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Help me to fix an AutoCAD lisp to work with GstarCAD


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Hi BIGAL. Is not 0.


I use this code by default to set the scale


  (setvar "OSMODE" 13)
  (setq cursc (getvar "useri1" ))
  (princ "\nThe Scale is 1:")(princ cursc)
  (setq newsc (getint "\nNew scale is  1:"))
  (setvar "useri1" newsc)


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Hi BIGAL. I did all the changes but is not working. I get


Error: syntax error


Can you check the code?

For the scale i use  this code


  (setvar "OSMODE" 13)
  (setq cursc (getvar "useri1" ))
  (princ "\nThe Scale is 1:")(princ cursc)
  (setq newsc (getint "\nNew scale is  1:"))
  (setvar "useri1" newsc)



But I work in Layout the most of the times


(defun aH:getatt (blk tagn)
(setq atts (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object blk) 'getattributes))
(foreach att atts
(if (= (vla-get-tagstring att) tagn)
(setq str (vla-get-textstring att))

(defun c:numtext2 (/ plsel pl pldata txtht startpt startpar verts blklist plobj plarea str)
(command "_layer" "_m" "TEXT_Layout" "_c" "7" "" "")
(command "_.-style" "TopoCAD" "arial.ttf" "0" "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")
      (setq plsel (entsel "\nSelect a close polyline : "))
      (setq pldata (entget (setq pl (car plsel))))
      (member '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE") pldata)
      (vlax-curve-isClosed pl)
    ); and
    (progn ; then [selected qualifying object]

(setq blkss (ssget "_X" '((2 . "Point,Dianomi,Ktir,DAS,KOROT,KOKAEK,APAL,NAPAL,STATION,oroikismou"))))

;;;;; NOT HERE!  It doesn't know yet which Space you want the Mtext in!
;===================================text height==================================================
;     (if (= (getvar 'ctab) "Model")
;        (setq txtht (* (getvar "useri1") 0.0025)) ; then  <- Scale in Model Space
;        (setq txtht 2.5); else  <- Scale in layout
;      ); if
      (setvar 'osmode 1); ENDpoint only
        startpt (getpoint "\nSelect the first point: ")
        startpar (fix (+ (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint pl startpt) 0.5))
        verts (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) pldata)); list of vertices
        blklist (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex (ssget "_F" verts '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))))
          ;; list of Attributed Blocks Polyline intersects in Polyline-drawn sequence
      ); setq
      (repeat startpar
        (setq blklist (append (cdr blklist) (list (car blklist)))); move first to end
      ); repeat
        blklist (append blklist (list (car blklist))); put first on end again
        plobj (vlax-ename->vla-object pl)
        plarea (vla-get-Area plobj)
      ); setq
      (vla-offset plobj 1); temporary for area comparison:
      (setq CW (< (vla-get-Area (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))) plarea))
        ;; = drawn ClockWise [T/nil]
      (entdel (entlast)); remove temporary Offset Polyline
      (if (not CW) (setq blklist (reverse blklist)))
     ;(setq str (getpropertyvalue (car blklist) "POINT")); the first one
	  (ah:getatt (car blklist) "POINT")) ; the first one
      (foreach blk (cdr blklist); the rest
     ;(setq str (strcat str " - " (getpropertyvalue blk "POINT")))
	  (setq str (strcat str " - " (ah:getatt blk "POINT")))
      ); foreach
      (setq str (strcat str " = " (rtos plarea 2 2) " τ.μ."))

