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Line types not visible in layout


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Is their any lisp or routine, which will apply psltscale as 0 from 2 and then regionall(rea) in all layout at time, so linetype will be visible in every viewport 

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Where I am we have a holiday today, and so CAD is off for me, however, I do wonder what an internet search would give you?


Something like 

(setvar 'psltscale 2)


should set the psltscale to 2


Something like this:

(foreach l (layoutlist)

... Your Code ....



will scroll through the layouts


And finally a simple internet search will give this:



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2 hours ago, smitaranjan said:

Is their any lisp or routine, which will apply psltscale as 0 from 2 and then regionall(rea) in all layout at time, so linetype will be visible in every viewport 

(defun c:foo nil
  (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
  (foreach l (layoutlist) (setvar 'ctab l) (setvar 'psltscale 0) (command "_.regenall"))
  (setvar 'cmdecho 1)


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1 hour ago, ronjonp said:
(defun c:foo nil
  (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
  (foreach l (layoutlist) (setvar 'ctab l) (setvar 'psltscale 0) (command "_.regenall"))
  (setvar 'cmdecho 1)




ronjon, you have just copied from ronjon in my link!!

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12 minutes ago, Steven P said:



ronjon, you have just copied from ronjon in my link!!

HAHAHA .. I did not even go to the link. 🤣


Well .. it's a little bit different with the cmdecho and regenall.

Edited by ronjonp
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A small example on lisp how it is possible to automatically (with the help of reactors) change the values of system variables when switching the Sheet Model

taken from the website https://forum.dwg.ru/showthread.php?t=29281


;;;The IRON command turns on the reactor
;;;The LR OFF command turns off the reactor
;;;If you need to activate the reactor
;;;immediately after downloading the file
;;;Uncomment (delete ;) the last line
(defun ChangeLayout (reactor layout)
;;; In model Space LTSCALE =0.5xDIMSCALE
;;; In the model , the value LTSCALE = 0.5xDIMSCALE
;;; In layout space LTSCALE=0.5 PSLTSCALE=1
;;; In the layout LTSCALE=0.5 PSLTSCALE=1
  (if (= (nth 0 layout) "Model")
;;;ModeL Space 
    (setvar "ltscale"
            (* (if (= (getvar "dimscale") 0)
               ) ;_ end of if
               (getvar "dimscale")
            ) ;_ end of *
    ) ;_ end of setvar
;;;Layout tab 
           (setvar "ltscale" 0.5)
           (setvar "psltscale" 1)
    ) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of defun
(defun LayoutReactorOn ()
;;;Turning on the reactor
;;; Challenge - (LayoutReactorOn)
    (not *LayoutReactor*)
     (setq *LayoutReactor*
              '((:vlr-layoutswitched . ChangeLayout))
            ) ;_ end of VLR-Miscellaneous-Reactor
     ) ;_ end of setq
  ) ;_ end of if
  (if *LayoutReactor*
    (princ "\n*LayoutReactor* ON")
    (princ "\n*LayoutReactor* Exist")
  ) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun
(defun LayoutReactorOff ()
;;;Reactor shutdown call (LayoutReactorOff)
  (and *LayoutReactor*
       (vlr-added-p *LayoutReactor*)
       (vlr-remove *LayoutReactor*)
       (setq *LayoutReactor* nil)
  ) ;_ end of and
  (princ "\n*LayoutReactor* OFF")
) ;_ end of defun
(defun C:LRON () (LayoutReactorOn))
(defun C:LROFF () (LayoutReactorOff))


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for correct display of dotted and center lines on sheets and when printing
(for sheet scales other than 1)
(if (= (getvar 'PSLTSCALE) 1) (setvar 'PSLTSCALE 0) )

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