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Survey Data displayed in Plan - change to Elevation

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Hi All,


I have exported some survey data from a Leica TS16 into a DXF file with Point ID, E, N & H. The data is imported as points with data labels on various layers.


The points I've measured are displayed in plan view (readable from the top view) and I'd need them to be displayed in elevation (Front view).


Is there a way to rotate the points to display in front view whilst remaining at the same coordinates?





Screenshot 2023-08-22 171919.jpg

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Using vpoint you can look from any angle. Co-ordinates do not change Looking from front will just look like a mess but does show say a point at Z=0 v's z=100.345.

(command "vpoint" "1,1,1") ; 3d view
(if (= look "R")(command-s "-vpoint" "1,0,0"))
(if (= look "L")(command-s "-vpoint" "-1,0,0"))
(if (= look "F")(command-s "-vpoint" "0,-1,0"))
(if (= look "B")(command-s "-vpoint" "0,1,0"))
(if (= look "P")(command-s "-vpoint" "0,0,1"))


Edited by BIGAL
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Not sure what you're asking. Could you create one viewport that shows the plan view and superimpose another viewport that shows the profile view?


Or do you need to rotate the labels along the X axis, so you can read them in the profile view?

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On 22/08/2023 at 19:47, eldon said:

Have you tried to set up a UCS parallel with the elevation and then take a FRONT view?

I can change the view to a FRONT view, however, the points and text remain displayed in TOP view and are unreadable

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On 23/08/2023 at 02:20, BIGAL said:

Using vpoint you can look from any angle. Co-ordinates do not change Looking from front will just look like a mess but does show say a point at Z=0 v's z=100.345.

(command "vpoint" "1,1,1") ; 3d view
(if (= look "R")(command-s "-vpoint" "1,0,0"))
(if (= look "L")(command-s "-vpoint" "-1,0,0"))
(if (= look "F")(command-s "-vpoint" "0,-1,0"))
(if (= look "B")(command-s "-vpoint" "0,1,0"))
(if (= look "P")(command-s "-vpoint" "0,0,1"))


Thanks for your reply, I can look at the points from various angles, however, the points and text are what I'd need to adjust to be visible in FRONT view.

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On 23/08/2023 at 13:42, CyberAngel said:

Not sure what you're asking. Could you create one viewport that shows the plan view and superimpose another viewport that shows the profile view?


Or do you need to rotate the labels along the X axis, so you can read them in the profile view?

Thanks for your reply, the viewports aren't necessarily the problem I have. I have tried 3dRotating the points and text about the x-axis. This seems to work but the points and text have to be rotated individually. I am likely to be working with hundreds, if not thousands of points so was looking to have a solution to complete this in bulk if possible

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Ok understand what you want and a simple answer is to duplicate the text onto a different layer and rotate3d that text. Then you can turn off plan view text and see Front text.


Having worked with 3d points re CIV3D you will still have a mess when it comes to reading the points and text form a front view.


Anyway try this on a few points.

(defun c:wow ( / ss ent obj )
(command "layer" "M" "TEXTfront" "")
(prompt "Select Text")
(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "TEXT"))))
(repeat (setq x (sslength ss))
(setq ent (ssname ss (setq x (1- x))))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
(setq inspt (vlax-get obj 'insertionpoint))
(command "copy" ent "" "0,0,0" "0,0,0")
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)))
(vlax-put obj 'layer "TEXTfront")
(vlax-put obj 'normal '(0 -1 0))
(vlax-put obj 'insertionpoint inspt)



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Looking at this, did you work something out to get the points to display OK? 


Just thinking, if not you could make up a block, a + visible in 6 views - so 3 lines, X-X, Y-Y and Z-Z axis with their intersection in the block at point 0,0,0, With hundred and thousands of points sprinkled about the drawing a quick LISP should be able to insert that block on the points


(just been doing something similar in reverse, got blocks, I want points to connect lines to (the LISP I used uses points))

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