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setq with lists & cadr


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Hello o/

I'm trying to adjust the second value in a list.
I'm not entirely sure about lists & the functions used to manipulate them, but this is what im trying (and failing):

(setq brgZ (list deg minu sec))
(setq (cadr brgZ) (+ (cadr brgZ) 1))

& i am getting the error:
error : invalid-identifier <(CADR BRGZ)> ; expected <SYMBOL> at [setq]


I've tried looking up how to modify the any value individually in a list, but am kind of struggling to find answers.

Explanations are super appreciated (I assume this is a really simple thing >_<)

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(setq ..... _) wants a variable such as (setq brgZ ......)

In your example you are giving it a value rather than the variable


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On 7/13/2023 at 7:54 AM, Emmanuel Delay said:

Read this:


You want the subst function.

Syntax : (subst newitem olditem lst)


in your example

(setq brgZ
  (subst (+ 1 (cadr brgZ)) (cadr brgZ)  brgZ)



I wouldn't recommend using subst for this purpose, as subst will replace all occurrences within the list - consider the following example:

_$ (setq brgZ '(10 10 10))
(10 10 10)
_$ (subst (1+ (cadr brgZ)) (cadr brgZ) brgZ)
(11 11 11)


Instead, I would use simple list construction -

(setq brgZ (list (car brgZ) (1+ (cadr brgZ)) (caddr brgZ)))


Alternatively, you could use mapcar, but this somewhat obscures the intent:

(setq brgZ (mapcar '+ brgZ '(0 1 0)))


Edited by Lee Mac
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How about a general "replace nth element"


(defun c:test ( / ) 
	;; for example
	(setq deg 17)
	(setq minu 34)
	(setq sec 55)
	(setq brgZ (list deg minu sec))
	;; (setq (cadr brgZ) (+ (cadr brgZ) 1))
	(setq brgZ (replace_nth brgZ 1 (+ (cadr brgZ) 1) ))

;; replaces then nth item of a list
(defun replace_nth (lst n replaceBy / i res a)
	(setq res (list))
	(setq i 0)
	(foreach a lst
		(if (= i n)
			(setq res (append res (list replaceBy)))
			(setq res (append res (list a)))
		(setq i (+ i 1))


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