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draw a polyline based on existing vertices


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Hello everybody
I have a polyline with a lot of vertices and I want to redraw another polyline based on it. How should I do this quickly? I don't want to use offset and copy tools. i am looking for a tools that automatically moves based on vertex by vertex.

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You could post this in the the LISPs section, sounds like the kind of thing that would be easy to do. Perhaps post with a sample drawing showing a before and after, and perhaps some information on the rules you might follow to make the moves you want


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A start with this is certainly not perfect but if it can meet your need...
It uses (grread), so watch the cursor for its position.
The use consists in moving the cursor on the path of one/or existing polylines and progressively a representation of the links of vertices will appear in red on the duplicated segments. Validate by enter or right-click to finish.


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