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Updated Layer States not affecting Viewports?


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Hopefully this is an easy one...


Is it possible to update a Layer State and have those changes reflected in Viewports without having to enter each viewport and reassign the Layer State? That seems like it should be the intended way to pair Layer States and Vieworts, but it isn't working for me.


My process was to create a few Layer States and then go into each Viewport and then in Layout on the Ribbon, under the dropdown for Layers, select the dropdown menu "Unsaved Layer State" and select the appropriate Layer State. This applies the Layer State to the Viewport, but the dropdown menu still reads "Unsaved Layer State". Is there a way to permanently apply the Layer State so that it will update with changes to the Layer State?



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You would think that you could define a layer state, apply it to a viewport, and leave it at that. But what happens if you add a layer? How do you define it in a particular state, and how does it change across your viewports? It's chaos no matter how you do it, so AutoCAD opted to do nothing.


As far as I know, there is no automatic synchronization between layer states and viewports, and no way to set it up. There may be a way to do it with code, but I can't find it. Sorry.

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