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Reactors for switching beween Model/Paper Space

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Maybe someone could point me in the right direction... ultimately I want to set the dimscale when switching between MS/PS; set the dimscale to be the same as the VP scale (e.g. VP Scale- 1"=50', Dimscale=50; or maybe use the Cannoscalevalue) and set the Dimscale=1 when switching to PS. I can't seem to find the correct Event to use in the reactor. Any ideas?

Be forewarned this is my first attempt at using reactors.



here's a sample lpseifert, i think you can move from here.....'-)


(defun chtab ()
   (if    (not ct_rea)
       ct_rea (vlr-miscellaneous-reactor
              '((:VLR-layoutSwitched . yourlispnamegoeshere))
          ) ;_ end_vlr-sysvar-reactor
   ) ;_ end_setq
   ) ;_ end_if
) ;_ end_defun

(defun yourlispnamegoeshere (event parameter)
) ;_ end_defun



i see you're already looking for the event, i'll check what i can dig


Thanks wizman, but I believe this will invoke a reactor when you switch layout tabs; I was hoping for a reaction to switching from MS to PS (and vice versa) on the same layout tab.


please try lpseifert:



(defun chspce ()
   (if	(not ch_spce)
    ch_spce (vlr-sysvar-reactor
		'((:vlr-sysvarchanged . yourlispnamegoeshere))
	    ) ;_ end_vlr-sysvar-reactor
) ;_ end_setq
   ) ;_ end_if
) ;_ end_defun

(defun yourlispnamegoeshere (event parameter)
   (If	(eq (car parameter) "CVPORT")
   ) ;_ end_If
) ;_ end_defun


Thanks so much wizman, that triggers the reactor when I switch. May I ask what is the usage of the variables 'event' and 'parameter'? Autodesks Help isn't real helpful with vlr- functions.


your welcome lpseifert, those are resultant arguments from the triggering of the reactor, event is the reactor object and the parameter is a list of elements which varies for particular events


particularly for :vlr-sysVarChanged:


parameter is a list of composed of 2 items namely


First parameter is a string identifying the system variable name. (thats why CAR was used)


Second parameter is symbol indicating whether the change was successful (T if successful, nil if not).



have a look also a vlisp bible, it has also a good reactor discussion.


Many thanks for the above explanation Wizman, - I am always confused with reactors about the function of the arguments particularly...


Many thanks :)




Here's what I've got so far, maybe someone will find it useful. Seems to work OK for the scales I use, I haven't tested architectural scales.

Thanks to wizman, he did the heavy lifting.

;;;Reactor to set Dimscale when switching spaces LPS/wizman 2009-02

(defun chspce ()
 (if (not ch_spce)
     ch_spce (vlr-sysvar-reactor
       '((:vlr-sysvarchanged . setscale))
         ) ;_ end_vlr-sysvar-reactor
   ) ;_ end_setq
 ) ;_ end_if
) ;_ end_defun

(defun setscale    (event parameter)
 (If (eq (car parameter) "CVPORT")
   (if    (eq (getvar "cvport") 1)
   (setvar "dimscale" 1)
   (setvar "textsize" 0.1)
     ) ;_ end of progn
   (setvar "dimscale" (/ 1 (getvar "cannoscalevalue")))
   (setvar "textsize" (* (/ 1 (getvar "cannoscalevalue")) 0.1))
     ) ;_ end of progn
   ) ;_ end of if
 ) ;_ end_If
) ;_ end_defun

I was hoping to set the dimscale by extacting dxf codes of the viewport, but couldn't figure out how to entsel without actually picking the viewport border. Anyone have any ideas how?


this should select your viewport


(setq ss_vp
 (ssget "_x"
   (cons 410 (getvar "ctab"))
   (cons 0 "VIEWPORT")
 (setq ent_vp
   (ssname ss_vp 0)


Also perhaps?




Thanks alanjt, that worked fine.

Thanks Lee, using entget retrieved the code as a tblsearch would have (I think) but I needed the codes for the viewport to determine the viewport scale - dxf code 45/41.

I wanted to do it that way instead of using the cannoscalevale variable because people around here use Zoom xp factors when they change the viewport scale and that doesn't change the cannoscale.


No problem Larry, just wanted to supply an alternative.


If I was to find the solution to this problem, the first thing that would spring to mind would be the solution supplied by Alanjt, but I am trying to learn more and more of VL, so I strived for an alternative :P




but I am trying to learn more and more of VL,



Me too....

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