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Strikethough a dimension


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Hello everybody,

I'm new in this forum and hoping someone can help me with this question.

I'm trying to create a Strikethrough with a line and not the %%K function for a dimension. I tried Lee-Mac's Lisp, but it doesn't seem to work on dimension. Does anyone have any idea how I could achieve this?

Lee-Mac program is awsome ! but I don't know why is not working for dim.


Thanks to all !! and sorry for my english :)


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@MarcSim14 The formatting code is not "%%K", you have to use "\K" as technically it is MTEXT. If adding from a Lisp program it needs to be escaped in the replacement string with an extra backslash like "{\\K<>}". This is how the editor in AutoCAD formats it when you add a strikethrough in the internal editor. You can also format it like "\\K<>\\k". Observe the entity data after adding a strikethrough:

((-1 . <Entity name: 1d836776dc0>) (0 . "DIMENSION") (330 . <Entity name: 1d83b5972d0>) (5 . "1D44") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 1)
(410 . "Sheet1") (8 . "Dimension") (100 . "AcDbDimension") (280 . 0) (2 . "*D10") (10 6.41318 6.17941 0.0)
(11 5.35547 6.17941 0.0) (12 0.0 0.0 0.0) (70 . 32) (1 . "{\\K<>}") <---- SEE HERE!
(71 . 5) (72 . 1) (41 . 1.0) (42 . 2.11541) (73 . 0) (74 . 0) (75 . 0) (52 . 0.0) (53 . 0.0) (54 . 0.0) (51 . 0.0) (210 0.0 0.0 1.0)
(3 . "AM_ANSI") (100 . "AcDbAlignedDimension") (13 4.29777 5.26572 0.0) (14 6.41318 5.26572 0.0) (15 0.0 0.0 0.0) (16 0.0 0.0 0.0)
(40 . 0.0) (50 . 0.0) (100 . "AcDbRotatedDimension"))


For more info:

AutoCAD 2024 Help | Format Codes for Alternate Text Editor Reference | Autodesk


Edited by pkenewell
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