  (distance pt1 pt2)
	ang   (angtos (angle pt1 pt2) 0 6)
	dists 0.0

  ;; Main loop for continuous copying
    (/=	(setq
	  temp (getdist
		 (strcat "\nNext distance/Exit < " (rtos dist) " >: ")
     (setq dists (+ dists
		    (if	(not temp)
     (setq temp (strcat "@" (rtos dists 2 6) "<" ang))
     (command "COPY" ss "" "0,0" temp)

  ;; Restore original Osnap setting
  (setvar "OSMODE" oldOsnap)



I am positive the others are better, but I need the practice, hopefully commented correctly for you and me both.



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I worked for a conveyor company back then, used this a lot.


Alan JT's are nice, hoping mine will work in the latest AutoCAD LT.


I was hoping some of the old timers that moved from LDD or Softdesk AutoCAD would pop in. Not many of us left!


Losing Softdesk probably instigated a lot of LISP back then, AutoCAD 2000i actually has some of the functionality, though not all.


It was almost like we forgot how to use AutoCAD for a while when we switched, I am surprised this particular was never added to AutoCAD.


I wonder what happened to all of the ZZ functions?


Cadalyst was the game for CAD and LISP back then, I should search there.


Most probably created Array and/or Copy macros on a toolbar as well.

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