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Select model space object from viewport


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I have a lisp that get an attribute value from a block and put this value to a Mleader - all in model space.

I need to be able to select that block when in paper space from a viewport (the block is visible - click on it) ,get it's attribute values and use them in paper space.

the question is - can I click on the object in paper space,make the lisp to get the object properties and use them back in the viewport.

I've googled this but could'nt get quite what I need.

here is a sample drawing and the lisp I use in model space.






in my google search I fount this old thread that mybe can be a start for more talented programmers than me...



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If you pick a point in paperspace you can go to model space and using a trans function work out where the point is in Model and then try using (ssget pt). Yes does work.


Look up help about trans function. 


(trans pt 3 0)


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39 minutes ago, BIGAL said:

If you pick a point in paperspace you can go to model space and using a trans function work out where the point is in Model and then try using (ssget pt). Yes does work.


Look up help about trans function. 


(trans pt 3 0)



I wrote this:

(defun c:test3 ( / pt pt1)
(setq pt (getpoint)) ;;get point in paper space
(setq pt1 (trans pt 3 0))
(command "._MSPACE")
(command "Point" pt1)


it dosn't put the point exactelly in place.

in paper space I snap to node on the object and the point is located in some offset...

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3 hours ago, BIGAL said:

Is you model space in a non World UCS ?



it is a 3d drawing and it happens when the view is any 3d view (Top Front Right,Top Back Right,etc...).


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solved by @Steven P here - thanks.


(defun c:test3 ( / e)
  (getpoint);; get point in paper space on the target object
  (command "._MSPACE");; move to model space with the currsor "Locked" on the selected point on the target object
  (setq e (car (last (nentselp (cadr (grread t))))));; get the entity name by the point located on the target object
  (command "._PSPACE");; back to paper space
  (princ e);; print the entity name
  (entget e);; print the entity data


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Posted (edited)

another way,

Maybe cleaner.

(defun c:test33 ( / pt ss entname)
  (getpoint) ;;get point in paper space on the target object
  (command "._MSPACE");;move to model space with the currsor "Locked" on the selected point on the target object
  (setq pt (cadr (grread t)));;get the point where the currser is - "Locked" on the target object
  (setq ss (ssget pt));; use ssget at point to get selection set with the target object
  (setq entname(ssname ss 0));; get the entity name from the selection set (the first one in the selection set)
  (command "._PSPACE");;back to paper space
  (princ entname);;print the entity name
  (entget entname);; print the entity data


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On 2/24/2024 at 11:39 PM, BIGAL said:

If you pick a point in paperspace you can go to model space and using a trans function work out where the point is in Model and then try using (ssget pt). Yes does work.


Look up help about trans function. 


(trans pt 3 0)



it bug's me why it didnn't work,

so after some digging I found that it had to be done in tow steps this way:

(setq ptps(getpoint)) ;;get point in paper space 
(setq ptps1 (trans ptps 3 2)) ;Step 1: translate the point from the Paper space DCS (Display Coordinate System) to the DCS of the current model space viewport.
(setq ptms (trans ptps1 2 0)) ;Step 2: translate the point from the DCS of the current model space viewport to World (WCS)

;; can also be in one code line this way: (setq ptms(trans(trans ptps 3 2) 2 0)) 


and used this way in the code:

(defun c:test33B ( / ptps ptms ss entname)
  (setq ptps(getpoint) ;;get point in paper space on the target object
  (setq ptms(trans (trans ptps 3 2) 2 0));; translate the point from paper space to model space.
  (command "._MSPACE");;move to model space with the model space point on the target object
  (setq ss (ssget ptms));; use ssget at point to get selection set with the target object
  (setq entname(ssname ss 0));; get the entity name from the selection set (the first one in the selection set)
  (command "._PSPACE");;back to paper space
  (princ entname);;print the entity name
  (entget entname);; print the entity data



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