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Error in dialog file 


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(defun DCL_HH ()

  (foreach STREAM
	     "label= \"parametric fill : Email : Sachin\" ;\\n"
	     "label=\"fill style\";\\n"
	     "label= \"I-shaped paving\"; key=\"EH1\";}\\n"
	     "label= \"Herringbone paving\"; key=\"EH2\";}\\n"
	     "label= \"Chamfered rectangle\"; key=\"EH3\";}\\n"
	     "label= \"braided texture\"; key=\"EH4\";}\\n"
	     "label= \"binary rectangle\"; key=\"EH5\";}}\\n"
	     "key= \"HHIMG\"; color = -2; width = 30;  aspect_ratio = 1; allow_accrpt = true;}}\\n"
	     "label= \"Parameter A\";key= \"CSA\";}\\n"
	     "label= \"Parameter B\";key= \"CSB\";}}\\n"
	     "label=\"Select a closed polyline\" ; key=\"YYL\" ; width=10; fixed_width=true; }\\n"
	     "label=\"Pick fill interior points\" ; key=\"YYT\" ; width=10; fixed_width=true; }}\\n"
	     "label=\"Cancel\"  ;key=\"cancel\";is_cancel=true;}}\\n"
  (NEW_DIALOG "hhimg" DCL_T)


Error Above Dcl Code


Error in dialog file 




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This is what I use in line 1 of a dialog:


  "pass : dialog { key = \"DialogueKey\";  label = \"Dialogue Label\"; "


Note I don't have any \\n in mine 


Finishing I use:


  (write-line STREAM des)
) ;;end foreach

(NEW_DIALOG "hhimg" DCL_T)


Noting that I use (write-line to create the temporary file, you are using princ


Try that and see


Copy and pasted from other stuff and not checked if I have copied everything (weekend... CAD is off here....)

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@rlx made this useful lisp to convert stand alone dcl files into lisp. so things have the proper " " and slashes.



Edited by mhupp
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@mhupp : one of many routines I wrote for fun or just because I was bored (and then only used it once or twice) haha... glad it's still useful. But I wished Autodesk added a dialog editor similar to the VBA form editor. But no problem because in most cases I use last app I made , delete everything except ok-cancel and type in the rest on the fly in new routine (after I made a drawing with design) because like most processes start with a good (block) diagram : how do I want it to look and / or work and then start coding, not the other way around.


(defun TC1 ( / dcl-fn dcl-fp dcl-id s drv)
  (if (setq dcl-fp (open (setq dcl-fn (strcat (getvar "TEMPPREFIX") "TMP_H.DCL")) "w"))
    (foreach s
      '("hhimg : dialog {label=\"parametric fill : Email : Sachin\";"
	":boxed_radio_column {label=\"fill style\";"
          ":radio_button{label=\"I-shaped paving\"; key=\"EH1\";}"
          ":radio_button{label=\"Herringbone paving\"; key=\"EH2\";}"
          ":radio_button{label=\"Chamfered rectangle\"; key=\"EH3\";}"
          ":radio_button{label=\"braided texture\"; key=\"EH4\";}"
          ":radio_button{label=\"binary rectangle\"; key=\"EH5\";}"
        ":image_button {key=\"HHIMG\";color=-2;width=30;aspect_ratio=1;allow_accept=true;}"
        ":row {:edit_box {label=\"Parameter A\";key=\"CSA\";}"
              ":edit_box {label=\"Parameter B\";key=\"CSB\";}}"
        ":row {:button {label=\"Select a closed polyline\";key=\"YYL\";width=10;fixed_width=true;}"
	      ":button {label=\"Pick fill interior points\";key=\"YYT\";width=10;fixed_width=true;}}"
      (write-line s dcl-fp)
  (if dcl-fp (progn (close dcl-fp)(gc)))
  (if (and (setq dcl-id (load_dialog dcl-fn)) (new_dialog "hhimg" dcl-id))
      (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
      (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)")
      (setq drv (start_dialog))
      (if dcl-fn (vl-file-delete dcl-fn))
        ((= drv  0)(princ "\nCancelled"))
        ((= drv  1)(princ "\nok"))




Edited by rlx
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I had a look at your routine and it looks like its missing some code or hasn't been finished yet. For example when I look at the action_tile for buttons to select a poly line or pick a point they both do (done_dialog 1) which in itself doesn't have to be a bad thing but routine just stops after that. I like the effort though that has been put in vector_image to create the slides. Should be using that myself more often but I admit , I'm a lazy dragon (well I try to be)  , so bite me...

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This is a radio button dcl generator can be used in any code it needs like 3 lines of code to work, its a library routine gets loaded as required so no hard coding dcl's. Also Multi Getvals & Multi Toggles, Radio buttons 2 col and 3 col.


Look at the help in the start of the code for examples.


These two steps should be outside of dcl.You can not pick an object without closing dcl so why have them in there.


":row {:button {label=\"Select a closed polyline\";key=\"YYL\";width=10;fixed_width=true;}"
	      ":button {label=\"Pick fill interior points\";key=\"YYT\";width=10;fixed_width=true;}}"


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