;                    Change to Paper space                     ;
(initget "Modelspace Paperspace")
          (setq t_spc
              ( (getkword "\nInsert text : [Modelspace/Paperspace] <Modelspace>"))
          (if (= t_spc "Paperspace") (setvar 'tilemode 0))


;;;;; HERE!  Now it knows what Space you're putting the Mtext in
;===================================text height==================================================

      (if (= (getvar 'ctab) "Model")
        (setq txtht (* (getvar "useri1") 0.0025)) ; then  <- Scale in Model Space
        (setq txtht 2.5); else  <- Scale in layout
      ); if

        "_.mtext" (getvar 'viewctr) "_height" txtht "_width" 0 str ""
        "_.move" "_last" "" "@" pause

    ); progn [then]
    (prompt "Nothing selected, or not a closed Polyline."); else
  ); if


    (setq SS (ssget "_X" '((2 . "Point,Dianomi,Ktir,DAS,KOROT,KOKAEK,APAL,NAPAL"))))
		(repeat (setq i (sslength SS))
			(setq ent (ssname SS (setq i (1- i))))
			(setq vla-obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
						(not (= (vla-get-XScaleFactor vla-obj) scf))
						(not (= (vla-get-YScaleFactor vla-obj) scf))
						(not (= (vla-get-ZScaleFactor vla-obj) scf))
					(vlax-property-available-p vla-obj 'EffectiveName)
					(vla-put-XScaleFactor vla-obj scf)
					(vlax-put-property vla-obj 'YScaleFactor scf)
					(vlax-put vla-obj 'ZScaleFactor scf)
		(vla-Regen (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) acActiveViewport)


;layer 0
(mapcar 'setvar '("clayer" "cecolor" "celtype" "celweight") (list "0" "BYLAYER" "BYLAYER" -1))


And the version with scale blocks when i select the first point gives me the error


Error: invalid argument type: stringp: 



(defun aH:getatt (blk tagn)
(setq atts (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object blk) 'getattributes))
(foreach att atts
(if (= (vla-get-tagstring att) tagn)
(setq str (vla-get-textstring att))

(defun c:numtext2 (/ plsel pl pldata txtht startpt startpar verts blklist plobj plarea str)
(command "_layer" "_m" "TEXT_Layout" "_c" "7" "" "")
(command "_.-style" "TopoCAD" "arial.ttf" "0" "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")
      (setq plsel (entsel "\nSelect a close polyline : "))
      (setq pldata (entget (setq pl (car plsel))))
      (member '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE") pldata)
      (vlax-curve-isClosed pl)
    ); and
    (progn ; then [selected qualifying object]

;=======================Change block scale 0.01(incase some block is too close) =================
;(setq blkss (ssget "_X" '((2 . "Point,Dianomi,Ktir,DAS,KOROT,KOKAEK,APAL,NAPAL,STATION,oroikismou"))))
;(setq blkscl (getpropertyvalue (ssname blkss 0) "ScaleFactors"));
;(setq blklistall (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex blkss))); selection set to list of entity names
;(foreach blkent blklistall (setpropertyvalue blkent "ScaleFactors" '(0.01 0.01 0.01))); shrink

;================================= first change Steven P ================================================

(setq blkss (ssget "_X" '((2 . "Point,Dianomi,Ktir,DAS,KOROT,KOKAEK,APAL,NAPAL,STATION,oroikismou"))))

;;(setq blkscl (getpropertyvalue (ssname blkss 0) "ScaleFactors"));
  (setq BlkEnt (entget (ssname blkss 0)))
  (setq BlkScales (list (assoc 41 BlkEnt) (assoc 42 BlkEnt) (assoc 43 BlkEnt))) 

  (setq blklistall (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex blkss))); selection set to list of entity names
;;(foreach blkent blklistall (setpropertyvalue blkent "ScaleFactors" '(0.01 0.01 0.01))); shrink
  (foreach blkent blklistall
    (setq ed (entget blkent))
    (setq ed (subst (cons 41 0.1) (assoc 41 ed) ed )) ; x scale
    (setq ed (subst (cons 42 0.1) (assoc 42 ed) ed )) ; y scale
    (setq ed (subst (cons 43 0.1) (assoc 43 ed) ed )) ; z scale
    (entmod ed)


(princ "\nOK To Here, No. 1")

