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Plot to PDF - Help to update the code


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Hi. I use this code to plot to pdf.


(defun C:laytopdf ( / cmd )
 (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
 (foreach Layout (layoutlist)

   (command "_.-PLOT" 
     "No"                                        ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
     Layout                                      ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
     ""                                          ; Enter a page setup name
     "DWG To PDF.pc3"                            ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
     (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
     "No"                                        ; save changes to page setup?
     "YES"                                       ; proceed with plot?
   ); command
 ); foreach
 (vla-put-StyleSheet(vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) "Monochrome.ctb" )
 (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun C:test



This code works only with "monochrome.stb". I Have another plot style  ""monochrome2.stb""

I try to update the code to give a choise for the text style but something is going wrong.



(defun C:laytopdf ( / cmd )
 (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
 (foreach Layout (layoutlist)

   (command "_.-PLOT" 
     "No"                                        ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
     Layout                                      ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
     ""                                          ; Enter a page setup name
     "DWG To PDF.pc3"                            ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
     (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
     "No"                                        ; save changes to page setup?
     "YES"                                       ; proceed with plot?
   ); command
 ); foreach

  (setq strdc (getkword "\n [1.Monochrome/2.Monochrome2]:<1>")) 

  (if (= strdc "1")
   (vla-put-StyleSheet(vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) "Monochrome.ctb" )
  (if (= strdc "2")
  (vla-put-StyleSheet(vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) "Monochrome2.ctb" )
 (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun C:test


Can any one help me to fix the code ?



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If you do plot detailed yes allows for setting the ctb.

(COMMAND "-PLOT"  "Y"  "" "dwg to Pdf"
	       "Iso full bleed A3 (420.00 x 297.00 MM)" "m"    "LANDSCAPE"  "N"   "W"  "-6,-6"    "807,560" "1=2"  "C"
	       "y"	  "Designlasercolour.ctb" "Y"	"n"    "n"    "y"   dwgName "N" "y"      )


(if (= strdc "1")
(setq ctb "Monochrome.ctb")
(setq ctb "Monochrome2.ctb")
(COMMAND "-PLOT"  "Y"  "" "dwg to Pdf"
	       "Iso full bleed A3 (420.00 x 297.00 MM)" "m"    "LANDSCAPE"  "N"   "W"  "-6,-6"    "807,560" "1=2"  "C"
	       "y"	ctb "Y"	"n"    "n"    "y"   dwgName "N" "y"      )


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I try this but not gives me the option to change the plot style


(defun C:foo ( / cmd )
  (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
(if (= strdc "1")
(setq ctb "Monochrome.ctb")
(setq ctb "Monochrome2.ctb")
(foreach Layout (layoutlist)
    (command "_.-PLOT" 
      "No"                                        ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
      Layout                                      ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
      ""                                          ; Enter a page setup name
      "DWG to PDF.pc3"                            ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG to PDF.pc3>:
      (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
      "No"                                        ; save changes to page setup?
      "Yes"                                       ;Use Plot Style?
      "YES"                                       ; proceed with plot?
    ); command
  ); foreach

  (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun


Any ideas?


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Your routine ctb changes depending on strdc, but does not ask for the strdc value.


To use getkword, you must use initget first. like this

(defun c:test ( / strdc )
  (initget "1 2")
  (setq strdc (getkword "\n [1.Monochrome/2.Monochrome2]:<1>")) 
    ((= strdc "1") (setq strdc "Monochrome.ctb"))
    ((= strdc "2") (setq strdc "Monochrome2.ctb"))
    (t (setq strdc "Monochrome.ctb"))
  (princ strdc)




And if you want to remember the previous value as a global variable, you can do it like this.

