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need help with foreach loop from list


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I try to write a lisp that will loop a list of layers and join all the polylines in that layer that can be joined.

I have a lisp that do it layer by layer,

but when I tried to do it with a foreach loop I failed...

I attched here the lisp I try to write a sample dwg.




PipesToPline1.lsp sample1.dwg

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Again so close


foreach means loop for each item in datalist and pass that item off as what ever variable you have after foreach. i changed it from ent to item but it could be anything.

(foreach item Datalist  ; item = ("P_DN25-6" 0.01)
  (if (tblsearch "LAYER" (car item)) ;Check if the layer exists
      (setq sel1 (ssget "_X" '((8 . (car item)))))
      (command "pedit" "m" sel1 ""  "j" (cadr item) "")
    );End progn
  ) ;End if
);;end foreach


This is what it looks like replacing the car and cadr The way you have it.

(foreach item Datalist  ; item = ("P_DN25-6" 0.01)
  (if (tblsearch "LAYER" ("P_Laterl" 0.01))                    ;(car Datalist)
      (setq sel1 (ssget "_X" '((8 . ("P_Laterl" 0.01)))))      ;(car Datalist)
      (command "pedit" "m" sel1 ""  "j" ("P_DN16-4" 0.01) "")  ;(cadr Datalist)
    );End progn
  ) ;End if
);;end foreach


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hi @mhupp and thanks for the reply!!


yes, it is embarrassing that I used (car Datalist) instead of (car ent)....

I run the code and I'm getting this error:

; ----- LISP : Call Stack -----
; [0]...C:PIPESTOPLINE1 <<--
; ----- Error around expression -----
; '((8 CAR ITEM))


I can't figure it out...



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I don't have CAD running at the weekend of course, and ssget might be slightly different in it's filters. The error is in the line (setq sel1 (ssget "_X" '((8 . (car item))))) I reckon:

'( means a list as it is written where (list means evaluate the following list, might be that you need to use that instead?

(8 . (car item)) might need to be cons to make up that dotted pair list, which makes a list and evaluates the parts in it

Something like this might work better?


(setq sel1 (ssget "_X" (list (cons 8 (CAR ITEM))) ))


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Hi @Steven P and thanks for the reply.


Worked like a charm - thank you!!


is it possible to let the user select the lines (maybe with SSGET?) istead of the lisp do it for all the drawing?

I tried to do it but failed.





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Change this :

(setq sel1 (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "~VIEWPORT") (cons 8 (car item)))))

To this :

(setq sel1 (ssget "_:L" (list (cons 8 (car item)))))


But then it's cumbersome to do (foreach loops...

So I'll still stick with :

(setq sel1 (ssget "_A" (list (cons 0 "~VIEWPORT") (cons 8 (car item)))))

which is similar to "_X", only difference is capture objects thawed in current layout, whereas "_X" captures everything frozen or thawed on Model space, or Paper space...

Edited by marko_ribar
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This is my favourite ssget reference: http://lee-mac.com/ssget.html - a lot of stuff in there (google "Lee Mac SSGET" should get you there too)

"_X" is Extended search (Entire Drawing Database) - everything


but you can run ssget without that:


(setq sel1 (ssget (list (cons 8 (CAR ITEM))) ))


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Your code prettier and more operational...


(defun C:PipesToPline1 ( / *error* cmd pea datalist sel )

  (defun *error* ( m )
    (if cmd
      (setvar 'cmdecho cmd)
    (if pea
      (setvar 'peditaccept pea)
    (if m
      (prompt m)

  (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho))
  (setvar 'cmdecho 1)
  (setq pea (getvar 'peditaccept))
  (setvar 'peditaccept 1)
  (setq datalist ;   Layer | Fuzz factor for joining
          '(("P_Laterl" 0.01)
            ("P_DN16-4" 0.01)
            ("P_DN16-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN20-4" 0.01)
            ("P_DN25-4" 0.01)
            ("P_DN25-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN32-4" 0.01)
            ("P_DN32-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN32-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN40-4" 0.01)
            ("P_DN40-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN40-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN50-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN50-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN50-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN63-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN63-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN63-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN75-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN75-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN75-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN75-12.5" 0.01)
            ("P_DN90-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN90-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN90-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN110-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN110-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN110-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN110-12.5" 0.01)
            ("P_DN125-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN140-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN140-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN140-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN160-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN160-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN160-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN160-12.5" 0.01)
            ("P_DN200-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN225-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN225-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN225-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN225-12.5" 0.01)
            ("P_DN250-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN250-12.5" 0.01)
            ("P_DN280-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN280-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN280-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN280-12.5" 0.01)
            ("P_DN315-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN315-8" 0.01)
            ("P_DN315-10" 0.01)
            ("P_DN315-12.5" 0.01)
            ("P_DN355-6" 0.01)
            ("P_DN450-6" 0.01)

