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dimordinate lisp problem


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Had written simple lisp which is inserting block and making ordinate dimension. Code:


(defun c:dorykota (/ scal scaletrjk H off  pt ptx pty ptmt curlay)
	(setq scal (getint "\nSet drawing scale: "))
(setq scaletrjk scal)
(setq off (* 1.3 scal))
(setq curlay (getvar "CLAYER"))
(setvar "CLAYER" "9 kreskowanie - szare") 
(setq pt (getpoint "\select point"))
(setq ptx (car pt))
(setq pty (+ (cadr pt) off))
(setq ptmt (list ptx pty 0))
(princ ptmt)

(command "_.insert" "trójkąt wysokościowy zakresk" pt scaletrjk "" "0")
(command "_DIMORDINATE" pt "y" ptmt)
(setvar "CLAYER" curlay)


The thing is that sometimes it makes dimension not in correct position. See picture:


Ok are good, other one, even same point clicked not. Don't know why. Could somebody check it? 


Edited by zwonko
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@zwonko Try changing the following 2 lines to add "_non" right before the pt variable; this disables the object snaps so the point will be put exactly where the coordinates specify:

(command "_.insert" "trójkąt wysokościowy zakresk" "_non" pt scaletrjk "" "0"); <--- add "_non" before pt to disable osnaps
(command "_DIMORDINATE" "_non" pt "y" "_non" ptmt); <--- add "_non" before pt and ptmt to disable osnaps


P.S. if that is not working. I will need a sample drawing with that block in it to test.

Edited by pkenewell
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6 hours ago, zwonko said:

Work like a charm! Thank You! it was so annoying.

Great! Glad it worked for you!

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