;;;;; NOT HERE!  It doesn't know yet which Space you want the Mtext in!
;===================================text height==================================================
;     (if (= (getvar 'ctab) "Model")
;        (setq txtht (* (getvar "useri1") 0.0025)) ; then  <- Scale in Model Space
;        (setq txtht 2.5); else  <- Scale in layout
;      ); if
      (setvar 'osmode 1); ENDpoint only
        startpt (getpoint "\nSelect the first point: ")
        startpar (fix (+ (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint pl startpt) 0.5))
        verts (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) pldata)); list of vertices
        blklist (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex (ssget "_F" verts '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))))
          ;; list of Attributed Blocks Polyline intersects in Polyline-drawn sequence
      ); setq

(princ "\nOK To Here, No. 2")

(repeat startpar
        (setq blklist (append (cdr blklist) (list (car blklist)))); move first to end
      ); repeat
        blklist (append blklist (list (car blklist))); put first on end again
        plobj (vlax-ename->vla-object pl)
        plarea (vla-get-Area plobj)
      ); setq
      (vla-offset plobj 1); temporary for area comparison:
      (setq CW (< (vla-get-Area (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))) plarea))
        ;; = drawn ClockWise [T/nil]
      (entdel (entlast)); remove temporary Offset Polyline
      (if (not CW) (setq blklist (reverse blklist)))
      ;(setq str (getpropertyvalue (car blklist) "POINT")); the first one
	  (ah:getatt (car blklist) "POINT")) ; the first one
      (foreach blk (cdr blklist); the rest
      ;(setq str (strcat str " - " (getpropertyvalue blk "POINT")))
	  (setq str (strcat str " - " (ah:getatt blk "POINT")))
      ); foreach
      (setq str (strcat str " = " (rtos plarea 2 2) " τ.μ."))

;                    Change to Paper space                     ;
(initget "Modelspace Paperspace")
          (setq t_spc
              ( (getkword "\nInsert text : [Modelspace/Paperspace] <Modelspace>"))
          (if (= t_spc "Paperspace") (setvar 'tilemode 0))


;;;;; HERE!  Now it knows what Space you're putting the Mtext in
;===================================text height==================================================

      (if (= (getvar 'ctab) "Model")
        (setq txtht (* (getvar "useri1") 0.0025)) ; then  <- Scale in Model Space
        (setq txtht 2.5); else  <- Scale in layout
      ); if

        "_.mtext" (getvar 'viewctr) "_height" txtht "_width" 0 str ""
        "_.move" "_last" "" "@" pause

;=============================== Recover scale ============================================

   ;(foreach blkent blklistall (setpropertyvalue blkent "ScaleFactors" blkscl)) ;  second change Steven P 


    ); progn [then]
    (prompt "Nothing selected, or not a closed Polyline."); else
  ); if


    (setq SS (ssget "_X" '((2 . "Point,Dianomi,Ktir,DAS,KOROT,KOKAEK,APAL,NAPAL"))))
		(repeat (setq i (sslength SS))
			(setq ent (ssname SS (setq i (1- i))))
			(setq vla-obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
						(not (= (vla-get-XScaleFactor vla-obj) scf))
						(not (= (vla-get-YScaleFactor vla-obj) scf))
						(not (= (vla-get-ZScaleFactor vla-obj) scf))
					(vlax-property-available-p vla-obj 'EffectiveName)
					(vla-put-XScaleFactor vla-obj scf)
					(vlax-put-property vla-obj 'YScaleFactor scf)
					(vlax-put vla-obj 'ZScaleFactor scf)
		(vla-Regen (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) acActiveViewport)


;layer 0
(mapcar 'setvar '("clayer" "cecolor" "celtype" "celweight") (list "0" "BYLAYER" "BYLAYER" -1))



Any ideas?



Edited by mhy3sx
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I update the code. Now insert the text but the numbers are random and with wrong angle !!!


