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Extended Copy lisp


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Hello fellow forum members. Can you help me write a lisp where I can insert and arrange more objects while copying a previous object.

Instead of copying 1 and putting it on the beam, then copying 2 and putting it on 1, I use lisp copy 1, 2 to put it up. I have attached pictures. Thank you very much.

001.pdf 002.pdf

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Copy 1 attribute to another ? Can be done without any code do CTRL+dbl click a attribute, Ctrl+c then same on another attribute ctrl+V to paste.

Edited by BIGAL
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Thank you for your feedback and for sharing how to do this. however is there a more optimal way as i am having 60000 such drawings. And the future will continue to be like that. I'm bored because I wasted so much time.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 134347.jpg

Screenshot 2023-08-25 134453.jpg

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I think I understand, so you want to copy for example 

YN47G-01 and YN47G_X9Y1 and then paste them


Are the new parts an attribute in a block or new text objects.

If they are to be new texts, will their relative positions be the same and a fixed size?

If it is an attribute to an attribute that should e fairly easy too



We might need a sample drawing to work out all the details, but you can select the text and save it in a LISP variable as a list, then highlight the insertion point and paste all the selected texts at one time?


Might need a sample drawing showing before and after so we can work out what you are selecting and copying - or just a part of a drawing



Last part would be to speed it up so you only need 1 or 2 operations and it will do all 60,000 drawings 


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I think just being visible is fine, but if it's better there might be a standard for it. I have sent the drawing, please help me, thank you very much.


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Rather than the real total dwg post a before and after showing just the text and blocks involved could not really see what to do. maybe even use different color text, red at start green is answer.

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