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Is there a method to get hidden objects?


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I was planning on writing a LISP that can unisolate objects that are currently hidden. So basically the hidden objects are temporarily shown to allow the selection of objects to unhide and then hide the objects again.


Probably have to run an ssget on all current objects and compare that to the hidden objects along with the selection to unhide in order to get this to work or is there a method to get the hidden o

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Select All with : (setq ss (ssget "_X"))

Iterate through sel.set...

- if object is hidden it has (60 . 1) in (entget) DXF code list

- if object is visible (not hidden) it don't have (assoc 60 (entget ent)), or it has (60 . 0)


Regards, M.R.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@ronjonp, I found that code 60 works with this scenario. It also seems to get the same results as yours. Code 67 didn't work with this below. Had me scratching my head a little.


;; Hides all survey stuff, except for Survey lines, polylines and circles
;; Hides contour lines regardless
;; Written 2023.07.01 by 3dwannab
(defun C:OO_TS_Lines_Circles_Only (/ ss1 laynames) 

  (setq laynames "TS*")

  (setq ss1 (ssget "_X" 
                   '((-4 . "<or")

                     (-4 . "<and")
                     (8 . "contour")
                     (60 . 0) ;; 0 Object not Hidden, 1 Object Hidden
                     (-4 . "and>")

                     (-4 . "<and")
                     (0 . "~CIRCLE")
                     (0 . "~LINE")
                     (8 . "TS_*")
                     (60 . 0) ;; 0 Object not Hidden, 1 Object Hidden
                     (-4 . "and>")

                     (-4 . "or>")

  (if ss1 
      (command "._hideobjects" ss1 "")
      (prompt (strcat "\nHidden " (itoa (sslength ss1)) " object(s). All " laynames " layers except keeping Survey lines, polylines and circles"))
    (prompt (strcat "\nNo objects found in layers " laynames " or lines and circles to keep..."))
(C:OO_TS_Lines_Circles_Only) ;; Only uncomment for testing


Edited by 3dwannab
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