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Licence checkout timed out. What do you want to do? VBA/excel script

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I have a VBA script (in excel) that generates drawings. All worked fine up until yesterday. i suddenly started to get this message (see attached) every X drawings. I tried the autodesk provided solution  (see link above the image - point 3), restarted the PC, but no change. the error keeps coming. I can restart the script and it works OK until the error comes back after X drawings. Anyone got the problem as well? Search on the forum shows I'm the only one, but it's hard to believe...

Edit: AutoCAD 2021

Edit2: More info: https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Error-License-checkout-timed-out-What-do-you-want-to-do-in-AutoCAD-2020.html



Screenshot 2024-04-08 142524.jpg

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  • pefi changed the title to Licence checkout timed out. What do you want to do? VBA/excel script

I got licensing error last week and again this morning.


I sent it all to IT, but haven't heard back.

Licensing Error.png

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I think scripting might no be related, but might make the issue show up more often. I open AutoCAD 4-5 times per minute and modify probably a dozen attributes per second. I don't know exactly when the licence is checked, but judging from the moment my script dies it can happen during any operation. The "solution" is relatively new, so probably Autodesk messed something with the licencing server....

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I left work before IT could get back to me.


Maybe they can get it sorted with Autodesk.

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For whatever it is worth: the licence problem shows up every 150 seconds. Regularly.

My IT dept. didn't provide any help so far.

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My IT did the Troubleshoot steps earlier, I'll see if the message pops back up.

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The problem doesn't show up when I'm on company VPN, so in my case it's probably some network configuration glitch  that I won't be able to fix. I generated ~1k drawings yesterday without any problems after connecting to VPN. The VPN connection was required by IT to do a remote session, so as soon as the IT guy saw my screen the error stopped to show up... I felt a bit stupid after observing the error all day long and being unable to reproduce it in front of the IT.


It took me whole night to link the dots...

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