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Lisp to update fields from Information in selected block


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Hi All,


I made this post in a different forum but i think a lisp routine is the best solution?


I currently have a block for manholes which can be used for obtaining the Name, Easting, Northing, Cover Level & Invert Level.

Block 1



I was wondering if a lisp routine would let me select the first block 1 then select block 2 (see below) and then it would update the fields in block 2 from the information in block 1.


Block 2



Currently i have just used the field information to read each attribute in the first block so that when it moves or i change information the table updates.

I have found that when i copy both blocks at the same time then edit the information in block 1, the new block 2 will update with that information.


But it would be useful if i could go around editing the block 1's then at the end put in block 2's then be able to select the two blocks and they are then linked.


If anyone has any suggestions on whether this is possible it would be much appreciated.


Thanks in advance!

Setting Out Table Block Working.dwg

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Split this into 2 parts, extract the attribute data from a selected block and then second is update fields - should be out there online somewhere 


For example, the link below should be enough to get a list of the attribute data from a block - I'll assume just for now that you can make up a new LISP and apply (copy, paste and small modifications) to make a list of block attributes?


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You can not get the field information from 1 block and copy it all that does is gives you the original blocks data, so if you have a lot of point blocks you have to get each attribute field individually. The ID the identifier for the attribute changes with every attribute 10 blocks 2 attributes that is 20 IDS.


But your in luck you can say select all the blocks make a table and populate with fields, so move a point the table updates. Looking for best code example I think I have something.



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