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apply layout configuration from one dwg to several....help


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hello people:

I need to apply the layout configuration from a dwg file to many others


can anybody help me?

some lisp routine that does it?



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I was able to do it with the DWG TRUE VIEW 2022, 


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You can use Page setup top left it allows you to select a dwg and get page setups. Only hiccup only updates current dwg.

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I'm at home, CAD is in the office so can't copy and paste anything. I have a pagsetup LISP / series of LISPs, rather than copying from one setup to another the codes just set things. Usually we have 3 or 4 large clients and ourselves which means about 12 pagesetups (A3, A1, A0 page sizes, 4 clients) and you don't need the drawing with the template on.


I think there about about 6 things to work out and set: plotter, Paper size, Plot area, centre the plot, plot style, plot options and orientation. From what I remember all the LISPs I use to set these were downloaded - might be somethng out there that you can make up to do as you want.


With a single LISP you can apply this to a script process to change a lot of files as necessary



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This is my lisp to generate a script file to process a folder of drawings.  tho you will have to modify the (write-line to add in the lee mac steal command.

  1. pop up a window asking you to select a folder.
  2. generate and save script file to your my documents
  3. ask if you want to run the file now  if yes runs the script file.


This is what i had it doing last save the format to like dxf 2010 maybe.

cut everything in model space and paste it closer to the origin , then zoom extents and save.


(write-line (strcat "_.Open \"" Path "\\" FileName "\"") F)
(write-line "_Saveformat 6" F) ;save to dxf code 2010 i think
(write-line "_.Cutclip All \"\"" F)
(write-line "_.Pasteclip 0,0,0" F)
(write-line "_.Base 0,0,0" F)
(write-line "_.Zoom E" F) 
(write-line "_.qsave" F)
(write-line "_.close" F)





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This snippet should set up a page to ISO 'A' paper sizes with the standard things I use. Might be useful starting point. For example PSA1L is A1 drawing, layout, PSA1P is the same but portrait.


For a batch process you might need to include some code to go to the layout sheet you want to set up and then run this



;;Default page setup and set paper size as required:
(defun psAx( Ax Width Height / pagesize orientation aplotsize)
  (setq pagesize (strcat "ISO_" Ax "_(" (itoa Width) ".00_x_" (itoa Height) ".00_MM)"))
  (setq aplotsize pagesize)
  (setq orientation ac0Degrees)
  (vla-put-canonicalmedianame (vla-item (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (getvar 'ctab)) aplotsize)
  (setq layoutname (vla-get-name (vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object )))))
  (setq AD (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object )))  ;;AD: Active Document
  (setq AL (vla-get-ActiveLayout AD))   ;;AL: Active Layout
;;  (vla-get-PlotRotation AL)             ;;Get plot rotation
  (vla-put-PlotRotation AL orientation) ;;Set orientation
  (vla-put-PaperUnits al acMillimeters) ;;set mm
  (vla-put-CenterPlot AL :vlax-true)    ;;center the plot
  (vla-put-PlotType AL acExtents)       ;;set to extents
  (command "regen")


(defun c:psA4L()(psAx "A4" 297 210)(princ) )
(defun c:psA3L()(psAx "A3" 420 297)(princ) )
(defun c:psA2L()(psAx "A2" 594 420)(princ) )
(defun c:psA1L()(psAx "A1" 841 594)(princ) )
(defun c:psA0L()(psAx "A0" 1189 841)(princ) )
(defun c:psA4P()(psAx "A4" 210 297)(princ) )
(defun c:psA3P()(psAx "A3" 297 420)(princ) )
(defun c:psA2P()(psAx "A2" 420 594)(princ) )
(defun c:psA1P()(psAx "A1" 594 841)(princ) )
(defun c:psA0P()(psAx "A0" 841 1189)(princ) )





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7 hours ago, Steven P said:

This snippet should set up a page to ISO 'A' paper sizes with the standard things I use. Might be useful starting point. For example PSA1L is A1 drawing, layout, PSA1P is the same but portrait.


