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I have this below. I would like to be able to type the text and insert and see the text I type to insert it to where I like. I this possible.


(command "_.text" "style" "simpfrac" pause "0" pause)

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Maybe this?

;;; FUNCTION Get_String.lsp
;;;  create a text object, then allow user to edit it via grread
;;;  return the text string, keep the text object unless ESCAPE 
;;;   see listed below
;;; 2000+ 
;;; Copyright© 2008 Charles Alan Butler  
;;;   Contact at TheSwamp.org
;;; 1.0 Oct 14, 2008 
;;; This routine may be used and copied for non-profit
;;;  purposes only. If you wish to include any of the file in a
;;;  commercial program, contact the author.

 (defun get_string (pt       ; insert point            
                    just     ; text justification      
                    str      ; starting string         
                    pro      ; command line prompt     
                    flist    ; Characters Filter List (wcmatch chr "[a-z],[A-Z],[0-9],-"))
                    lay      ; layer to use, nil = current
                    cursor   ; text rotation           
                    ed_color ; Color to use during edit
                    rot      ; Text rotation angle in radians
                    tstyle   ; text style to use, nil = current
                    txtht    ; text height, nil = current textsize
                    / *error* dxf72 dxf73 elist TextEnt key grr cursor cLen)

   (defun *error* (msg)
     (if (not
           (member msg '("console break" "Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort" "" nil))
       (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
     ;; if TextEnt exist then delete it.
     (and TextEnt (entdel TextEnt)) 
     (and usrcmd (setvar "cmdecho" 0))
   )       ; end error function

   ;;  Catch any nil variables & set to defaults
   (or lay (setq lay (getvar "clayer")))
   (or ed_color (setq ed_color 2))     ; set color = yellow
   (or txtht (setq txtht (getvar "textsize")))
   ;;  Note that _ as cursor does not work for some fonts
   (or cursor (setq cursor "I")) ; cursor position indicator default character
   (setq cLen (strlen cursor))
   (if (or (/= (type just) 'STR) (= str ""))
     (setq str cursor) ; default start character, visual referance on the screen
     (setq str (strcat str cursor))

   ;; Set up the Text justification for DXF 72 & 73
   (setq just   (if (= (type just) 'STR) (strcase just) "L")) ; force upper case or "L"
   (setq dxf72 (cdr (assoc just '(("TL" . 0 )("TC" . 1 )("TR" . 2 )("ML" . 0 )("MC" . 1 )
                      ("MR" . 2 )("BL" . 0 )("BC" . 1 ) ("BR" . 2 )("L"  . 0 )("C"  . 1 )
                      ("R"  . 2 )("A"  . 3 )("M"  . 4 )("F"  . 5 ) ))))
   (setq dxf73 (cdr (assoc just '(("TL" . 3 )("TC" . 3 )("TR" . 3 )("ML" . 2 )("MC" . 2 )
                      ("MR" . 2 )("BL" . 1 )("BC" . 1 )("BR" . 1 )("L"  . 0 )("C"  . 0 )
                      ("R"  . 0 )("A"  . 0 )("M"  . 4 )("F"  . 5 ) ))))
   (setq elist ; set up a text entity
            '(0 . "TEXT")
            (cons 8 lay) ; layer
            (cons 7 (getvar "textstyle"))
            (cons 40 txtht)
            (cons 62 ed_color)
            (cons 50 rot)   ; rotation
            (cons 10 pt)    ; insert point
            (cons 11 pt)    ; Second alignment point
            (cons 72 dxf72) ; vertical justification
            (cons 73 dxf73) ; horizontal justification
            (cons 1  str)

