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Split string (number and strings) and put all in a list


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A very useful function is to extract a number or string (without numbers) from a longer string. This is taken care of by the RIPCAR and RIPNUM functions; but to these I wanted to add one that would split the string for me by separating numbers (integers or real) from strings and put everything in a list.
I found a way .... but I am sure you experts, with 4 VL-xx commands will achieve the same thing much more efficiently!


How can I improve the RIPLST function?


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So, 1 thing it doesn't account for is notation like: 17.62E+6 (meaning 17620000).  Quite common in Autocad for big coordinates.

I should try making this function.  I need it myself





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... I use it to do a sorting of codes consisting of STRING+NUMBER:
Needing to sort '("AA02" "AA10" "AA01") with alphanumeric sorting I would erroneously get ...'("AA01" "AA10" "AA02"), instead using RIPLST for each string, I get '("AA" 2) which I transform to "AA000002", while '("AA" 10) becomes "AA000010": I add zeros and transform it back to string. As a result, the alphanumeric sorting becomes correct, after removing the previously added zeros: '("AA01" "AA02" "AA10").



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