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Round with a tolerance and group numbers


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I have two problems:

1. Is there a code by autolisp that can help me round a list of numbers with a certain specified tolerance to the nearest even number?

2. I have a series of numbers that differ by a few values. I want to group the numbers with a difference of less than a certain range into a list, and then group these groups into a list.

Ex for 1 :

I have a list of number '(3998,3999, 4010, 3995, 4005, 4003)

With tolerance = 5, i will get a list (4000,4000,4010,4000,4000,4000)

tolerance = 10, i will get a list (4010,4010,4010,4010,4010,4010)

Ex for 2:

I have a list of number '(3998,3999, 4005, 3995, 4020, 4045)

With tolerance = 5, i will get a list ((4000 4000,4000,4000) (4020) (4050))

tolerance = 20, i will get a list ((4020,4020,4020,4020, 4020) (4050))

Anyone could help me by autolisp, please. Thank so much




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11 hours ago, quangcongx3 said:

Thanks. I know that article by Lee-Mac but I think Lee's rounding functions don't have the tolerance to round as I want


Did you really look into Lee's functions?

;; Round Multiple  -  Lee Mac
;; Rounds 'n' to the nearest multiple of 'm'
(defun LM:roundm ( n m )
    (* m (atoi (rtos (/ n (float m)) 2 0)))

(setq s '(3998 3999 4010 3995 4005 4003))

(defun test (l p)
      '(lambda (x)
          (LM:roundm x p)


Command: (test s 5)
(4000 4000 4010 3995 4005 4005)

Command: (test s 10)
(4000 4000 4010 4000 4010 4000)

Your logic is mathematically flawed. If you round a number like 3995 by a tolerance of 5, it is going to return 3995, not 4000. If you round a number like 3998 by 10, your going to get 4000, not 4010. 


As for the grouping part, I am not great at list functions but I used another Lee Mac function to make it work:

;; Count Items  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns a list of dotted pairs detailing the number of
;; occurrences of each item in a supplied list.
(defun LM:CountItems ( l / c l r x )
    (while l
        (setq x (car l)
              c (length l)
              l (vl-remove x (cdr l))
              r (cons (cons x (- c (length l))) r)
    (reverse r)

;; Groups duplicate items into sublists.
(defun Groupn (l / c r x)
  (setq l (LM:CountItems l))
  (foreach n l
     (if (> (setq c (cdr n)) 1)
          (repeat c (setq x (cons (car n) x)))
          (setq r (cons x r) x nil)
       (setq r (cons (car n) r) x nil)
  (reverse r) 



Command: (setq l1 (list 1 1 1 3 3 5 6 2 8 8 8))
(1 1 1 3 3 5 6 2 8 8 8)
Command: (groupn l1)
((1 1 1) (3 3) 5 6 2 (8 8 8))


Edited by pkenewell
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12 hours ago, pkenewell said:

@quangcongx3 I edited the above reply to add a number grouping function.

Well, firstly, so many thanks to you because of the help of you. I really looked in the code of  Lee-Mac, but maybe  i didn't understand clearly the code of Lee. I will  look it again. Thanks again.

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