   (cond ; adjust prompt if needed
    ((/= (type pro) 'STR) (setq pro "\nEnter text: "))
    ((/= (substr pro 1 1) "\n") (setq pro (strcat "\n" pro)))
   ;; create a text object then edit it
   (setq TextEnt (entmakex elist)) 
   (setq elist (entget TextEnt))  
   (prompt (strcat pro (substr str 1 (-(strlen str)cLen))))
   (while ; get the string from user, exit only for ENTER
     (cond ; 11111111111
       ((eq 2 (car (setq grr (grread)))) ; keyboard input
        (setq key (cadr grr))
        (cond ; 222222222222
          ((= key  ; backspace
           (if (and (/= str "")(/= str cursor))
               (setq str (strcat (substr str 1 (- (strlen str) (1+ clen))) cursor))
               (prompt (strcat (chr  " " (chr ))
               (setq elist (subst (cons 1 str) (assoc 1 elist) elist))
               (entmod elist)
             t ; stay in loop
          ((= key 13) ; ENTER- we're done here
           (if (/= str cursor)
               (setq str (substr str 1 (-(strlen str)cLen)))
               (setq elist (subst (cons 1 str) (assoc 1 elist) elist))
               (entmod elist)
             (setq str "")
           nil ; exit loop
          ;;  if a valid key press add to string, ignore others but print message
          ((or (not flist)(wcmatch (chr key) flist)) 
           (if (= str cursor)
             (setq str (strcat (chr key) cursor))
             (setq str (strcat (substr str 1 (-(strlen str)clen)) (chr key) cursor))
           (prompt (chr key))
           ;;  update text on screen
           (setq elist (subst (cons 1 str) (assoc 1 elist) elist))
           (entmod elist)
          ((princ "\nInvalid Keypress.")
           (princ (strcat pro (substr str 1 (-(strlen str)cLen))))
        ) ; end cond stmt 2222
       ((princ "\nKeyboard entry only.")
        (princ (strcat pro (substr str 1 (-(strlen str)cLen))))
     )    ; end cond stmt 1111
   )     ; while
   (if (= str "")
     (entdel TextEnt) ; remove empty string entity
       ;; set up to change the text color in the database
       (setq elist (subst (cons 62 256) (assoc 62 elist) elist))
       (entmod elist) ; update the database
   str   ; return the string

;;  Intermediate routine used to handle some of the options as fixed
(defun get_text (pt just str pro )
 (get_string pt   ; insert point
             just ; text justification
             str  ; starting string
             pro  ; text prompt
             nil  ; No Character Filter List
             nil  ; Use current layer
             "_"  ; char to use as the cursor position
             nil  ; Color to use during edit
             0.0  ; text rotation
             nil  ; text style
             nil  ; text height  ; (/ (getvar "VIEWSIZE") 50.)

;;  User Test Routine 
(defun c:test(/ usrcmd p1 data)
 (setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick text insert point:"))
 (setq data (get_text p1              ; starting position
                      "L"             ; text justification
                      "Starting Text" ; beginning string
                      "Enter Text: "  ; command line prompt


Thanks CAB, but I am looking for something really simple.


Thanks CAB, but I am looking for something really simple. I was thinking somewthing like this:


(defun c:test (ip)

(command "_.text" "s" "simpfrac" ip "0" pause)

(setq ip (get..............)



I think it is possible but not sure how. Thanks in advance for any help.


This is simple form of edit:

;;;   Use ddedit box to edit a text string.
;;; 2000+ 
;;; Charles Alan Butler 
;;; ab2draft@TampaBay.rr.com 
;;; 1.1 Oct. 06, 2004 
(defun text_edit (txt / entlist ent)
 (if (setq ent
                '(0 . "TEXT")
                (cons 10 '(0 0))
                (cons 40 1)
                (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))
                (cons 1 txt)           ; Text String
     (command "._ddedit" ent "")
     (setq txt (cdr (assoc 1 (entget ent))))
     (entdel ent)

(defun c:test (/ newtext)
 (setq newtext (text_edit "This is a test string."))


I am loking for something that lets me type my text and then lets me see it and place it. At my old job we had something just like it.




(defun c:test (/ txt ent)
 (if (/= "" (setq txt (getstring "\nSpecify Text...")))
   (list '(0 . "TEXT")
         (cons 10 '(0 0 0))
         (cons 40 1)
         (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))
         (cons 1 txt)))
     (command "_move" (entlast) "" '(0 0 0) pause))
   (princ "\n<!> No Text Specified <!>"))


Nice change there Lee.

You need to take advantage of the fact the entmakex returns the entity name. :)

And don't forget the (getstring t

(defun c:test (/ txt ent)
     (/= "" (setq txt (getstring t "\nSpecify Text...")))
     (setq ent (entmakex
                 (list '(0 . "TEXT")
                       (cons 10 '(0 0 0))
                       (cons 40 1)
                       (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))
                       (cons 1 txt)
    (command "_move" ent "" '(0 0 0) pause)
 (princ "\n<!> No Text Specified <!>")


Another variation would be to _cutclip the new text & use _pasteclip

This way Escape would not leave the text in the DWG & there would be no vector from 0,0 displayed during the paste.

