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I've created a tool to assist me with a mammoth job I'm working on right now. I have to dig through an enormous amount of folders and data to catalog everything and search for lost and relevant data , in all sorts of format , dwg , doc , excell etc.


Purpose of app I gave birth to this time is to present data in whatever form that's best for daddy (or mommy? ... nah dragons don't have this problem)

Anyways , I'm on a quota so have to deliver certain amount of data in a certain amount of time and have to put in spare time when behind schedule so no time to explain everything so I hope interface explains itself. Also can't say for certain I've killed all bugs because ink is still wet.


So short version : start app , type h for help , s for setup in Main dialog.

In setup dialog you can create some test drawings or variables.

Files can be represented as button , image_button , edit_box, list_box or toggle.


App can also work in data mode.

In main dialog you select folder (with drawings or doc's etc) , next extention (dwg, doc, xls ext) , action type (insert , open ...) and dcl type (button, edit_box etc) and ok.


New dialog is created : Run dialog. here you can also type h for help. 

You can type r to rotate dialog , 4 = smaller , 6 is wider , 8 = higher , 2 = less higher and if dcl type is image_tile you can also use + & - keys to resize slides. Oh , thinks save button doesn't work yet.


What else to tell... well , haven't done enough testing probably , and time will tell if this is gonna help me to achieve my goals or if its just another useless stupid program. I don't expect I will have much time for chitchat so have fun or trashcan...












Edited by rlx
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maybe just my problem. (It's probably a language encoding issue)

it works after I correct this in line 269. ? to \ after File mode

":radio_row {:radio_button {key=\"rb_file_mode\";label=\"  File mode  ?";}"


this is cool. I will study some more. thanks

Edited by exceed
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@exceed , there was indeed a special character on this line. It didn't affect working on my computer(s) but I've removed it and uploaded it again in case more users have the same problem. Thanx for the feed back 🐉

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13 hours ago, rlx said:

app I gave birth to





Hatched..... Eggs hatch.....



I'll save this away - looks like a load of useful stuff in there

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I use a program called "Everything" its a hard disk index software, super fast compared to windows explorer and its free, not sure if it can help. Just type *.dwg and every dwg on your hard disk will appear. There is a command line version that may have the output your looking for, clicked on help.


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