(defun c:test ( / strdc answer )
  (initget "1 2")
  (if (= oldanswer nil) (setq oldanswer "1"))
  (setq answer (getkword (strcat "\n [1.Monochrome/2.Monochrome2]:<" oldanswer ">")))
  (if (= answer nil) (setq answer oldanswer))
    ((= answer "1") (setq strdc "Monochrome.ctb"))
    ((= answer "2") (setq strdc "Monochrome2.ctb"))
  (setq oldanswer answer)
  (princ strdc)



And ctb and stb are different.

Edited by exceed
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Hi exceed. I try again but is not working


(defun C:test ( / cmd )
 (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
 (foreach Layout (layoutlist)
  (initget "1 2")
  (setq strdc (getkword "\n [1.Monochrome/2.Monochrome2]:<1>")) 
    ((= strdc "1") (setq strdc "Monochrome.ctb"))
    ((= strdc "2") (setq strdc "Monochrome2.ctb"))
    (t (setq strdc "Monochrome.ctb"))

   (command "_.-PLOT" 
     "No"                                        ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
     Layout                                      ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
     ""                                          ; Enter a page setup name
     "DWG To PDF.pc3"                            ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
     (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
     "No"                                        ; save changes to page setup?
     "YES"                                       ; proceed with plot?
   ); command
 ); foreach

  (princ strdc)
 (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun C:test


Any ideas?



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Now you have saved the Plotstyle within strdc. Now you need to apply that within the plot command, you can do that with the detailed Plot option.
Look at the reply from BIGAL, where he sets the ctb you can just use strdc now.

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Hi EnM4st3r. BIGAL  post confiused me because change the dimension of the paper. The code I post is more simple but support one plot  style.


(defun C:laytopdf ( / cmd )
 (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
 (foreach Layout (layoutlist)

   (command "_.-PLOT" 
     "No"                                        ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
     Layout                                      ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
     ""                                          ; Enter a page setup name
     "DWG To PDF.pc3"                            ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
     (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
     "No"                                        ; save changes to page setup?
     "YES"                                       ; proceed with plot?
   ); command
 ); foreach
 (vla-put-StyleSheet(vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) "Monochrome.ctb" )
 (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun C:test



I try this but not working


(defun C:foo ( / cmd )
 (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
 (foreach Layout (layoutlist)
   (command "_.-PLOT" 
     "No"                                        ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
     Layout                                      ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
     ""                                          ; Enter a page setup name
     "DWG To PDF.pc3"                            ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
     (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
     "No"                                        ; save changes to page setup?
     "YES"                                       ; proceed with plot?
   ); command
 ); foreach

 (initget "1 2")
  (setq strdc (getkword "\n [1.Monochrome/2.Monochrome2]:<1>")) 
  (if (= strdc "1")
   (vla-put-StyleSheet(vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) "Monochrome.ctb" )
  (if (= strdc "2")
  (vla-put-StyleSheet(vla-get-ActiveLayout (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) "Monochrome2.ctb" )
 (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun C:foo




Any options?



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If you have that moved up it looks like a good start.

But you are using vla-get-activelayout as the layout to change the stylesheet but you are never changing your active layout. That wont work since it will ofc only change the plotstyle of the active layout.


So you could either within your foreach function use (setvar "ctab" layout) and then change the plotystyle like you did.

Or what I would prefer is using (vlax-for layout (vla-get-layouts..


That would look somewhat like this

(initget "1 2")
(setq strdc (getkword "\n [1.Monochrome/2.Monochrome2]:<1>")) 
  (if (= strdc "1")
    (setq plotstyle "Monochrome.ctb" )
  (if (= strdc "2")
    (setq plotstyle "Monochrome2.ctb" )
(vlax-for layout (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (vla-put-stylesheet layout plotstyle)

(you need to do that before your foreach function)



Edited by EnM4st3r
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi EnM4st3r, I did the change but gives me this error


Error: Automation error - "StyleSheet"



(defun C:foo ( / cmd )
 (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
 (initget "1 2")
(setq strdc (getkword "\n [1.Monochrome/2.Monochrome2]:<1>")) 
  (if (= strdc "1")
    (setq plotstyle "Monochrome.ctb" )
  (if (= strdc "2")
    (setq plotstyle "Monochrome2.ctb" )

