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Getting data from a non stop string with separation characters


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Hello lisp guru's
I'm a bit stuck, well to be blunt i haven't even starting writing any code yet, i know the issue i'm going to come up against so i'm trying to problem solve before even getting into it.


I want to get some data from a string, and in my mind i'm thinking how would i even start with cadr etc in this scenario, well here's where i'm stumped.
The string doesn't have spaces, its continuous, and where a space would normally be it uses a | character for separation.
Well i've no idea how i get some data from within this kind of string, with | as the separation character. Here's a rough example
Lets say the string is this (and bear in mind these bits of data between the | do vary):


"-1|NCC|2.54|30|0|Auto|0|1|0|2|0|0|2|0|False|0|0"  (or another to show how it can vary "1|CCR|2.0|37.5|0|User|2|0|0|25|0|0|0|0|True|0|0)"

The string is always divided into this many sections (17), the data between can vary but I only ever want to to retrieve the 3rd section of data, in this case the "2.54"
and add it to a variable, still as a string, no need to change it to a real for my needs.
Could someone point me in the right direction? 

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like this?

; (SplitStr "a,b" ",") -> ("a" "b")
(defun SplitStr (s d / p)
  (if (setq p (vl-string-search d s))(cons (substr s 1 p)(SplitStr (substr s (+ p 1 (strlen d))) d))(list s)))

(nth 2 (splitstr "-1|NCC|2.54|30|0|Auto|0|1|0|2|0|0|2|0|False|0|0"  "|"))


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The string-handling functions in AutoLISP are not the best. car won't help unless you have a list.


So let's make a list. Add quotes at beginning and end. Replace each pipe with quote-space-quote. Pull out the third element. Done.

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Here's another:

    (strcat "(" (vl-string-translate "|" " " "-1|NCC|2.54|30|0|Auto|0|1|0|2|0|0|2|0|False|0|0") ")")
;; ("-1" "NCC" "2.54" "30" "0" "AUTO" "0" "1" "0" "2" "0" "0" "2" "0" "FALSE" "0" "0") 


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I do like ronjonp's version , its a few characters less code and I'm a BIG fan of short(er) code for my tiny lisp toolbox 🤓

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Posted (edited)

I am a big fan of Lee Mac make a list as suggested.


; tab 9 space 32 comma 44 semicolum 59 | 124

; thanks to Lee-mac for this defun
(defun csv->lst ( str / pos )
(if (setq pos (vl-string-position 32 str))
    (cons (substr str 1 pos) (csv->lst (substr str (+ pos 2))))
    (list str)

I often rename to suit delimeter.

; tab 9 space 32 comma 44 semicolum 59 | 124 : 58

; thanks to Lee-mac for this defun
(defun csv->lst124 ( str / pos )
(if (setq pos (vl-string-position 124 str))
    (cons (substr str 1 pos) (csv->lst124 (substr str (+ pos 2))))
    (list str)


Edited by BIGAL
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, rlx said:

I do like ronjonp's version , its a few characters less code and I'm a BIG fan of short(er) code for my tiny lisp toolbox 🤓

:) One limitation I've found is if one of the the strings start with a period "|.54|". Then it errors out on "misplaced dot on input"

Edited by ronjonp
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2 hours ago, ronjonp said:

:) One limitation I've found is if one of the the strings start with a period "|.54|". Then it errors out on "misplaced dot on input"

oh dear.... that's unfortunate 🥴 , awel , Lee's method is best... like always

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6 hours ago, rlx said:

Lee's method is best... like always

That's usually the case! :beer:

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Guys thanks a lot for all or your posts, i will look into them all.
I'm sorry for the delay responding, my hard drive failed on my system about an hour after i posted, and i'm currently reinstalling all my software. (Happy days).


You guys are the best, love how you bounce off each other

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