  (foreach ent datalist
    (if (tblsearch "LAYER" (car ent)) ;Check if the layer exists
        (setq sel (ssget "_A" (list (cons 0 "~VIEWPORT") (cons 8 (car ent)))))
        (command "_.pedit" "_m" sel "" "_j" (cadr ent))
        (while (< 0 (getvar 'cmdactive))
          (command "")
        );End while
      );End progn
    );End if
  );End foreach
  (*error* nil)


I've added error handler as it's better to have it written, then to let function exit with left variables unlocalized...

Edited by marko_ribar
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what I thought @aridzv was asking for is to run this code against only a per defined selection set. not pick all entities. is that what the (while (< 0 (getvar 'cmdactive)) is doing?


(defun C:PipesToPline1 (/ *error* cmd pea lay layers ss sel ss2)
  (defun *error* (m)
    (if cmd (setvar 'cmdecho cmd))
    (if pea (setvar 'peditaccept pea))
    (if m (prompt m))
  (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho))
  (setvar 'cmdecho 1)
  (setq pea (getvar 'peditaccept))
  (setvar 'peditaccept 1)
  ;simplifed the list and added 0.1 to the command.
  (setq layers '("P_Laterl" "P_DN16-4" "P_DN16-6" "P_DN20-4" "P_DN25-4" "P_DN25-6" "P_DN32-4"
                 "P_DN32-6" "P_DN32-8" "P_DN40-4" "P_DN40-6" "P_DN40-8" "P_DN50-6" "P_DN50-8"
                 "P_DN50-10" "P_DN63-6" "P_DN63-8" "P_DN63-10" "P_DN75-6" "P_DN75-8" "P_DN75-10"
                 "P_DN75-12.5" "P_DN90-6" "P_DN90-8" "P_DN90-10" "P_DN110-6" "P_DN110-8" "P_DN110-10"
                 "P_DN110-12.5" "P_DN125-6" "P_DN140-6" "P_DN140-8" "P_DN140-10" "P_DN160-6" "P_DN160-8"
                 "P_DN160-10" "P_DN160-12.5" "P_DN200-6" "P_DN225-6" "P_DN225-8" "P_DN225-10" "P_DN225-12.5"
                 "P_DN250-6" "P_DN250-12.5" "P_DN280-6" "P_DN280-8" "P_DN280-10" "P_DN280-12.5" "P_DN315-6"
                 "P_DN315-8" "P_DN315-10" "P_DN315-12.5" "P_DN355-6" "P_DN450-6")
  (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "*LINE")))) ;main selection you will be testing against. add other entites types 
  (foreach lay layers
    (if (tblsearch "LAYER" lay)
        (setq ss2 (ssadd))
        (if (setq sel (ssget "_X" (list (cons 410 (getvar 'CTAB)) (cons 8 lay))))
          (foreach ent (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex sel)))
            (if (ssmemb ent ss) ;check to see if any of the ssget "_X" selection is inside the main selection ss
                (ssadd ent ss2) ;if it is add to selection set ss2
                (ssdel ent ss) ;remove it from the main seleciton ss
        (if (> (sslength ss2) 1)
            (command "_.pedit" "_m" ss2 "" "_j" 0.1)
            (while (< 0 (getvar 'cmdactive))
              (command "")
            );End while
            (setq ss2 nil)
      )  ;End progn
    )    ;End if
  )      ;End foreach
  (*error* nil)


Edited by mhupp
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(while (< 0 (getvar 'cmdactive))

  (command "")



was put after PEDIT command and is just makking sure that after known tokens PEDIT command exit with only needed "" - ENTER times ... - while cmdactive, then routine continues to next statement(s)...

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