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AutoCAD Layout Space drawing


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Hi I,m an exhibition designer using full Autocad for my technical plans. My current work flow is a little irregular as i model the exhibiton stand in 3D then detail up the drawing as a flatshot in model space then zoom into the area via the paper space viewport window.


Is there a more efficient way to use the 3d model in paper space for complex scenes? for example i have to draw up counters and cabinetry then also have to do overall architecutral plans but have to take seperate flatshots of each element and drop into effectivly 2d model space is there a way to hide specific objects and do complex details and sectionals via paper space whilst hiding certain elements of the model also?


Apolgogies if this is a bit vaugue its a difficult one to explain.


Hope someone can help.







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Vaguely answering, will setting up different viewports help, rotate the items to the view you want and use layers to hide or show details you want in each viewport

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If you can build a 3D model in paper space, you can almost always create a viewport that will give you the shot you need. For one thing, you can create clipping planes and link them to a view, which you can then link to a viewport. That will exclude any objects that are not between the planes. A view, by the way, is a more precise way to create a viewport scene than with the basic viewport controls.


You can also tailor a viewport to adjust layer colors, visual styles (such as conceptual and realistic), and other factors to get the look you want.


It's one of those topics that's easy to learn but hard to master.


The more information you can give us, the better we can help you.

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Hi Guys, thanks for such a quick repsonse and explaination. Yes i agree its one of those process that i need to master but it will take a while as i'm at the point where i can confidentely model all the detail i want but i'm having issues conveying the detail in paper space without it massivly slowing down my process.


I have attached a couple of screen shots to show my 3d model in model space then how i current take flatshots of the 3d model in model space and then view the 2d lines from paper space. 


So all my current annotations and dims etc are in model space and i just use paper space for a view but i would like to migrate so all my dims and text are scales to paper space and i just can punch into the model and grab views if that makes sense? 


As my drawing tend to have several components i was cautious of hiding a counter for example to islote it and then it disappearing on another page as a full drawing pack tends to have around 10 layout pages. 


model space.PNG

3d model.PNG

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Looks like drawing the counters in model space and annotating them in paperspace - adding the notes and dimensions - is the way to go


Dimensions in model space should give you the correct size if you put each end on a model space object, and of course you can add notes as you want in paperspace too. I would lock the viewports once you have them displaying as you want - adds a little protection from things moving about on the screen and loosing the associated texts.


Looks like you are going the right way with this, draw 3d model an make views in viewport. Ali I'll say is try it and see - which is lucky, Friday afternoons are never productive anyway..... (I knew of a company that gave their employees every Friday afternoon as 'self improvement' time - things like this that you don't get time during the week to just try it and see what happens)




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For front, back, left, right, plan, look into the vpoint command, this can be incorporated into a layout to view in a certain direction from a plan point and at a scale.



(command "vpoint" "0,0,1")
(command "vpoint" "1,0,0")
(command "vpoint" "0,1,0")
(command "vpoint" "1,1,1")



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@Steven P Thanks for your input on this its really helping me get my process refined. I agree it seems a lot smooth if i was to add detail in paper space its just getting my head around isolating layers and freezing viewports thats going to take some getting used to. 


Ok sounds good i'll give that a go and let you know i get on! 


Thats a good use of time and tbf my company are all for learning and getting additional skills and training so i might suggest this and see if time allows as it would improve my skills massively if I just had the time in work to test some things out. As a lot of my free time in the evening is dedicated to my CNC work so drawing again at night doesn't seem possible haha....


I'll keep this thread open and let you know how i get on :)

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