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Lisp to create scale list error?

Dien nguyen

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I created a Lisp routine to generate a scale list, but when I tried to create a search to check if that scale list already exists in the drawing, I encountered an error. Where did I go wrong?



tỉ lệ đó:100
; error: AutoCAD rejected function: invalid table function argument(s): "SCALES" "LA 1:100"


(defun c:cs (/ usercmd userosm *error* mode dist tile tile-2 dm_redef txt)

      (initget 1) 
      (setq tile
	  (getreal "\u+0074\u+1ec9 \u+006c\u+1ec7 \u+0111\u+00f3\u+003a")

	(setq tile-2 (if (< tile 1)
					 (strcat "LA 1:"(rtos (* tile 1000))"m")
					 (strcat "LA 1:" (rtos tile))))

	(setq ten-tile (strcat "1:" (rtos tile)))
	(if (tblsearch "SCALES" tile-2)
		(prompt "\ntile-2 Exsiting Scale List.")
		(command "-SCALELISTEDIT" "ADD" tile-2 ten-tile "E")



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Scales are not tables, but they are stored in a dictionary:


(defun GetScaleList (/ ScaleList ScaleListDict ScaleListEnts N MASSOC)
        (foreach X ALIST
            (if (eq KEY (car X))
                (setq NLIST (cons (cdr X) NLIST))
        (reverse NLIST)

    (setq ScaleListDict (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_SCALELIST")
          ScaleListEnts (MASSOC 350 ScaleListDict)
          ScaleList (list "")
          N 0

    (repeat (length ScaleListEnts)
        (setq ScaleList (cons (cdr (assoc 300 (entget (nth N ScaleListEnts)))) ScaleList)
        N (1+ N)
    (setq ScaleList (cdr (reverse ScaleList)))


But you don't have to check if the scale already exists. You can recreate the scale if needed.

Here is what I use:

(defun c:1:1    ()(MaakSchaal 1))
(defun c:1:2    ()(MaakSchaal 2))
(defun c:1:5    ()(MaakSchaal 5))
(defun c:1:10    ()(MaakSchaal 10))
(defun c:1:20    ()(MaakSchaal 20))
(defun c:1:50    ()(MaakSchaal 50))
(defun c:1:100    ()(MaakSchaal 100))
(defun c:1:200    ()(MaakSchaal 200))
(defun c:1:500    ()(MaakSchaal 500))
(defun c:1:1000    ()(MaakSchaal 1000))
(defun c:1:2000    ()(MaakSchaal 2000))
(defun c:1:5000    ()(MaakSchaal 5000))
(defun c:1:10000 ()(MaakSchaal 10000))

(defun MaakSchaal (waarde / e schaal)
    (command ".undo" "be")
    (setq schaal (strcat "1:" (itoa waarde)))
    (setq e (getvar "EXPERT"))(setvar "EXPERT" 5)
    (command ".-scalelistedit" "A" schaal schaal "Exit")
    (setvar "EXPERT" e)
    (if (inPspace)
        (princ (strcat "\n" schaal " is added to the scalelist."))
    ; else
        (setvar "CANNOSCALE" schaal)
    (command ".undo" "end")
(defun inPSPACE ()(and (zerop (getvar "TILEMODE"))(zerop (getvar "VPMAXIMIZEDSTATE"))(eq (getvar "CVPORT") 1)))


Edited by Crank
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