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I wonder if there is a routine for this?

I have a closed polyline like this


1.- I would like a routine that asks me for point pt1 and then point pt2

2.-after it asks me for the number of divisions (example 8)

3.- and draw the following...



any comment?




13 hours ago, leonucadomi said:


I wonder if there is a routine for this?

I have a closed polyline like this


1.- I would like a routine that asks me for point pt1 and then point pt2

2.-after it asks me for the number of divisions (example 8)

3.- and draw the following...



any comment?




@leonucadomiPlease upload  your sample.dwg



Hi devitg maybe use Xline for the temporary line working out the second point on the ellipse. It auto extends to infinity.

  • Thanks 1

I found this and it is close to what I need but I would like to modify it so that it lets me select point 2 precisely

so that the grid you draw does not go outside the polyline




; By RonJonP found @ http://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=25575.0

(defun c:detailgrid (/ cnt coldiv columnpts columns ll lr p pt rowdiv rowpts rows ul ur)

 (defun addplineforgrid (pt1 pt2 layer /)
(entmakex (list	'(0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
		'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
		(cons 8 layer)
		'(100 . "AcDbPolyline")
		'(90 . 2)
		'(43 . 0.0)
		(cons 10 pt1)
		(cons 10 pt2)

 (defun rjp-vector_x (pt clr / l bl br ul ur)
   (setq l  (* 0.015 (getvar 'viewsize))
  bl (polar pt 3.926 l)
  br (polar pt -0.785 l)
  ul (polar pt -3.926 l)
  ur (polar pt 0.785 l)
   (grvecs (list clr bl ur br ul))

 (if (and (setq rows (getint "\nEnter number of rows: "))
   (setq columns (getint "\nEnter number of columns: "))
   (setq ul (getpoint "\nSelect upper left corner of grid: "))
   (not (or (<= rows 0) (<= columns 0)))
     (while (and (setq p (grread 5)) (= (car p) 5))
(if (setq lr (osnap (cadr p) "_end,_int,_mid,_cen"))
  (rjp-vector_x lr 1)
  (setq lr (cadr p))
(setq ur	(list (car lr) (cadr ul))
      ll	(list (car ul) (cadr lr))
      rowdiv	(/ (distance ul ll) rows)
      coldiv	(/ (distance ul ur) columns)
      columnpts	nil
      rowpts	nil
      cnt	0
(repeat	(1- rows)
  (setq	cnt (+ cnt rowdiv)
	pt  (polar ul (angle ul ll) cnt)
  (repeat columns
    (setq rowpts (cons (list pt (setq pt (polar pt (angle ul ur) coldiv)))
  (grvecs (cons 3 (apply 'append rowpts)))
(setq cnt 0)
(repeat	(1- columns)
  (setq	cnt (+ cnt coldiv)
	pt  (polar ul (angle ul ur) cnt)
  (repeat rows
    (setq columnpts (cons (list pt (setq pt (polar pt (angle ul ll) rowdiv)))
  (grvecs (cons 5 (apply 'append columnpts)))
(grtext	-2
	(strcat "Row: " (rtos rowdiv) "  X  Column: " (rtos coldiv))
 (foreach x rowpts
   (addplineforgrid (car x) (cadr x) "gridline")
 (foreach x columnpts
   (addplineforgrid (car x) (cadr x) "gridline")

help please

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