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Hello freinds

how can i draw spline from a list

say i have a list

(setq mylist(append list1 list2))

(command "_spline")

(foreach pt mylist

(comand pt)


(command "")



i saw this way from working lisp

but here not working any help will be appreciated


Hello freinds

how can i draw spline from a list

say i have a list

(setq mylist(append list1 list2))

(command "_spline")

(foreach pt mylist

(command pt)


(command "")



i saw this way from working lisp

but here not working any help will be appreciated



Could this be your problem?


this is my lisp to draw spline and asking for z value

i got the list of points i picked but spline not drawen


(defun c:3dsp (/)

(setq allpt '())



(setq a (getpoint "\n Pick Point: "))

(setq osmd(getvar"osmode"))


(initget 1)

(setq pt11 (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect Text level: "))))

(setq txtstr1 (assoc 1 pt11))

(setq dlv1 (atof(cdr txtstr1)))

(princ dlv1)

(setq pts(list(car a)(cadr a)dlv1))

(setq allpt(append pts allpt))

(setvar "osmode"0)


(command "_spline")

(foreach pont allpt

(command pont)


(command "")

(command "")

(command "")










(defun c:3dsp  (/ vLst oVar pt txt txtl allpt)
 (setq vLst '("CMDECHO" "OSMODE")
   oVar (mapcar 'getvar vLst))
 (while (and (setq pt (getpoint "\nPick Point: "))
         (setq txt (car (entsel "\nSelect Text level: "))))
    (setq txtl (atof (cdr (assoc 1 (entget txt)))))
    (princ txtl)
    (setq pt (subst txtl (last pt) pt)
      allpt (cons pt allpt)))
 (mapcar 'setvar vLst '(0 0))
 (setq allpt (append (reverse allpt) '("" "" "")))
 (command "_spline")
 (mapcar 'command allpt)
 (mapcar 'setvar vLst oVar)


thank you lee mack realy you are a good man

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