For a batch process you might need to include some code to go to the layout sheet you want to set up and then run this



;;Default page setup and set paper size as required:
(defun psAx( Ax Width Height / pagesize orientation aplotsize)
  (setq pagesize (strcat "ISO_" Ax "_(" (itoa Width) ".00_x_" (itoa Height) ".00_MM)"))
  (setq aplotsize pagesize)
  (setq orientation ac0Degrees)
  (vla-put-canonicalmedianame (vla-item (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (getvar 'ctab)) aplotsize)
  (setq layoutname (vla-get-name (vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object )))))
  (setq AD (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object )))  ;;AD: Active Document
  (setq AL (vla-get-ActiveLayout AD))   ;;AL: Active Layout
;;  (vla-get-PlotRotation AL)             ;;Get plot rotation
  (vla-put-PlotRotation AL orientation) ;;Set orientation
  (vla-put-PaperUnits al acMillimeters) ;;set mm
  (vla-put-CenterPlot AL :vlax-true)    ;;center the plot
  (vla-put-PlotType AL acExtents)       ;;set to extents
  (command "regen")


(defun c:psA4L()(psAx "A4" 297 210)(princ) )
(defun c:psA3L()(psAx "A3" 420 297)(princ) )
(defun c:psA2L()(psAx "A2" 594 420)(princ) )
(defun c:psA1L()(psAx "A1" 841 594)(princ) )
(defun c:psA0L()(psAx "A0" 1189 841)(princ) )
(defun c:psA4P()(psAx "A4" 210 297)(princ) )
(defun c:psA3P()(psAx "A3" 297 420)(princ) )
(defun c:psA2P()(psAx "A2" 420 594)(princ) )
(defun c:psA1P()(psAx "A1" 594 841)(princ) )
(defun c:psA0P()(psAx "A0" 841 1189)(princ) )












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That's the problem with taking code from larger codes, miss some sometimes.


Think this should be the rest to add to the above


(defun c:defaultpagesetup()
  (vla-put-PaperUnits al acMillimeters) ;;set mm
  (command "regen")

(defun c:plotstylenone( / stylename) ;;plot style to none, unless Acad or monochrome style used
  (setq stylename (vla-get-StyleSheet (ActLay)))
  (ChangeActiveStyleSheet "None" "ctb") ;;Set to Acad plot style
  (if (= stylename "acad.ctb")(ChangeActiveStyleSheet "acad" ""))
  (if (= stylename "acad.stb")(ChangeActiveStyleSheet "acad" ""))

;; Change the Plot style table to something
(defun ChangeActiveStyleSheet (StyleSheetName CtborStb / plotstylename)
  (if (= CtborStb "") ;;if CTB or STB is not specified in plot style
      (setq CtborStb "ctb") 
      (if (> (vl-string-search "stb" (vla-get-StyleSheet (ActLay))) 1)(setq CtborStb "stb"))
  (setq plotstylename (strcat StyleSheetName "." CtborStb))

  (if (not (member plotstylename (PlotStyleTableNamesList)))
      (if (/= StyleSheetName "None") (princ (strcat "\n" plotstylename " plot style sheet was not found. Using Acad." CtborStb)))
      (setq plotstylename (strcat "Acad." CtborStb))
  (if (= StyleSheetName "None")(vla-put-StyleSheet (ActLay) "") ) ;; special case for none plot style.
  (if (/= StyleSheetName "None")(vla-put-StyleSheet (ActLay) plotstylename) )

(defun ActLay ()
  (vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(defun PlotStyleTableNamesList ()
  (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value (vla-GetPlotStyleTableNames (ActLay))))

(defun c:plotternone( / mydoc mylay)
  (setq mydoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-Acad-Object)))
  (setq mylay (vla-get-ActiveLayout mydoc))
  (if (/= mydoc "None") (vla-put-ConfigName mylay "None"))  ;;Clear plotter

(defun c:plotextents( / PlotType)
  (setq PlotType (vla-put-PlotType AL acExtents))
  (princ); PlotType)


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