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getVar - where to get all autocad varnames ?

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GetVar is great function in LISP, except that I dont know what to write under varname parameter.


Is there a list of all varnames that exist in autocad?


*** Found it: Type setvar * to command line and it writes all variables.


Help > Command Reference > System variables... or

_.sysvdlg (probably not up to date)


Just want to say this:


- There are variables of AutoCAD ou of the documentation (help, ...)

- SetVar does not show all the variables.

- _.sysvdlg does not show all the variables.


Example of the variable that is out of documentation, does not appear whti setvar or _.sysvdlg: QAFLAGS




What is QAFLAGS?


QAFLAGS been used a long time (


QAFLAGS acceps a value between 0 and 32767

bit 0 (1) : ^C in menu macro cancels grips (acts like keyboard ).

bit 1 (2) : no pause during text screen listings.

bit 2 (4) : no "alert" dialogs (text display instead).

bit 7 (128) : accepts "screen picks" (point lists) via (command) function.


Normally QAFLAGS should be set to 0. Because it might be set to other values it is a good idea to put (setvar "QAFLAGS" 0) in acaddoc.lsp or any other of your lisp files that you use for startup.




Ideas? Does anyone have the list of all CAD variables?


Post here, please.


This is helpful to tell you which variables have changed over the versions....


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