dani Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 Hello! I hava lisp whith disolve a block, and than I can edit it. I will skale it and make it back to a block. By skaling the block lisp brake down. (defun c:eb ( / wucs) (setq wucs (getvar "WORLDUCS")) ; if it is not at WORLD UCS (if (= wucs 0) (command "_UCS" "W") ; set it to WORLD ); end if (if G_blname ; if this variable exists (redefinebl) ; redfine the previously edited block (editbl) ; otherwise edit a block ); end if (if (= wucs 0) ; if it was not at WORLD UCS (command "_UCS" "v") ; set it to the previous UCS ); end if (princ) ) ; error trapping - clears toggle variable on error or cancel ; the only trouble is that the "undo" command does not clear the toggle as well! (defun traperr (s) (if (or (/= s "Function cancelled")(= s "quit / exit abort") ) (progn (if G_blname (progn (setq G_blname nil) ); end progn ); end if (setq G_pt nil) (princ) ); end progn (princ (strcat "\nError: " s)) ) ) ;end traperr (defun editbl (/ ent entl pt pt1 b) (setq temperr *error*) (setq *error* traperr) (setq ent nil) ; initialise (while (= ent nil) ; loop till a block is chosen (while (= ent nil) ; loop to stop user clicking off the target entity and causing an error (setq ent (entsel "\nWählen Sie einen Block zum Bearbeiten")) ; Sets ent to the selected entity (if (= ent nil) (prompt "\nKein Objekt gewählt, versuchen Sie es nochmals.")) ); end while (setq entl (entget (car ent))) ; Sets entl to the selected entity's association list of the chosen entity (setq b (cdr (assoc 0 entl))) ; finds the entity type (setq pt1 (cdr (assoc 10 entl))) ; finds the insertion point (if (/= b "INSERT") (progn (setq ent nil) ; re-set if not a block to loop again (prompt "\nDas ist kein Block.") ); end progn ) ); end while (setq G_blname (cdr (assoc 2 entl))) ; finds the block name & puts it in a global variable (setq pt (GETPOINT pt1 "\nCopy des Blocks für Bearbeitung: ")) (command "_INSERT" G_blname pt 1.0 0.0 0.0) ; inserts the block again for redefining (setq ent (entlast)) ; Sets en to the name of the last entity in the drawing (setq entl (entget ent)) ; Sets ed to the entity data of entity ent (setq G_pt (cdr (assoc 10 entl))) ; finds the insertion point & puts it in a global variable (command "_EXPLODE" "_L" "") ; explodes this last entity (alert (strcat"\nDiese Copy vom \"" G_blname "\" würde Aufgelöst.\nRe-type: <EB> eingeben um den Block neu zu definieren nach Bearbeiten")) ;;(command "_scale") (setq *error* temperr) (princ) ); program ends (defun redefinebl () (setq temperr *error*) (setq *error* traperr) (command "_-Block" G_blname "_y" G_pt) ; the "Y" is because the commands asks if you want to re-define the block (setq G_blname nil) ; set to nil as this is used as a redefine/edit toggle (setq G_pt nil) ; set to nil to free up memory (setq *error* temperr) ) Can you help me? Quote
JohnM Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 i do not understand the need for a lisp here can you not just scale the block in autocad? Quote
dani Posted February 22, 2009 Author Posted February 22, 2009 i do not understand the need for a lisp herecan you not just scale the block in autocad? I will scale my blocks without changing the factor 1 when I scale the block in autocad for example I take 10 then the factor is also 10 but I want 1 (because I must change the size of 400 blocks but the factor should be 1) Quote
JohnM Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 are the 400 blocks in the same drawing? Quote