(vlax-for layout (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (vla-put-stylesheet layout plotstyle)
 (foreach Layout (layoutlist)
   (command "_.-PLOT" 
     "No"                                        ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
     Layout                                      ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
     ""                                          ; Enter a page setup name
     "DWG To PDF.pc3"                            ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
     (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
     "No"                                        ; save changes to page setup?
     "YES"                                       ; proceed with plot?
   ); command
 ); foreach

 (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun C:foo






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I update the code to this is not working. I can not change the plot style and I don't know why 🥺


Any suggestions ?


(defun C:foo ( / cmd )
 (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
 (initget "1 2")
(setq strdc (getkword "\n [1.Monochrome/2.Monochrome2]:<1>")) 
  (if (= strdc "1")
    (setq plotstyle "Monochrome.ctb" )
  (if (= strdc "2")
    (setq plotstyle "Monochrome2.ctb" )

 (foreach Layout (layoutlist)
   (command "_.-PLOT" 
     "No"                                        ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
     Layout                                      ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
     ""                                          ; Enter a page setup name
     "DWG To PDF.pc3"                            ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
     (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
     "No"                                        ; save changes to page setup?
     "YES"                                       ; proceed with plot?
   ); command
 ); foreach

(vlax-for layout (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (vla-put-stylesheet layout plotstyle)
 (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun C:foo





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You will get an error using (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument..... as this includes "Model" but as you have shown your using (layoutlist) a better way.


Just go back to my code where it has "W" that is for window so you replace with "Layout" and remove the window corners.


Just type "-plot" and follow the prompts very carefully. That is your lisp code."

Edited by BIGAL
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Did you do -plot ?


Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>:y
Enter a layout name or ? <D01>:
Enter an output device name or ? <Print As PDF.pc3>:
Enter paper size or ? <ISO A3 (297.00 x 420.00 MM)>:
Enter paper units [Inches/Millimeters] <Millimeters>:
Enter drawing orientation [Portrait/Landscape] <Landscape>:
Plot upside down? [Yes/No] <No>:
Enter plot area [Display/Extents/Layout/View/Window] <Layout>:
Enter plot scale (Plotted millimeters = Drawing Units) or [Fit] <1:2000>:f
Enter plot offset (x,y) or [Center] <2.5,1.2>:c
<c> is not valid offset
Enter plot offset (x,y) or [Center] <2.5,1.2>:
Plot with plot styles? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
Enter plot style table name or ? (enter . for none) <default.ctb>:
Plot with lineweights? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
Scale lineweights with plot scale? [Yes/No] <No>:
Plot paper space last? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
Remove hidden lines in paper space? [Yes/No] <No>:


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Hi  BIGAL, I try this ,... is not working



((defun C:foo ( / cmd )
 (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
 (initget "1 2")
(setq strdc (getkword "\n [1.Monochrome/2.Monochrome2]:<1>")) 
(if (= strdc "1")
(setq ctb "Monochrome.ctb")
(setq ctb "Monochrome2.ctb")

 (foreach Layout (layoutlist)
   (command "_.-PLOT" 
     "No"                                        ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No] <No>: No
     Layout                                      ; Enter a layout name or [?] <Layout1>:
     ""                                          ; Enter a page setup name
     "DWG To PDF.pc3"                            ; Enter an output device name or [?] <DWG To PDF.pc3>:
     (strcat (getvar "DWGPREFIX") Layout ".pdf") ; Directory to save
     "No"                                        ; save changes to page setup?
     "YES"                                       ; proceed with plot?
   ); command
 ); foreach

(vlax-for layout (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (vla-put-stylesheet layout ctb)
 (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
); defun C:foo  


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Re check the -plot if you do "No detailed" and your in a layout, then use "" rather than layout as this is being seen as a variable containing a layout name which you do not have.

Edited by BIGAL
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