;(defun aH:getatt (blk tagn)
;(setq atts (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object blk) 'getattributes))
;(foreach att atts
;(if (= (vla-get-tagstring att) tagn)
;(setq str (vla-get-textstring att))

(defun aH:getatt (blk tagn / atts str)
(setq atts (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object blk) 'getattributes))
(foreach att atts
(if (= (vla-get-tagstring att) tagn)
(setq str (vla-get-textstring att))

(defun c:numtext2 (/ plsel pl pldata txtht startpt startpar verts blklist plobj plarea str)
(command "_layer" "_m" "TEXT_Layout" "_c" "7" "" "")
(command "_.-style" "TopoCAD" "arial.ttf" "0" "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")
      (setq plsel (entsel "\nSelect a close polyline : "))
      (setq pldata (entget (setq pl (car plsel))))
      (member '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE") pldata)
      (vlax-curve-isClosed pl)
    ); and
    (progn ; then [selected qualifying object]

(setq blkss (ssget "_X" '((2 . "Point,Dianomi,Ktir,DAS,KOROT,KOKAEK,APAL,NAPAL,STATION,oroikismou"))))

;;;;; NOT HERE!  It doesn't know yet which Space you want the Mtext in!
;===================================text height==================================================
;     (if (= (getvar 'ctab) "Model")
;        (setq txtht (* (getvar "useri1") 0.0025)) ; then  <- Scale in Model Space
;        (setq txtht 2.5); else  <- Scale in layout
;      ); if
      (setvar 'osmode 1); ENDpoint only
        startpt (getpoint "\nSelect the first point: ")
        startpar (fix (+ (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint pl startpt) 0.5))
        verts (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) pldata)); list of vertices
        blklist (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex (ssget "_F" verts '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))))
          ;; list of Attributed Blocks Polyline intersects in Polyline-drawn sequence
      ); setq
      (repeat startpar
        (setq blklist (append (cdr blklist) (list (car blklist)))); move first to end
      ); repeat
        blklist (append blklist (list (car blklist))); put first on end again
        plobj (vlax-ename->vla-object pl)
        plarea (vla-get-Area plobj)
      ); setq
      (vla-offset plobj 1); temporary for area comparison:
      (setq CW (< (vla-get-Area (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))) plarea))
        ;; = drawn ClockWise [T/nil]
      (entdel (entlast)); remove temporary Offset Polyline
      (if (not CW) (setq blklist (reverse blklist)))
     ;(setq str (getpropertyvalue (car blklist) "POINT")); the first one
	  (setq str (ah:getatt (car blklist) "POINT")) ; the first one
      (foreach blk (cdr blklist); the rest
     ;(setq str (strcat str " - " (getpropertyvalue blk "POINT")))
	  (setq str (strcat str " - " (ah:getatt blk "POINT")))
      ); foreach
      (setq str (strcat str " = " (rtos plarea 2 2) " sq.m"))

;                    Change to Paper space                     ;
(initget "Modelspace Paperspace")
          (setq t_spc
              ( (getkword "\nInsert text : [Modelspace/Paperspace] <Modelspace>"))
          (if (= t_spc "Paperspace") (setvar 'tilemode 0))


;;;;; HERE!  Now it knows what Space you're putting the Mtext in
;===================================text height==================================================

      (if (= (getvar 'ctab) "Model")
        (setq txtht (* (getvar "useri1") 0.0025)) ; then  <- Scale in Model Space
        (setq txtht 2.5); else  <- Scale in layout
      ); if

        "_.mtext" (getvar 'viewctr) "_height" txtht "_width" 0 str ""
        "_.move" "_last" "" "@" pause

    ); progn [then]
    (prompt "Nothing selected, or not a closed Polyline."); else
  ); if

;layer 0
(mapcar 'setvar '("clayer" "cecolor" "celtype" "celweight") (list "0" "BYLAYER" "BYLAYER" -1))



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I update this line


        "_.mtext" (getvar 'viewctr) "_height" txtht "_width" 0 str ""
        "_.move" "_last" "" "@" pause




        "_.mtext" (getvar 'viewctr) "_height" txtht "_width" 100 str ""
        "_.move" "_last" "" "@" pause


The text is correct but vertical !!!! How to fix the code to insert the text correct? Any ideas?




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