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Need Help please!!

I am getting an error message "error: no function definition: ACET-SS-DRAG-MOVE" using the attached Lisp after installing AutoCad 2025.  I have used this lisp in previous version with no issues.

It's probably something simple, but I can't find it.

MatBubb1.lsp HMatbub.dwg

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Looks like an exress tool - did you install them as well with 2025?

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Thanks for looking

Yes, express tools is loaded

I think I have found the problem.  for some reason "acetutil.arx " is/was not loaded.  I added it to load in the startup suite and the lisp is working.

Is there a reason you can think of that "acetutil.arx" would have not been loaded?


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Posted (edited)



(setq curosap (getvar "osmode"))
(setq cudragmode (getvar "dragmode"))
(setq olsnap (getvar "SNAPSTYL"))
(setq oortho (getvar "orthomode"))
(setq oattdia (getvar "attdia"))
(setq oattreq (getvar "attreq"))
(setq odimsc (getvar "dimscale"))
(setvar "orthomode" 0) 
(setvar "osmode" 545)
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
(setvar "snapstyl" 0)
(setvar "dimscale" 1)
(setvar "attdia" 1)
(setvar "attreq" 1)
(setvar "osmode" curosap)
(setvar "dragmode" cudragmode)
(setvar "snapstyl" olsnap)
(setvar "orthomode" oortho)
(setvar "dimscale" odimsc)
(setvar "attdia" oattdia)
(setvar "attreq" oattreq)

Can be condensed down to the following

(setq vars '(osmode dragmode snapstyl orthomode attdia attreq dimscale MENUECHO CMDECHO)   ;list of variables you want to capture/set while in lisp
      vals (mapcar 'getvar vars)                                                           ;store old values in a list vals will look like the list below
(mapcar 'setvar vars '(545 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1))                                     ;set new values


(mapcar 'setvar vars vals)                                                   ;restore old values
Edited by mhupp
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14 hours ago, bonehead_96 said:

Thanks for looking

Yes, express tools is loaded

I think I have found the problem.  for some reason "acetutil.arx " is/was not loaded.  I added it to load in the startup suite and the lisp is working.

Is there a reason you can think of that "acetutil.arx" would have not been loaded?

With AutoCAD 2025, they changed the Express tools to Demand loading, so if a ET function has not been run, then it won't be loaded.


Here is a function I use to make sure it gets loaded:

  Function Name: (pjk-ExpressToolsLoad)
  Arguments: None

  Returns: Nothing
     This Subroutine Loads Express Tools if not loaded, and alerts the user if
     Express Tools is not installed.
(defun pjk-ExpressToolsLoad ()
   (if (not (acet-util-ver))
      (if (findfile "acetutil.arx")
         (arxload "acetutil.arx" "\nError - AutoCAD Express Tools Utilities not loaded")
               "\nAutoCAD Express Tools is Needed for this Function.\nInstall the"
               "AutoCAD express tools from the original product install package."
) ;; End Function (pjk-ExpressToolsLoad)


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 I guess the "On Demand Loading" works for some people, but it sure is a pain for some too.


Thanks again

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I've just switched all my lisps over to on demand loading, it speeds things up on drawing opening. Biggest hassle is to add new LISPs to the on demand loading file, but once done it is no hassle. I'll probably end up with a 50-50 mix of on demand and pre-loading LISPs.


I have a file with the following formated LISPs in, if this routine is called then it loads the relevant file, and then runs the LISP. If the LISP is loaded then usually is is loaded after this file and will run as normal without going through the load (latest loading of the LISP is the one that runs)


(defun c:3PARC ( / )
  (load "C:\\Users\\SP\\Desktop\\AutoCAD\\AutoCAD LISPS\\LinesToArc.lsp") (c:3PARC) (princ) ;;LISP File / Run LISP



Could be modified to:


(defun acet-ss-drag-move ( ss pt Prompt1 Prompt2  / )
  (if (findfile "acetutil.arx")
    (progn (arxload "acetutil.arx" "\nError - AutoCAD Express Tools Utilities not loaded") (acet-ss-drag-move ss pt Prompt1 Prompt2) )
    (Alert "\nAutoCAD Express Tools is Needed for this Function.\nInstall the AutoCAD express tools from the original product install package.")


Have this file load on start up

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Do you use Autoload function ?


(autoload "COPY0" '("COPY0"))
(autoload "COPYCOMMAND" '("ZZZ"))
(autoload "COVER" '("COVER"))
(autoload "DIMFLIP" '("DIMFLIP"))
(autoload "DRAWXFALL" '("DRAWXFALL"))



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Thanks for all the input and sorry for the late response.

We had some bad weather here and have been out of touch for a while

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