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Lisp for exporting point & line coodinates


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How does this work for a starter?




(defun C:c2exc2 (/ coords coor_list elist en fd fname i ss)
  (setq ss
        (ssget "_:S" '((0 . "*POLYL*,LINE,CIRCLE,ARC,ELLIPSE,SPLINE,POINT")))
        i -1
  (repeat (sslength ss)
  (setq i (1+ i)
        en (ssname ss i)
        elist (entget en)
        coords (vl-remove-if (function not)
          (mapcar (function (lambda (x)(if (eq 10 (car x))(trans (cdr x) 0 1)))) elist) )
        coor_list (cons coords coor_list))
  (setq coor_list (reverse coor_list))
  (setq fname (getfiled "Type file name" "" "csv" 1))
  (setq fd (open fname "w"))
  (foreach coors coor_list
    (foreach i coors
      (princ (strcat (rtos(car i)) "\t"
        (rtos (cadr i))"\t"
        (rtos (caddr i)) "\n")
  (close fd)


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Has been asked many times before Google "export linework co-ordinates to csv Autocad lisp"


Again post a sample dwg . 


"also the name for the layer its on??"


Do you want direct to excel ?


Do you want line counts by layer and length ? Just getting to the next request after code is posted.

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