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Replace the text with a single digit


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Good day everyone!

Is there a way to write code in lisp that can replace text like: 1-1 with
2-2, etc. in one digit.
I.e. I call the command, select the text 1-1, enter the number 3, for example, and get 3-3.
If the text and mtext are underlined, then good.

Image 2.png

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Just to check you wanting to select each text in turn rather than all of them globally - such as 'Find' would do?


If you assume it is all text or mtext (rather than dimension texts, leaders and other special cases) the way I would do it is:


Use Entsel to select the text, perhaps with a loop or something to check that text was selected (or otherwise a quick check anyway)

Use Entget to get the entity definition found by entsel: (entget (car (entsel......

Use (Assoc 1 ) to get the text string (cdr (assoc 1 (entget...... )

Use getstring to ask for the new character

Use vl-string-subs twice on the string returned by the (assoc 1 line and using the new string from the getstring

Use entmod to replace the (assoc 1 list in the entity you selected


That is one way to do it.




Have to use VLA-put-textstring to retain formatting, see below


Edited by Steven P
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You just need to replace the text "1-1" (number - number) with "2-2", for example, but enter only one number 2.
Unfortunately, I am not a programmer...

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Like this?

(defun c:pp()
  (setq el (entget (car (entsel "pick (m)text")))
	nr (itoa (getint "enter number"))
	el (entmod (subst (cons 1 (strcat nr " - " nr)) (assoc 1 el) el)))


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Try this one, should retain formatting and should replace the text so long as the text string contains text in a suitable string (xx-xx). Examples "1-1" and "abc 1-1 def" can both be changed/

If the text formatting changes part way through this won't work (for example 123-123 )


(defun c:test ( / MyEnt MyEntGet MyTExt MyStart OldNumber NewNumber NewText)
  (setq MyEnt (car (entsel "\nSelect Text")))
  (while ;; while loop, checking that text was selected
      (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget MyEnt))) "TEXT")
      (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget MyEnt))) "MTEXT")
    (princ "\nWell, that isn't text is it now? ")
    (setq MyEnt (car (entsel "Please select Text")))
  (setq MyEntGet (entget MyEnt))         ; get text entity definition
  (setq MyText (cdr (assoc 1 MyEntGet))) ; get text string
  (setq MyStart (vl-string-search "-" MyText)) ; look for first instance of "-" in text string. Error check it exists?
  (setq NewNumber (getstring "\nEnter New Number : " t)) ; ask for replacement number, t to allow for spaces in text

  (if (wcmatch MyText "*#`-#*") (setq OldNumber (substr MyText (- MyStart 0) 3)))   ; for 0-0 to 9-9
  (if (wcmatch MyText "*##`-##*") (setq OldNumber (substr MyText (- MyStart 1) 5)))   ; for 10-10 to 99-99
  (if (wcmatch MyText "*###`-###*") (setq OldNumber (substr MyText (- MyStart 2) 7)))   ; for 100-100 to 999-999

  (if (= OldNumber nil) ; if text contained a valid format, update text
    (princ "Text string does not contain 'xx-xx' format text. Going for a nap now.")
      (setq NewText (vl-string-subst (strcat NewNumber "-" NewNumber) OldNumber MyText)) ; substitute new text in
      (vla-put-TextString (vlax-ename->vla-object MyEnt) Newtext)

  (princ) ; exit quietly


Edited by Steven P
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1 hour ago, ronjonp said:



My first thought too, but I'm guessing the OP has reasons not to use Find (perhaps a drawing with 100 suitable texts, wants to change just one, for example)

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Steven P, thank, but lisp doesn't work
Select Text
Enter New Number : 5
Text string does not contain 'xx-xx' format text. 

Lisp fuccaro does a great job!
If you add an underscore "%%u" to the fuccaro lisp, so that the text remains underlined...

The underlined text in the properties looks like this:


How to add this to lisp correctly?


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Probably needs (vl-load-com) adding in but I have added some annotations as it runs to give a clue what it is doing on your installation:


(defun c:test ( / MyEnt MyEntGet MyTExt MyStart OldNumber NewNumber NewText)
  (setq MyEnt (car (entsel "\nSelect Text")))
  (while ;; while loop, checking that text was selected
      (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget MyEnt))) "TEXT")
      (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget MyEnt))) "MTEXT")
    (princ "\nWell, that isn't text is it now? ")
    (setq MyEnt (car (entsel "Please select Text")))
  (setq MyEntGet (entget MyEnt))         ; get text entity definition
  (setq MyText (cdr (assoc 1 MyEntGet))) ; get text string
  (setq MyStart (vl-string-search "-" MyText)) ; look for first instance of "-" in text string. Error check it exists?
  (setq NewNumber (getstring "\nEnter New Number : " t)) ; ask for replacement number, t to allow for spaces in text

(princ "\nText string: ")(princ MyText)
(princ "\n'-' found in position ")(princ (+ MyStart 1))
(princ "\nReplace text with: ")(princ NewNumber)

  (if (wcmatch MyText "*#`-#*") (setq OldNumber (substr MyText (- MyStart 0) 3)))   ; for 0-0 to 9-9
  (if (wcmatch MyText "*##`-##*") (setq OldNumber (substr MyText (- MyStart 1) 5)))   ; for 10-10 to 99-99
  (if (wcmatch MyText "*###`-###*") (setq OldNumber (substr MyText (- MyStart 2) 7)))   ; for 100-100 to 999-999

(princ "\nNew string: ")(princ OldNumber)

  (if (= OldNumber nil) ; if text contained a valid format, update text
    (princ "Text string does not contain 'xx-xx' format text. Going for a nap now.")
      (setq NewText (vl-string-subst (strcat NewNumber "-" NewNumber) OldNumber MyText)) ; substitute new text in
      (vla-put-TextString (vlax-ename->vla-object MyEnt) Newtext)

  (princ) ; exit quietly


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(defun c:pp()
  (setq el (entget (car (entsel "pick (m)text")))
	nr (itoa (getint "enter number"))
	el (entmod (subst (cons 1 (strcat nr " - " nr)) (assoc 1 el) el)))

EnM4st3r, thank.  How to add this to lisp correctly?

(strcat  "%%u" nr " - " nr)
(strcat  "{\\L" nr " - " nr  "}")
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If so:

(defun c:pp2()
  (setq el (entget (car (entsel "pick (m)text")))
	nr (itoa (getint "enter number"))
	el (entmod (subst (cons 1 (strcat  "{\\L" nr " - " nr  "}") (assoc 1 el) el)))

5.1.msg: incorrectly generated list at the entrance

? ? ?

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you deleted the closing bracket from the strcat.. so add there another one

(defun c:pp()
  (setq el (entget (car (entsel "pick (m)text")))
	nr (itoa (getint "enter number"))
	el (entmod (subst (cons 1 (strcat  "{\\L" nr " - " nr  "}")) (assoc 1 el) el)))


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EnM4st3r, thank.  it works with mtext

if you select underlined text  -   {\L6 - 6} ???

how can this be fixed?

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this should work for both

(defun c:pp(/ el nr str)
  (setq el (entget (car (entsel "pick (m)text")))
	      nr (itoa (getint "enter number"))
    ((wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 el)) "MTEXT")
     (setq str (strcat  "{\\L" nr " - " nr  "}"))
    ((wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 el)) "TEXT")
     (setq str (strcat  "%%u" nr " - " nr))
      (alert "thats no text obj")
	(entmod (subst (cons 1 str) (assoc 1 el) el))


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