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Get lines with all layer properties using lisp


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Posted (edited)

Is it possible to get lines with all layer properties using lisp, and next to each line, specify the name of the layer.
Maybe there is already such a lisp?


Edited by Nikon
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You can be lucky owe me a cup of coffee.


; Oct 2022
; By AlanH makes a legend of used layers and blocks.

(defun RemoveDupes (InLst / OutLst CarElm)
  (while InLst
    InLst (vl-remove (setq CarElm (car InLst)) (cdr InLst))
    OutLst (cons CarElm OutLst)

(defun makelegend ( /  ss lst lstrem obj pt pt2 ltname x val bname)
(setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode))
(setvar 'osmode 0)
(setvar 'textstyle "Standard")
(setq oldlay (getvar 'clayer))
(setvar 'clayer "0")
(setvar 'ctab "Model")
(setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 410 "Model"))))
(setq lst '())
(repeat (setq x (sslength ss))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq x (- x 1)))))
(setq lst (cons (list (vla-get-layer obj) (vlax-get obj 'Linetype)) lst))
(setq lst (RemoveDupes lst))
(setq lst (vl-sort lst '(lambda (x y) (<  (car x) (car  y)))))

(setq pt (getpoint "\nPick point for line legend "))
(setq pt2 (mapcar '+ pt (list 125.0 0.0 0.0)))

(foreach ltname lst
(command "line" pt (mapcar '+ pt (list 20.0 0.0 0.0)) "")
(command "chprop" (entlast) "" "LA" (car ltname) "LT" (cadr ltname) "S" 0.25 "")
(command "text" (mapcar '+ pt (list 25.0 0.0 0.0)) 2.5 0.0 (car ltname))
(setq pt (mapcar '+ pt (list 0.0 10.0 0.0)))

(setq lst '())
(setq attreq 0)

(repeat (setq x (sslength ss))
  (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq x (- x 1)))))
  (if (= (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbBlockReference")
  (setq lst (cons (vla-get-name obj) lst))
(setq lst (RemoveDupes lst))
(setq lst (vl-sort lst '(lambda (x y) (<  x  y))))

(foreach val lst
(if (wcmatch val "*U#*" )
(setq lst (vl-remove val lst))

(foreach bname lst
    (command "text" (mapcar '+ pt2 (list 25.0 0.0 0.0)) 2.5 0.0 bname)
    (command "-insert" bname pt2 1 1 0)
    (setq pt2 (mapcar '+ pt2 (list 0.0 10.0 0.0)))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)))
(vla-GetBoundingBox obj 'minpoint 'maxpoint)
(setq pointmin (vlax-safearray->list minpoint))
(setq pointmax (vlax-safearray->list maxpoint))
(setq ht (- (cadr pointmax)(cadr pointmin)))
(setq xscale (/ 5.0  ht))
(vla-put-xscalefactor obj xscale)
(vla-put-yScaleFactor obj xscale)

(setvar 'osmode oldsnap)
(setvar 'clayer  oldlay)


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Posted (edited)
On 19.05.2024 at 01:40, BIGAL said:

You can be lucky owe me a cup of coffee.

@BIGAL  Thanks a lot! It works great!



Edited by Nikon
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