JohnM Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 I’m not sure exactly what you are looking for but this is a step in the right direction. It is as simple as it can get and can be easily modified. [font=Times New Roman][font=Times New Roman](defun c:blsc (/ ss sslnt cnt nentlst entn ent blnam inpt plst)[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq ss (ssget "_x" '((0 . "insert")(410 . "Model") )))[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq sslnt (sslength ss))[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq cnt 0)[/font] [font=Times New Roman](while (< cnt sslnt)[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq entn (ssname ss cnt));_entity name[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq ent(entget entn));_entity list[/font] [font=Times New Roman] (setq blnam (cdr(assoc 2 ent)));_block name[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq inpt (cdr (assoc 10 ent)));_insert pt[/font] [font=Times New Roman](command "scale" entn "" inpt 10);_scale block[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq plst (gtbox entn));_call to get bounging bos points[/font] [font=Times New Roman](command "explode" entn);_explode block[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq nentlst (ssget "_W" (nth 0 plst)(nth 1 plst)));_all entities in the block[/font] [font=Times New Roman](command "-block" blnam "Y" inpt nentlst "");_remake block[/font] [font=Times New Roman](command "insert" blnam inpt "" "" "")[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq cnt (1+ cnt))[/font] [font=Times New Roman]);_while[/font] [font=Times New Roman] );_defun[/font] [font=Times New Roman](defun gtbox (aug1 / rect llc urc ) [/font] [font=Times New Roman](vla-GetBoundingBox (vlax-ename->vla-object aug1) 'minpt 'maxpt);_check for heigth /width[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq[/font] [font=Times New Roman]llc (vlax-safearray->list minpt)[/font] [font=Times New Roman]urc (vlax-safearray->list maxpt)[/font] [font=Times New Roman]);_setq[/font] [font=Times New Roman](setq trlst (list urc llc));_return upper right and lower left corners[/font] [font=Times New Roman] );_defun[/font] [/font] Quote
dani Posted February 23, 2009 Author Posted February 23, 2009 Hallo John M Scale x =1 Scale y=1 1. Block Explode 2. Scale 10 3. again Block Scale x=1 Scaley=1 [/code] (defun c:blsc (/ ss sslnt cnt nentlst entn ent blnam inpt plst) (setq ss (ssget)) (setq sslnt (sslength ss)) (setq cnt 0) (while ( (setq entn (ssname ss cnt));_entity name (setq ent(entget entn));_entity list (setq blnam (cdr(assoc 2 ent)));_block name (setq inpt (cdr (assoc 10 ent)));_insert pt (command "_explode" entn);_explode block (setq nentlst (ssget "_W" (nth 0 plst)(nth 1 plst)));_all entities in the block (setq plst (gtbox entn));_call to get bounging bos points (command "_scale" entn "" inpt 10);_scale block (command "_block" blnam "Y" inpt nentlst "");_remake block (command "_insert" blnam inpt "" "" "") (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) );_while );_defun (defun gtbox (aug1 / rect llc urc ) (vla-GetBoundingBox (vlax-ename->vla-object aug1) 'minpt 'maxpt);_check for heigth /width (setq llc (vlax-safearray->list minpt) urc (vlax-safearray->list maxpt) );_setq (setq trlst (list urc llc));_return upper right and lower left corners );_defun [/code] danke Quote
JohnM Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 your call to gtbox should be above the (setq nentlst) because it returns the points used by setq nentlst Quote
dani Posted February 23, 2009 Author Posted February 23, 2009 your call to gtbox should be above the (setq nentlst) because it returns the points used by setq nentlst Hallo JohnM Will not out The following error message Befehl: ; Fehler: Fehlerhafter Argumenttyp: VLA-OBJECT nil (defun c:blsc (/ ss sslnt cnt nentlst entn ent blnam inpt plst)(vl-load-com)(setq ss (ssget))(setq sslnt (sslength ss))(setq cnt 0)(while (< cnt sslnt)(setq entn (ssname ss cnt));_entity name(setq ent(entget entn));_entity list (setq blnam (cdr(assoc 2 ent)));_block name(setq inpt (cdr (assoc 10 ent)));_insert pt(setq plst (gtbox entn));_call to get bounging bos points(command "_explode" entn);_explode block (setq nentlst (ssget "_W" (nth 0 plst)(nth 1 plst)));_all entities in the block (command "_scale" nentlst "" inpt 10);_scale block (command "_block" blnam "Y" inpt nentlst "");_remake block (command "_insert" blnam inpt "" "" "")(setq cnt (1+ cnt)));_while );_defun(defun gtbox (aug1 / rect llc urc ) (vla-GetBoundingBox (vlax-ename->vla-object aug1) 'minpt 'maxpt);_check for heigth /width(setqllc (vlax-safearray->list minpt)urc (vlax-safearray->list maxpt));_setq(setq trlst (list urc llc));_return upper right and lower left corners );_defun Thanks Thanks Quote
