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LISP Request


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Hi Guys


I am looking for a lisp that will place a certain block on every vertices of a 3D polyline. ive found some on different forums but looking for one that works with a 3D poyline

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Should be easy to work out, this will give you the vertices of a 3d polyline (google search "3d polyline vertices"): https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/3d-polyline-vertices/td-p/1927067#:~:text=Here're two ways. Using DXF codes vertices are,(cdr (assoc 10 elst)) lst) vtx (entnext vtx)


From the list of points do a 'foreach' loop and (command "-insert"..... ) to insert a block - a search will show the syntax for theese


Put together to give something like:



(defun c:InsBlk ( / poly lst blkname)

  (defun 3d-coord->pt-lst (lst)
    (if lst
      (cons (list (car lst) (cadr lst) (caddr lst))
        (3d-coord->pt-lst (cdddr lst))
      ) ; end cons
    ) ; end if
  ) ; end defun

  (setq blkname "YourBlockName") ;; define your block name to insert. Could also 'entsel' to pick a block to insert
  (setq poly (car (entsel))) ;; Select the polyline
  (setq lst (3d-coord->pt-lst (vlax-get (vlax-ename->vla-object poly) 'Coordinates))) ;; Get the points list from subfunction, above
  (foreach pt lst ;; for each loop start
    (command "-insert" blkName pt 1 1 0) ;; insert 'blkname' block (YourBlockName block)
  ) ; end for each loop
) ; end function



You could also look at chainage LISPs some do similar things but just ignore the text creation most have to put in the distances


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