Just a thought.8)


Good Call.


(defun c:test  (/ txt ent)
 (if (and (/= "" (setq txt (getstring t "\nSpecify Text...")))
      (setq ent (entmakex
              (list '(0 . "TEXT")
                    (cons 10 '(0 0 0))
                    (cons 40 1)
                    (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))
                    (cons 1 txt)))))
    (command "_cutclip" ent "" "_pasteclip" pause)
   (princ "\n<!> No Text Specified <!>"))

Excellent :roll:

I like it, but is there any way to use romans as my text style?




(defun c:test  (/ txt ent styl)
 (if (and (/= "" (setq txt (getstring t "\nSpecify Text...")))
   (or (and (tblsearch "STYLE" "ROMANS") (setq styl "ROMANS"))
       (setq styl (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")))
   (setq ent (entmakex
	       (list '(0 . "TEXT")
		     (cons 10 '(0 0 0))
		     (cons 40 1)
		     (cons 7 styl)
		     (cons 1 txt)))))
   (command "_cutclip" ent "" "_pasteclip" pause)
   (princ "\n<!> No Text Specified <!>"))



(defun c:test  (/ txt ent styl)
 (if (and (/= "" (setq txt (getstring t "\nSpecify Text...")))
      (or (and (tblsearch "STYLE" "ROMANS") (setq styl "ROMANS"))
          (setq styl (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")))
      (setq ent (entmakex
              (list '(0 . "TEXT")
                (cons 10 '(0 0 0))
                (cons 40 1)
                (cons 7 styl)
                (cons 1 txt)))))
   (command "_cutclip" ent "" "_pasteclip" pause)
   (princ "\n<!> No Text Specified <!>"))


One more when I run the command everything works fine, but when I right click to repeat the command the insert point compared to the text are way apart from each other.


I think that may be just something with using the cutclip and pastclip method... but not sure... maybe CAB knows a bit more..


Try this and let me know if you still get it:


(defun c:test  (/ txt ent styl)
 (if (and (/= "" (setq txt (getstring t "\nSpecify Text...")))
      (or (and (tblsearch "STYLE" "ROMANS") (setq styl "ROMANS"))
          (setq styl (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")))
      (setq ent (entmakex
              (list '(0 . "TEXT")
                (cons 10 '(0 0 0))
                (cons 40 1)
                (cons 7 styl)
                (cons 1 txt)))))
   (command "_move" ent "" '(0 0 0) pause)
   (princ "\n<!> No Text Specified <!>"))

I think that may be just something with using the cutclip and pastclip method... but not sure... maybe CAB knows a bit more..


Try this and let me know if you still get it:


(defun c:test  (/ txt ent styl)
 (if (and (/= "" (setq txt (getstring t "\nSpecify Text...")))
      (or (and (tblsearch "STYLE" "ROMANS") (setq styl "ROMANS"))
          (setq styl (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")))
      (setq ent (entmakex
              (list '(0 . "TEXT")
                (cons 10 '(0 0 0))
                (cons 40 1)
                (cons 7 styl)
                (cons 1 txt)))))
   (command "_move" ent "" '(0 0 0) pause)
   (princ "\n<!> No Text Specified <!>"))


No but that is doing the moving again.


Well, I think this may be the way around it - I welcome any other suggestions...


I am trying to combined these two know:


(defun c:pz ()

(command "_.layer" "m" "test" "c" "4" "" "")

(command "_.INSERT" "pz" "s" (getvar "dimscale") PAUSE PAUSE)



(defun c:test (/ txt ent)



(/= "" (setq txt (getstring t "\nSpecify Text...")))

(setq ent (entmakex

(list '(0 . "TEXT")

(cons 10 '(0 0 0))

(cons 40 1)

(cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))

(cons 1 txt)





(command "_move" ent "" '(0 0 0) pause)


(princ "\n No Text Specified ")




The problem I am having is I want the text loop to be placed and then it does the text so I can place it at the end of the text loop, but I just want it to let me put it where I like, nothing fancy.

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