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Prevent auto-switching ribbon tabs (Model => Layout Tools)


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Hi all,


When i switch from 'Model' to 'Layout' in AutoCAD-Map-3D, the ribbon changes tot 'Layout Tools'.

I know i can change the setting 'Full Focus' to 'Full without Focus' in the CUI interface.

But is there a way i can manage this using LISP, so i push this setting to all users?

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not the answer, but I ditch the ribbon as soon as I can, gives me more drawing area rather than more ribbon area



Not sure if there is anything in this that might help?



(defun c:setupworkspace ( / MyWorkspace )
  ;;Get workspace name to edit menubars later
  (setq MyWorkspace (getvar "wscurrent") )

  ;;close ribbon
  (command "ribbonclose")

  ;;Show menubars / toolbar
  (setvar 'menubar 1)

  (command "-toolbar" "draw" "s")
  (command "-toolbar" "draw order" "s")
  (command "-toolbar" "layers" "s")
  (command "-toolbar" "modify" "s")
  (command "-toolbar" "standard" "s")
  (command "-toolbar" "styles" "s")
  (command "-toolbar" "properties" "s")
  (command "properties")

  (command "DISPLAYVIEWCUBEIN2D" "Off")
  (command "DISPLAYVIEWCUBEIN3D" "On")

  ;;modelspace paper colour, RGB "255 255 255" = white "0 0 0" = black
    (defun somefunc (x y z)
      (apply '+ (mapcar 'lsh (list x y z) '(16 8 0)))
  (setenv "Background" (itoa (somefunc 255 255 255))) ; background colour

  ;;Go to model space
  (setvar "ctab" (nth 0 (layoutlist) ))
  (setvar "ctab" "Model" )



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This is a setting that I always set up during the installation process when I set up a new machine for people.

It would be cool if we could set this programmatically, but I still do this manually. Luckily we have a small Civil firm.

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I use a lisp to set all the support paths, user toolbars and load custom menu's, so no reason not to add the set menu  as part of this code. Happy to provide a sample.

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Hi All,


Setting up a new system is not a problem.

Just changing this ribbon setting is a pain in the ass. 😂

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