dani Posted February 23, 2009 Author Posted February 23, 2009 Hallo JohnM Does it (defun c:blsc (/ ss sslnt cnt nentlst entn ent blnam inpt plst) (vl-load-com) (setq ss (ssget)) (setq sslnt (sslength ss)) (setq cnt 0) (while ( (setq entn (ssname ss cnt));_entity name (setq ent(entget entn));_entity list (setq blnam (cdr(assoc 2 ent)));_block name (setq plst (gtbox entn));_call to get bounging bos points (setq inpt (cdr (assoc 10 ent)));_insert pt (command "_explode" entn);_explode block (setq nentlst (ssget "_W" (nth 0 plst)(nth 1 plst)));_all entities in the block (command "_scale" nentlst "" inpt 2);_scale block (command "_block" blnam "j" inpt nentlst "");_remake block (command "_insert" blnam inpt "" "" "") (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) );_while );_defun (defun gtbox (aug1 / rect llc urc ) (vla-GetBoundingBox (vlax-ename->vla-object aug1) 'minpt 'maxpt);_check for heigth /width (setq llc (vlax-safearray->list minpt) urc (vlax-safearray->list maxpt) );_setq (setq trlst (list urc llc));_return upper right and lower left corners );_defun 1000 x Thanks Thanks Quote
JohnM Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 THIS WORKS FINE ON MY MACHINE I FORGOT TO KILL THE VARAIBLE trlst IN THE GTBOX DEFUN THY THIS ONE ANF LET ME KNOW (defun c:blsc (/ ss sslnt cnt nentlst entn ent blnam inpt plst) (vl-load-com) (setq ss (ssget)) (setq sslnt (sslength ss)) (setq cnt 0) (while (< cnt sslnt) (setq entn (ssname ss cnt));_entity name (setq ent(entget entn));_entity list (setq blnam (cdr(assoc 2 ent)));_block name (setq inpt (cdr (assoc 10 ent)));_insert pt (setq plst (gtbox entn));_call to get bounging bos points (command "_explode" entn);_explode block (setq nentlst (ssget "_W" (nth 0 plst)(nth 1 plst)));_all entities in the block (command "_scale" nentlst "" inpt 10);_scale block (command "_block" blnam "Y" inpt nentlst "");_remake block (command "_insert" blnam inpt "" "" "") (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) );_while );_defun (defun gtbox (aug1 / rect llc urc trlst ) (vla-GetBoundingBox (vlax-ename->vla-object aug1) 'minpt 'maxpt);_check for heigth /width (setq llc (vlax-safearray->list minpt) urc (vlax-safearray->list maxpt) );_setq (setq trlst (list urc llc));_return upper right and lower left corners );_defun Quote
dani Posted February 23, 2009 Author Posted February 23, 2009 Hallo JohnM Does it (defun c:blsc (/ ss sslnt cnt nentlst entn ent blnam inpt plst) (vl-load-com) (setq ss (ssget)) (setq sslnt (sslength ss)) (setq cnt 0) (while (< cnt sslnt) (setq entn (ssname ss cnt));_entity name (setq ent(entget entn));_entity list (setq blnam (cdr(assoc 2 ent)));_block name (setq plst (gtbox entn));_call to get bounging bos points (setq inpt (cdr (assoc 10 ent)));_insert pt (command "_explode" entn);_explode block (setq nentlst (ssget "_W" (nth 0 plst)(nth 1 plst)));_all entities in the block (command "_scale" nentlst "" inpt 2);_scale block (command "_block" blnam "j" inpt nentlst "");_remake block (command "_insert" blnam inpt "" "" "") (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) );_while );_defun (defun gtbox (aug1 / rect llc urc ) (vla-GetBoundingBox (vlax-ename->vla-object aug1) 'minpt 'maxpt);_check for heigth /width (setq llc (vlax-safearray->list minpt) urc (vlax-safearray->list maxpt) );_setq (setq trlst (list urc llc));_return upper right and lower left corners );_defu 1000 x Thanks Thanks Quote
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